




闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.1 闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.2 闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.3 闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.4 闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.5 闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.6 闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.13 闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.14 闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.15 闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.16 闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.17 闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.18 闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.19 闪点行动第五季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-16 10:16


  部队SRU的成员都不是一般的警察,他们有能力做一些普通警察所不能做的事情,包括:“拯救人质,打击黑帮,拆除炸弹,操作尖端武器,”他们将永远冒着生命危险去拯救别人的生命。他们往往会采用任何手段在非常短的时间内解决问题拯救生命。想成为一名SRU成员,你首先要有多年的在街头打击罪犯的经验,还要经受强烈的体能训练,以及射击枪法的训练。除此之外SRU成员还要有操作尖端武器的能 力,包括:“狙击枪,蛇形摄像设备,机器人,闪光弹,夜视仪和泰瑟枪”。但是最重要的武器,还是每个人的知觉和经验,能够应付各种危机所需要的技巧。


1 ) 1-5季的片尾曲清单~


来自: http://www.ctv.ca/FlashPoint/Music.aspx


Episode 507 – Below The Surface
"Too Many To Mend" by Libby Weaver

Episode 505 – Sons of The Father:
"Homage For The Suffering" by Matthew Perryman Jones

Episode 504 – Eyes In
"We've Got Something" by Adaline

Episode 503 – Run To Me
"Days To Recall" by Justin Hines

Episode 502 – No Kind of Life
"Cost Is Too High (Not To Love)" by Adaline

Episode 501 – Broken Peace
"My Heart Has Wings" by Aengus Finnan


Episode 401 – Personal Effects
"Build You Up" by Kim Taylor

Episode 402 – Good Cop
"Best Laid Plans" by We The Living

Episode 403 - Run, Jaime, Run
"Lonely" by Winston

Episode 404 – Through The Glass Darkly
"Black Winged Bird" by Emm Gryner

Episode 405 – The Better Man
N/A Library Score

Episode 406 – A Day In The Life
"A Song About Love" by Clé Bennett

Episode 407 – Shockwave
Library Score

Episode 408 – The War Within
"Emergency" by Pigeon Hole

"Stripes" by J. Banks

"Courage" by Justin Hines

Episode 409 – Cost of Doing Business
"Keep Dancin'" by Madcap

"Somewhere It's Beautiful" by Strada

Episode 410 – Wild Card
"Everyone Falls" by Beth Thornley

Episode 411 – A New Kind Of Life
"Ghosts" by Don Dilego

Episode 412 – Grounded
"Man Inside" by Shirock

Episode 413 – A Call To Arms
"You Can't Go Back" by Royal Wood

Episode 414 – Team Player
"Whose Side Are You On?" by Doubting Paris

Episode 416 – Blue on Blue
"Clearwater" by JR Richards

Episode 417 – Priority of Life
"Wait" by Broken Fences

Episode 418 – Slow Burn
"Safe Haven" by Royal Wood


'Unconditional Love' - First air date - July 16, 2010
End of episode montrage: "Sometimes" by Melanie Horsnell.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/melaniehorsnell

'Severed Ties' - First air date - August 6, 2010
End of episode montage: "Save my life" by Johnny BLK.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/twina

'Follow the Leader' - First air date - August 13, 2010
End of episode montage: "Will You Be There" by Richard Harris.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/richardharrismusic

'Whatever it Takes' - First air date - August 20, 2010
End of episode montage: "Catch Me When I Fall" by Daniel Cage.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/danielcage

'The Other Lane' - First air date - September 3, 2010
End of episode montage: "Gravity" by Golden State.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/goldenstatetheband

'Jumping at Shadows' - First air date - September 10, 2010
End of episode montage: "Lost and Found" by Kim Taylor.
Website: http://kim-taylor.net/

'Acceptable Risk' - First air date - September 17, 2010
End of episode montage: "Claire De Leah" by Amin Bhatia, Ari Posner, Leah Salomaa

'Collateral Damage' - First air date - January 4, 2011
End of episode montage: "Weightless" by Courtney Jones.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/courtneyjonesmusic

'Thicker than Blood' - First air date - January 11, 2011
End of episode montage: "Faded Lights" by Jordan Critz.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/jordancritz

'Terror' - First air date - January 18, 2011
End of episode montage: "Goodbye" by Amy Jo Johnson.
Website: http://www.amyjojohnson.com/home.html

'No Promises' - First air date - January 25, 2011
End of episode montage: "Revolution of the Sun" by Matthew Barber.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/mbarber

'I'd Do Anything' - First air date - Feb. 1, 2011
End of episode montage: "Wave Goodbye" by Mike Schmid.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/mikeschmid

'Fault Lines' - First air date - Feb. 6, 2011
Opening montage: "My Mistakes" by Hugh Dillon.
Website: http://www.hughdillon.com/

End of episode montage: "Bluff" by Pilot Speed.
Website: http://www.pilotspeed.net/


'Eagle Two' - First air date - January 9, 2009
End of episode montage: "I Am You," Performed by Kim Taylor, written by Kim Taylor, Mike Denneen and AJ Gundell.
Band Website: http://www.kim-taylor.net

'Backwards Day' - First air date - January 16, 2009
End of episode montage: "The World Won't Wait," Performed by The Dunes, written by Kevin Pullen and Paul Barry. Band
Website: http://www.theduneslive.com http://www.myspace.com/thedunesrock

'Haunting the Barn' - First air date - January 23, 2009
End of episode montage: "Make It Home Tonight," Performed by Jenn Grant, written by Jenn Grant.
Band website: http://www.jenngrant.com/

'Between Heartbeats' - First air date - Febuary 13, 2009
End of episode montage: "Weapon," Performed by Matthew Good.

'Business As Usual' - First air date - February 27, 2009
End of episode montage: "Search Party," Performed by Wintersleep, written by Paul Murphy, Tim D'eon, Loel Campbell and Jud Haynes.
Band website: http://www.wintersleep.com/

'Fortress' - First air date - March 6, 2009
End of episode montage: "Weightless," as performed by Black Lab, written by Paul Durham and Andy Ellis. Band website: http://blacklabworld.com/

'Clean Hands' - First air date - March 13, 2009
End of episode montage: "Days Like This," Performed and written by Kim Taylor.
Band website: http://www.kim-taylor.net/

'Aisle 13' - First air date - April 3, 2009
End of episode montage: "Help Me," performed and written by Daniel Cage.
Band website: http://www.myspace.com/danielcage

'The Perfect Family' - First air date - April 10, 2009
End of episode montage: "Rain," Performed and written by Jon Heintz.
Band website: http://www.jonheintz.com/

'Remote Control' - First air date - April 24, 2009
End of episode montage: "Shine," written by Brandon Chandler, Josh Schroeder, Hannah Georgas. Performed by Hannah Georgas.
Band website: http://www.myspace.com/bandhannah

'Perfect Storm' - First air date - May 1, 2009
End of episode montage: "All Roads Lead Home," Written by James Grundler, Performed by Golden State. Band website: http://www.goldenstatetheband.com/

Song plays while Billy gets beaten up at school: "Open Up Your Eyes," Written by Adrian Craig Blaney, Peter Boshart, Dennis Andrew Napper, Matthew Louis Rahn, Robert William Weir. Performed by TraceNine. Band website: http://www.tracenine.com/

'Last Dance' - First air date - May 8, 2009
End of episode montage: "Chopin Ballade, " Performed and written by Melanie Doane. Band website: http://www.melaniedoane.com/

Song plays in a restaurant: "Rialto," Performed and written by Kathleen Gorman. Band website: http://www.myspace.com/kathleengorman

'Exit Wounds' - First air date - May 15, 2009
End of episode montage: "Sun Is Shining Down," written by John Grey Higginbotham. Performed by JJ Grey & Mofro.
Band website: http://www.mofro.net/
Record label: http://www.alligatorrecords.com/

'Never Let You Down' - First air date - October 2, 2009
Episode closing montage: "Now The Struggle Has a Name," Performed by: The Tragically Hip. Written by: J. Fay, G. Downie, R. Baker, G. Sinclair and P. Langlois.
Website: http://www.thehip.com/
'Just a Man' - First air date - October 9, 2009
Episode closing montage: "Don't Be Fooled," Performed by: Hugh Dillon. Written by: Hugh Dillon and Chris Osti.
Website: http://www.hughdillon.com/

'Custody' - First air date - October 16, 2009
Episode closing montage: "Start Again," Performed by: Illyun. Written by: Samantha Powell.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/illiyun

'Coming to You Live' - First air date - October 23, 2009
Episode closing montage: "Sound of My Voice," Performed by: Jon Heintz.
Written by: Jon Heintz.
Website: http://www.jonheintz.com/
'The Farm' - First air date - Oct. 30, 2009
Episode closing montage: "Don't Fall Apart," Performed by: Royal Wood.
Written by: Royal Wood. Website: http://www.royalwood.com
'You Think You Know Someone' - Nov. 6, 2009
Episode closing montage: "Gonna Hurt," Performed by: Lee Hester. Written by: Robert Lee Hester.
Website: http://www.leehester.com
'The Good Citizen' - Nov. 13, 2009
Source music from Drug Dealer's van: "Hands in the air," Performed by: Matter. Written by: Richard Markmann, Christopher Wagner and Daniel Pinnella.
Website: http://www.fervor‐records.com/

Episode closing montage: "Defending our lives," Performed by: Jon Heintz. Written by: Jon Heintz.
Website: http://www.jonheintz.com/
'Behind the Blue Line' - Nov. 20, 2009
Episode closing montage: "Let it go," Performed by: Daniel Cage. Written by: Daniel Cage.
Website: http://www.myspace.com/danielcage


'Scorpio' - First air date - July 11, 2008
End of episode montage: "Fortress," Performed by Dala, written by Sheila Carabine.
Band website: dalagirls.com
Label website: bigboldsunmusic.com

Bar source music: "Alexandra's Home," performed by Major Grange, written by David Dalrymple and Taylor Knox.
Band website: myspace.com/majorgrange

'First In Line' - First air date - July 18, 2008
End of episode montage: "Precious Things," performed by Jonathan Seet, written by Jonathan Seet.
Band website: seet.ca

'Element of Surprise' - First air date - July 24, 2008
End of episode montage: "Psalm," performed by Hey Rosetta!, written by Tim Baker.
Band website: heyrosetta.com
Label website: sonicentertainmentgroup.com

'Asking For Flowers' - First air date - July 31, 2008
End of episode montage: "You Can Rely On Me," Performed by Kim Taylor, written by Kim Taylor.
Band website: http://www.kim-taylor.net

'Attention Shoppers' - First air date - August 14, 2008
End of episode montage: "Dancing In-Between" - Listen now! Performed by Amy Jo Johnson, written by Amy Jo Johnson.
Band website: http://www.amyjojohnson.com/

'He Knows His Brother' - First air date - August 21, 2008
End of episode montage: "We Made A Pact," Performed by Hey Rosetta!, written by Tim Baker and Josh Ward.
Band website: http://www.heyrosetta.com
Label website: http://www.sonicentertainmentgroup.com

'Never Kissed A Girl' - First air date - September 11, 2008
End of episode montage: "Lost At Sea," Performed by Hugh Dillon, written by Hugh Dillon and Chris Osti. Band website: www.hughdillon.com



  • 打盹的拉布拉多
  • 力荐

拖了很久才来看最后三集,但还是在全剧终的时候控制不住眼泪……再见了,永远的Team one。

  • 栗一
  • 力荐

team one其实没有了,居然连Greg都要走。。。。话说外国人是强劲,Jules怀孕前三月不稳定期居然还这样集训跟出警,身体素质是好呀

  • A-ya
  • 推荐

you are the best,team one

  • bear.07
  • 力荐


  • 豆友1484677
  • 还行


  • 灰橙
  • 力荐

Team One.

  • 疏芸汐落
  • 力荐


  • 阿邬
  • 力荐


  • 暖暖旋风
  • 力荐

追了四年,第一眼就爱上的剧!To: Team One!

  • 美貌大王
  • 力荐

好棒的故事 好温情的加拿大

  • 坐等1900
  • 力荐


  • S
  • 力荐

一口气看完。满分的最终季。To Team One.

  • 海獭星人
  • 力荐


  • 打铁·韦斯特
  • 力荐


  • 梦行30
  • 推荐


  • 赫克托尔
  • 力荐

剧终了 舍不得啊舍不得 最后两集很精彩 舍不得啊舍不得!

  • tuirt
  • 力荐

嘤嘤嘤完结了TT TT Team One.

  • 琬雯
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  • sixxis
  • 力荐


  • 程小咪
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