




新世界2020 剧照 NO.1 新世界2020 剧照 NO.2 新世界2020 剧照 NO.3 新世界2020 剧照 NO.4 新世界2020 剧照 NO.5 新世界2020 剧照 NO.6 新世界2020 剧照 NO.13 新世界2020 剧照 NO.14 新世界2020 剧照 NO.15 新世界2020 剧照 NO.16 新世界2020 剧照 NO.17 新世界2020 剧照 NO.18 新世界2020 剧照 NO.19 新世界2020 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-06-22 12:38




1 ) The New World Is Yet To Come新世界未来到

“The New World Is Yet To Come ” 这大概是最能表达我对本片感受的一句话吧。 《打开心世界》看完了, 思绪万千五味陈杂。 影片以盖布瑞拉第一视角和大量旁白, 讲述一位19世纪初美国偏远地区穷苦农妇的生活,和内心渴望被爱、被改变的期待。 盖布瑞拉善于文字表达,早早嫁作人妻,每天按部就班做着“妻子应该做的事情”。 塔莉和丈夫搬到盖布瑞拉附近,是位不愿承担丈夫所说“妻子应做之事”的美丽农妇。 塔莉问她为什么嫁给丈夫的时候,盖布瑞拉回答:他人虽不长情,但人很深情。 这就埋下了她丈夫可以陪着妻子坐3天3夜马车去见她妻子担心的女人之伏笔。 虽然夫妻两人每天没什么话可讲,可她丈夫还是不会离开盖布瑞拉。 塔莉的丈夫则是一位小肚鸡肠疑心重的男人, 这也预示着这是一出悲剧。 塔莉丈夫用日记无比详尽地记录自己妻子出去时长和谁见面,还会告诉塔莉“隔壁村庄有人用毒药毒死妻子”的信息我就猜到塔莉估计会BE。 当看到塔莉和丈夫不辞而别搬走, 盖布瑞拉给塔莉写信最终被塔莉小心眼丈夫发现还大声朗读那份爱的倾诉信后, 我气得骂了句脏话! 塔莉和盖布瑞拉的感情被塔莉丈夫发现, 塔莉被丈夫毒死.... 盖布瑞拉找上门发现塔莉死的哭泣, 还有最后盖布瑞拉像失了魂的每日流泪都让我难过不已。 我也在这些台词中得到了之前不理解盖布瑞拉和塔莉彼此产生爱意的原因。 塔莉的旁白解答了一切: 和一个在一起可以让自己快乐、舒服、产生共鸣的人在一起才是爱。 我太喜欢她们对于羞涩内敛喜爱的用词描述。 虽然没有《烧女图》和《菊石》的爱那么热烈,但都非常真实把“本过着平凡普通生活,突然有个人闯入自己世界”的惊喜、爱恋、仰慕、共情描写出来。 其实,有些对话太过于晦涩难懂, 当时男权主义背景下农妇们的爱只能躲躲藏藏。 不过,我挺喜欢塔莉低沉声音和橘色金发的。 可惜,塔莉已死,盖布瑞拉会永远活在悲伤之中。 The New World Is Yet To Come.

2 ) 放荡又纯情,女神这部禁忌新片太惊艳了!
















一部《王冠 第二季》,曾帮她拿下艾美奖提名。



























































































“深情即是一桩悲剧, 必得以死来句读。”



3 ) 除了散文诗,贫瘠的土地上再无他物

作者: pASslosS




故事发生在1856年的纽约上州,这里在影片中被描绘成一片与世隔绝的幽闭之地。 一间被冰雪封藏的小木屋在屏幕上停留数秒,阿比盖尔无法入睡。





「我最好的朋友搬走了,我想我再也见不到她了。」 这张纸条成了故事的缘起,同时决定了这会是一个以人物自述为轴心的故事












Astonishment and joy. Astonishment and joy. Astonishment and joy.





















不过很神奇的是,在很多时刻里,画外音不仅没有成为困扰,反倒创造了新的和谐。 散文诗般的语言成了「氛围发动机」,导演围绕文本创造出新的视听结构,剪辑、摄影、声音和时代元素……它们转换着搭配方案向前均衡流动。



令人印象深刻的视觉场景同样存在,正如摄影师André Chemetoff拍下的这一场令人头晕目眩的暴风雪。

片中很多室内镜头受到19世纪绘画的启发,其中就包括丹麦画家Vilhelm Hammershoi的作品。而影片外景的氛围则让人想起画家约翰·辛格·萨金特

Vilhelm Hammershoi的作品

当然,片中最难以被忽视的元素是音乐,它是影片真正不可或缺的那一部分。 担任配乐的丹尼尔·布拉姆博格在开机前就已经开始作曲了。他参与了影片的拍摄过程,从自然环境中汲取灵感,并有意识地围绕画外音来构建场景。
















生活的痛苦不断翻新,新的土壤在等待干涸,并催促情感里的执着和顽强更夯实一些。 总的来说,《打开心世界》是一部没有让人失望的影片,无论是氛围、视听语言还是情感张力都有很大的优势。当你看过之后,会像是经历了一场虚无缥缈的倾盆大雨。

4 ) 【剧情赏析】You are my city of joy(多图,剧透)




且从两人第一次相见说起。Tallie 在马车上,Abigail 在远处的栏杆俯瞰时,Tallie 看着 Abigail 的眼神里闪着微光,马车前去,她还扭过头来一直看着远处的 Abigail。这时,似乎一见倾心的戏码已经上演,可偏偏两人离得这么远,并不敢妄下定论。(欢迎讨论)

Tallie 第一次来找 Abigail 时便疯狂试探,眼神充满挑逗意味,从吐槽丈夫到说出无子之痛,她一步步深入了解 Abigail 的婚姻状况。

此时的 Abigail 在日记中含蓄地表达着被 Tallie 头发和皮肤吸引,她无法对这份情感下定论,最后用“与人交心亲近我总会感到无所适从”来对这份不知所措找到合理化的归因。

然而事实却是 Abigail 被 Tallie 深深吸引而不自知,短短半天她对 Tallie 说了三次很高兴你能来,难掩心中的欢愉和狂喜。

两人在临别时都说着稍有意味的情话(如果这都不算爱,是我腐眼看人姬吗?很想知道这时在旁边的 Dyer 到底是什么心情~)


Abigail 就连照顾发烧病了三天的丈夫时都在想着跟 Tallie 的相处和对话,虽然旁白从容地流淌着,但也难以掩盖 Abigail 对 Tallie 深深的思念,此时的她也许还未弄明白这种感情究竟是什么。

对比之下,她与丈夫的对话则显得格外冷漠,丝毫没有对丈夫的怜爱,仅留作为妻子的责任。若对比后面 Abigail 为 Tallie 冻僵的脚主动取暖按摩的情景,对丈夫的此时此景显得极为讽刺,但也印证了接下来关于“是否迷恋”的对话。

第二次到家中做客,Tallie 步步为营,一步一步撬开 Abigail 的心门,窥探Abigail 与丈夫的感情生活。

Tallie 用“Dyer是否迷恋着你?迷恋你的什么?”等问题试探 Abigail 与丈夫的感情虚实,其中还不忘借机赞赏了一番 Abigail 的文笔好,在此不得不感叹 Tallie 真的撩得一手好姬。

尽管 Abigail 以适合过日子、自己做事效率高,做事能力强的优点为 Dyer 选她做妻子找理由,但对于 Dyer 是否把心交给你的质疑,Abigail 选择直接把球踢给 Dyer,她没有去思考过这个问题,也许她压根就不在乎。

然而 Tallie 却一再逼问,不得到自己满意的答案她并不打算停下,她希望 Abigail 正视与丈夫的关系和情感。Abigail 估计没有想到 Tallie 会继续追问,她愕然地看着 Tallie,继而平淡无奇地道出 —— 我不确定他合不合适,但家人觉得他挺好的结论。

此刻的 Tallie 心领神会,因为她也是过来人。此时此刻的她们都懂,她们都不是因为“迷恋”上一个人而结婚的,没有那种心驰神往的悸动,也没有小鹿乱撞的冲动,她们的婚姻实则只是名存实亡的关系,是父权社会下一份不可推卸的责任。


再次在 Tallie 家相见,二人难掩喜悦和兴奋之情,几秒沉默的对视,含情脉脉,嘴边的笑容更是弯出了前所未有的弧度。(感觉下一秒就要亲上去了,忍住!Tallie 掩嘴克制,但笑容甜出屏幕了!)

两人短暂的私会后,走出大厅前,明显可以看到 Abigail 用力克制脸上的笑容,像极了偷吃心爱的糖果后不敢让大人知道的小孩。

饭桌上 Abigail 甚至无视 Finney 的说话直接扭头去称赞 Tallie 做的水果馅饼很好吃,这时候如果细心留意会发现两个丈夫的脸色并不好看。

从 Tallie 家回来后,Abigail 开始对 Tallie 跟她丈夫的感情产生疑问,同时开始对她们两人之间似是而非的感情也感到迷茫。

生日当天,Tallie 送上 Abigail 期待已久的地图册,丈夫给不到你的东西,我给你,再次感叹 Tallie 真的太会撩妹了,定情信物实锤。

看到Tallie 脚冻僵了,Abigail 二话不说主动地提出给她取暖。这时Abigail 第一次主动试探 Tallie 跟丈夫的关系,一开始却得到无棱两可的回答。

Tallie 看着 Abigail,Abigail 不经意把紧张的心思用到了 Tallie 的脚丫上,Tallie 会意一笑,说出不想忍受 Finney 的刻薄,也说出因为自己生不出孩子所以丈夫跟她在一起时并不快乐,就孩子展开哭诉,后来又借机试探得知 Abigail 跟丈夫的性生活并不和谐,因为 Abigail 还没出失去孩子的悲伤中走出来,而Abigail也清楚 Tallie 跟丈夫相处并不愉快。

遭遇大风雪后的日子,两人多天没见,就连 Abigail 的丈夫都看出了她的失落与担心,并吐槽她。

但纵使多日来思念再深,Abigail 还是静静等待 Tallie 的到来,并没有想过主动去找她。当见到 Tallie 出现,Abigail 一扫多天的沉闷,随之笑逐颜开起来,这是终于等到爱人到来的窃喜。再次见面两人明显在肢体上的接触增多了,且自然大方。


Tallie 总是不忘赞美 Abigail,可能看到喜欢的人被撩到露出羞涩的笑,便可以高兴一整天吧~

(这个场景中 Tallie 一直处于阳光下,而 Abigail 则一直背对阳光,在拍摄手法上,导演是否也想借此表达她们的性格对比呢?)

不难发现,每一次都是 Tallie 主动去找 Abigail,跟她一起做家务,两人的性格表现截然不同。(攻受分明?)从台词中也可以看出, Tallie 有着追求自由的向往之心,而 Abigail 却甘于现状,这个在后面两人野餐时的“笼中鸟”对话更是可以明确看出对比。

另外,片中出现两人沉默不语的场景,我在想导演也许就是想表达 —— 和喜欢的人在一起,就算不说话,默默在一旁陪伴也觉得很开心吧!当然,此时的两人处于暧昧微妙的关系中,都不敢戳破那层说不清道不明的薄纱。

然而,还是 Tallie作出主动出击,多天不见后,Tallie 再次来到 Abigail 家,坐在椅子上的她心潮起伏,紧张却又假装镇定的说出告白。

突如其来的告白让 Abigail 羞涩的扭过头,Tallie 窃喜,继而投其所好再抛出一句诗,真的浪漫透顶了。

此场景的性吸引力在 Tallie 起伏的胸脯中已经缓缓铺开,张力在她靠近 Abigail 的那刻释放。她不再畏缩,而是一再逼Abigail 直面她们之间的感情。


"You smell like a biscuit." 估计是全片中最可爱的情话了,而且在我看来性意味十足(香香的饼干,想必该有多好吃呀~)。

在 Tallie 踉跄离开后,Abigail 流下了激动的泪水,相信此时的她内心必定惊喜若狂,悸动不已才有了全片中经典的三连叹!

在等待 Tallie 到来的时间里,Abigail 满心期待打开门,丈夫早已意识到妻子的笑容不属于他。每次看到 Dyer 吐槽,都觉得又可悲又可笑,但不得不说他真是个头放绿光的绝世好丈夫。


两人一起后,Tallie 还是觉得 Abigail 对自己若即若离,在追求自由的价值观上,她们并没有达成一致。

Abigail 愿为囚中鸟,她甚至认为在笼中也能积极享受快乐,Tallie 则表示从来都不喜欢被囚禁。没有什么是一个吻解决不了的,一个不行就两个,Tallie 始终是较为勇敢的那个,她的吻强烈地索求着,她希望得到同样的回应。两人以吻结束这一价值观的碰撞。

然而,Abigail 真的是太慢热了,与其说慢热,倒不如说是迟钝。这时候两人的爱在我看来并没有同步。

在此插入关于两人的造型含义讨论。在我看来,从两人的造型上也有对人物性格刻画的体现,Abigail 一直都是绑着头发,即使半散着头发,刘海还是会鬓起小辫子,似乎暗喻她一直处于传统束缚中生活,而 Tallie 则几乎一直以散发形象出现,面对 Abigail 时整个人轻松自在。另外一点,Tallie总是穿颜色明亮的衣服,Abigail 则以暗色居多,就仅在跟 Tallie 独自外出时才穿得比较亮,性格上的对比不言而喻。


从Abigail 的控诉中我们可以看出女子在当时的地位有多低,仅能作为父权社会的附属品而存在,在传统家教中成长的Abigail 学会了循规蹈矩,听话似乎是她活着的出路,但这时候的她对桎梏发出质疑,心境有所转变,试图挣脱牢笼。

另一方面,Tallie 的偏执控制狂丈夫对她经常长时间外出感到怀疑,他暗暗怀疑妻子出轨(只是万万没想到是出柜),说她是自私的妓女,用《旧约》规范妻子的言行,对 Tallie 进行禁足,从中也可以看出 Finney 有暴力倾向,试图家暴Tallie 。

Abigail 随后因为Tallie 多日没有造访而心生担忧,她没有勇气踏进她家,但已经鼓足勇气踏出家门,在远处用望远镜眺望屋中的 Tallie ,这是第一次她为了 Tallie 变得勇敢,然而怯懦再一次让 Abigail 后退。


Abigail 终于有所意识到 Tallie 处于非常紧张的家庭关系中,甚至被家暴(掐脖子),她勇敢提出质疑,但 Tallie 却没有透露更多(轻轻唱一句:多得是你不知道的事~)。


此处对 Tallie 的心理猜测提出疑问 —— 为什么她不愿意告诉 Abigail 真相?是因为她不想她们俩的关系被发现?还是她足够了解 Abigail,认为她没有勇气去改变这一切,甚至带着她离开?(欢迎讨论)

Tallie 久无音讯之后,Abigail 第一次,主动去找她,却发现人去房空,留下一片布满血迹的手帕,她非常担心 Tallie 的安危,她用鸦片酊麻醉自己,终日惶恐难以入睡。

几个月过去,好不容易等来了爱人的信,初吻后 Abigail 的三连叹有多惊魂未定,Tallie 喊的这三声 Abigail 就有多无能为力,当中夹杂着多少心酸、思念和无奈啊。


搬到不毛之地后的 Tallie 在信中说道:这段日子我过的日子比任何其他的女人都不如,呼应丈夫脱裤子这个场景,我们不难得知,Tallie 在这段时间里无疑成了丈夫泄愤的工具。他带着她搬到荒无人烟的地方,拒绝她与外界接触,依然对她进行无情的控制,就连她的信件都毫不留情的读出来,此时的 Tallie 已经失去了在这个家庭中的尊严和地位,她无法反抗。

她在信中说到她并不会因为威胁而选择到这个不毛之地,而是为保留所爱之人的幸福和声誉才做出这样的选择,她所爱之人,应该就是 Abigail 吧,那是不是就可以解开我前面的疑惑,她正是因为不想破坏 Abigail 现有的一切而选择不反抗跟随丈夫离开?

Tallie 的心声看得我揪心……

Tallie 是被丈夫毒死的,丈夫抱着她跳舞,她的手逐步无力垂下。

You are my city of joy.

You are my city of joy.

You are my city of joy.(相信是有第三句的,但她已经说不出来了……)

原本紧绷的琴弦随着 Abigail 的一声 “NO!” 一触即断,留下痛切心扉而绝望的悲鸣在耳边回响,还有那颗摇摇欲坠、千疮百孔的破碎心灵。此刻我的心也跟着 Abigail 悬浮在空荡荡的空间里,随之碎落一地。这种失去,难以言表,我甚至连哭都哭不出来。











Tuesday, January 1st, 1856.

Fair and very cold.

This morning,

ice in our bedroom for the first time all winter.

The water froze on the potatoes

as soon as they were washed.

With little pride, and less hope,

we begin the new year.

On the porch after sunup,

I could hear the low chirping of sparrows

in the hedgerows that are now buried in the snow.

Dyer has maintained that with good health,

and a level head,

there is always an excellent chance

for a farmer willing to work.

He feels he can never fully rid himself of his burdens.

And I'm certain that because his mind is in such a bad state,

it affects his whole system.

He told me this morning

that contentment was like a friend he never gets to see.

You're late with the milking.

She wasn't suffering.

And you?

Since our acquisition of this farm,

my husband had kept a ledger to help him see the year whole.

This way he knows what each crop

and field pays from year to year.

And Dyer has asked me to keep a diary of matters

that might otherwise go overlooked...

From tools lent out to bills outstanding.

That I have done.

But there would be no record in these dull and simple pages

of the most passionate circumstances

of our seasons past.

No record of our emotions or fears.

Our greatest joys.

Our most piercing sorrows.

With our child,

it was as if I'd found my bearings.

But I too rarely told her that she was our treasure.

Would you like to try?

Like this, papa?

That's it.

She often seemed separate from us,

as if she was working at just fitting in where she could.

They saw his brothers and sisters

and they were the mouse's family...

There is something so affecting

about mute and motionless grief and illness

in a child so young.

She put her arms around me and said nothing else.

But it felt like we were speaking.

I have become my grief.

I have become my grief.

"Welcome sweet day of rest",

says the hymn.

And Sunday is most welcome for its few hours of quiet ease.

As for me.

I no longer attend.

After the calamity of Nellie's loss,

what calm I enjoy

does not derive from the notion of a better world to come.

I want to purchase an atlas.

- It could be a bother. - No, no. No bother.

Who is that?

His name is Finney.

- His wife Tallie. - Hyah!

I met them at the feed store.

They seem to keep to themselves.

They're renting the Zebrun farm.

Monday, February 4th.

Why is ink like fire?

Because it is a good servant,

and a hard master.

Did you say something?

I want to purchase an atlas.

I suppose there are more frivolous purchases

one could make.

I've saved 90 cents of my own.

I can't imagine a better way to spend it.

Could buy your husband a gift.

What better gift could I give him

than a wife who is no longer a dullard?

My self-education

seems the only way to keep my unhappiness

from overwhelming me.

Good afternoon.

I've been using a broom on my porch.

The snow is so dry.

I'm Tallie.


I hope I'm not intruding.


I just, I needed to get away for the day.

The farm is a slaughterhouse right now.

My husband is killing his hogs.

Would you like to come in?

Yes, I'd love that.

Or we could just stay out on the porch, shivering.

I know it's the dullest of all things

to have an ignorant neighbor come by

and spoil a Sunday afternoon.

Oh, no, you're the most welcome here.

But I know the feeling.

Sometimes, I imagine during the Widow Weldon's visits

that I've been plunged up to my eyes in a vat of the prosaic.

Oh, Widow Weldon!

She got going on the county levy once...

She saw I had noticed her hair,

and admitted she had been vain about it as a girl.

She said that back then, she'd worn it longer

and plaited in a bun at the back of her head.

In the winter sun through the window,

her skin had an underflush of rose and violet

which so disconcerted me that I had to look away.

As always,

when it came to speaking

and attempting to engage another's affections,

circumstances doomed me to striving and anxiety.

From my earliest youth, I was like a pot-bound root,

all curled in upon itself.

I hope I'm not keeping you from something.


I'm glad you've come.

Finney saw your husband at the cooperage.

He mentioned his new method for farrowing his piglets.

With some asperity?

My husband mentions everything with some asperity.

I told him that once,


he observed in response that it seemed to be quite a favor

to get a kind word from me.

And I told him that if he was married to himself,

he'd soon find out what a favor it was.

My mother always said that having children

would resolve that dilemma.

My mother made the same claim.

And yet...

Here we are...

Both childless.

My daughter, Nellie, would have been five today.


How did she pass?


Last September.

I'm so sorry.

- Hello. - Oh.

Good afternoon.

I'm Dyer.


Oh, it's late, isn't it? I should be getting on.

Don't go on my account.

Oh, no.

That's a nice wrap you have.

Thank you.

I never receive compliments for my clothes.

I'm so glad you've come.

Meeting you has made my day.

It has?


How pleasant and uncommon it is to make someone's day.

Thursday, February 14th.

Dyer's third night with the fever.

Drink this.

I plan on getting sick more often.

My wife smiles at me.

Promise me you're not gonna die.

That would be the opposite of my intention.

I've restored him somewhat

with an enema of molasses,

warm water and lard.

Also a drop of turpentine next to his nose.

I spent the day reconsidering my conversation with Tallie.

We compared childhood beds...

Mine in which the straw

was always breaking up and thinning out.

And hers, which was as hard, she claimed,

as the Pharaoh's heart.

I should be taking care of you.

I agree.

Her manner is sweet and calm and gracious.

And yet her spirits seem to quicken

at the prospect of further conversation with me.

I find that everything I wish to tell her

loses its eloquence in her presence.

So how did you come to meet Dyer?

He was the oldest son of a neighbor.

He helped out on my father's farm.

And was he instantly smitten by you?

He was, wasn't he?

He was instantly smitten by you.

He admired what he viewed as my practical good sense.

You don't countenance words like "smitten", do you?

I suspect I use all the same words you do.

I suspect you don't.

In speech, yes, because you're shy.

But I bet you're more accomplished in your writing.

Thank you.

Your good sense, that's all your husband was smitten with?

And my efficient habits.

That's all?

My handy ways.

Dyer likes mechanical things.

I have no doubt he would've been happier

had he been allowed to pursue

the natural scientific bent of his mind.

Circumstances forced him into farming.

And despite all of that, his heart compelled him to you?


You would have to ask him about that.

And what would you say if I asked you?

I suppose that as a suitor, he was...

not generous, but he was just.

And that he was affectionate, if not constant.

I wasn't sure of his suitability.

But my family felt that more improving

might be in the offing.

After all, it is a long lane that has no turning.

You both have much to be thankful for.

We do.

It's still too soon.


Tuesday, February 19th.

My reluctance seems to have become his shame.

His nighttime pleasures, which were never numerous,

have curtailed even more.

And I have so far refused to engage his persistence

on the subject of another child.


This is my husband Finney.

And you already know Dyer.

Our paths have crossed.

And this is the Abigail that I've been mentioning.

My wife talks about you as if you're all about the house,

and everything reminds her of you.

Oh, well, it's all I can do but sit cross-legged and morose

whenever she's away.

- Come in. - Thank you.

The rain so heavy that it broke down our mill.

Did you miss me?


You look different.


Finney seems agreeable.

Yes, he is, when he chooses to be.

I guess I'm supposed to offer a toast.

But when it comes to the social graces,

I'm about as smooth as coming down a rocky hill in the dark.

What my husband means is he's so happy

to finally get together,

and to see Dyer again.


Part of what I value about my wife

is how she taught me to associate with my fellow beings.

Finney, that's a handsome neck tie you've chosen.

Thank you.

But with my neck,

my head sticks out like a chicken in a poultry wagon.

Your tart was wonderfully savory.

Oh, did you like it? I'm so glad.

I was worried I wouldn't have enough eggs

- because we had an accident. - Oh.

My hired hand pulled down a box of eggs and broke two dozen.

I announced that he was unlucky to eggs

and no longer allowed to approach them.

"Unlucky to eggs." I like that.

I told him that his shirt had so many holes,

he can make a necklace of it.

Well, we often wish we could afford a hired hand.

We've suffered a great deal from the carelessness of hired hands.

Mr. Holt's hired hand is said to have swum his horse

over the canal despite the cold.



Winter's been so hard,

sometimes Mrs. Weldon's son

has had to deliver the mail on skis.

Now our letters can get lost at breakneck speed.

Did you write letters to Tallie when you were courting?

I did.

And did Tallie keep them?

Only Tallie knows for sure.

Monday, February 25th.

Finney and Tallie's bond confounds me.

At times, when their eyes meet,

they seem yoked in opposition to one another,

while at other times, there seems a shared regard.

There is something going on between us

that I cannot unravel.

Hold this here.


Thank you.

Hello, Dyer.

Well, hello.

You're off?

Yes, to town.

Have a good day.

She'll be pleased to see you.

Happy birthday!

Brought you some things.


I hoped you'd like them.

I do.

An Atlas!

The United States of America.

Oh and a little pot of apple sauce with an egg on top.

My feet are freezing.

Oh, let me warm them.

How's Finney?

He's Finney.

Ah, it tickles.

My husband records trespassers in his journals.

And this morning, when I asked him

what he intends to do about them,

his response was so unpleasant that I...

resolved to visit you...

so that there would be something in my day

other than his meanness.

Dyer thinks he has many estimable qualities.

He does.

And he also uses a ledger to keep accounting of whom I visit

and how long I stay.


I have no idea.

As he's gotten more like this,

I've given up trying to figure out

all the peculiarities of his...

odd little world.

I suppose he's especially unhappy with me since...

I'm yet to give him a child.

What does it feel like?

Like nothing at first.

But then when she began to stir...

it's like butterflies flapping their wings.

Later, like a rabbit...

when she kicked her legs at night.

It frightens me.

The thought of having none of that.

And of giving birth.

Most of us feel that way.


when the time comes, I will be there...

to guide you through it.

Dyer must want another child.

I understand.

Birthday gifts.

A box of raisins.

That needle case you've been needing.

And a tin of sardines.

You spoil me.

Oh, you got gifts from your new friend.

She left hours ago.

I just saw her leave.

The great storm began

with a faint groaning in the northeast.

It was like a noise of a locomotive.


Come closer, girl.

It's warmer over here.

I'm sorry, I'll be going.

You should wait it out.

Come on, mare.




How long would it be before I receive word of Tallie?

How long could I wait?

How long will the feed in the barn last?

Each cow eats 26 pounds of forage every day.

You should know that.

They start to skinny down after three days.

Heard the newspaper predicts the storm'll let up by then.

But that's probably based on

an expert's consultation of a goose bone.

"In a real crisis of nature, we're all at another's mercy."


My mother liked to say,

"We tumble from one mortification to another."

When I was seven, an earthquake knocked down our house and barn.

Did I tell you?


- An earthquake? - Yes.

I remember something woke me before dawn.

I don't know what.

My father was calling out.

But I couldn't tear myself away from the window.

I saw birds fluttering in the air, afraid to set down.

The river was roiling, and I couldn't move.

And then...

Finally, I jumped down to our collapsed stairwell,

as all my brothers had done before me.

And we all huddled together in the dark on the porch.

Later, my mother said

that the dread never fully went away after that.

She said, "What was safe if the solid earth could do that?"


Tallie! You're frozen!

Tallie! Stay awake! Stay awake!

Open your eyes! Open your eyes!

Keep your eyes open!

Keep your eyes open!

Look at me.

I would die without you.

Then you're safe.

Because I am here.

Monday, March 17th.

Half the chickens are lost.

I dug ice and snow from their dead open mouths

in an attempt to revive them.


For better traction.

The Widow Weldon's son, on his rounds,

reported that Tallie had gotten home safely,

with, he thought, only a bit of frostbite.

We haven't seen your friend down the lane for a while.

Finney took her to Oneonta.

So everything is tedious and lonesome?

Thursday, April 10th.

Biscuits and dried mackerel for breakfast.

Dyer has augmented the padding in the cattle pens

with his hoardings of maple leaves and old straw.

It always seems that Tallie will never appear.

But I remind myself that time and the needle wear

through the longest morning.

And I have noted that when she does arrive,

my heart is like a leaf borne over a rock

by rapidly moving water.

Hello. Oh!

Oh! Careful.

Stay. Sit, sit.

Saturday, April 12th.

- I spent the last two days... - Very damp, cloudy and cool.


Perhaps the forest is somewhere on fire.

Your nose is being gracious.

Monday, April 14th.

A terribly bad spring so far,

but the clover has come up through it,

and is all right.

And how's Finney?

The soul of patience.

He's mentioning again the idea of migrating west.

You're planning on moving west?


I had an uncle who moved to Ohio and came to a desperate end.

Which is what one might expect from Ohio.

- Tomorrow? - Hm.

Thursday, April 17th.

Rain in torrents nearly all night.

The lane is flooded and the ditches brim full.

This morning, only a slight shower.

Tallie came later than her usual time today.

She offered no explanation.

I'm sorry that your childhood was anything less than joyous.

Joyous it was not.

But I made my own happinesses.

My husband says, "God puts heavy stones in your path,

it's up to us to step over them."

Stones are what the fortunate receive.

My mother's mother was born in 1780

right here in Schoharie County.

I often wonder at the courage

and the resourcefulness of those women.

Imagine faring forth into a wilderness,

hoping to build the foundations of a home.

Maybe they had a certain high hopefulness that we don't have.

When can you come?


- Hello, Tallie! - Good day.

Was your afternoon gladsome?

Yes, it was, very.

- Goodbye. - Goodbye.

I felt,

looking at her expression,

as if she were in full sail on a flood tide,

while I bobbed along down backwards.

And yet,

I never say on her countenance the indifference

of fortunate towards the less fortunate.

Good day.

Good day.

Are you sick, too?

Not at all.

I was hoping to compare colds.

I'll make you tea and honey?


Every morning I wake up

and I think that I never want to be far from you.

And under your influence, since you're so good with words,

I've composed a poem.

It's entitled...

"Oh, Sick and Miserable Heart, Be Still."

When I was a little girl,

I thought I could cultivate my intellect

and do something for the world.

But my life has surprised me by being far more ordinary.

You're talking about that moment

that I have dreamed about, when we're carried in triumph

for having done something wonderful or received at home

with tears and shouts of joy.

Do you know what I wonder?

Is it possible...

that such a moment hasn't yet come for either of us?

I think it has.

Or that it could.

You do.

So what do you think?

What do you think about us?

I don't know how to put it into words.

Well, try.

- I have tried. - Well, try again.

What do you imagine?

I imagine that I love

how our encircling feelings leave nothing out...

for us to want or seek.

I've presumed too much.

It's been my experience that it's not always those

who show the least who actually feel the least.

Just my dog's toenails on the wood.

Why didn't you do what you attempted to do?

I worry you'll catch my cold.

You smell like a biscuit.

I have to go home.

Astonishment and joy.

Astonishment and joy.

Astonishment and joy.

You haven't accomplished any of your responsibilities.

- Do you need assistance? - No, I don't think so.

So it's a cold plate for supper tonight?

I'll milk the cows.

Friday, May 30th.

The sunshine streaming through the branches

makes a tremendous farrago of light and shade.

We hold our friendship between us and study it,

as if it were the incomplete map of our escape.

When the day is done,

my mind turns to her,

and I think, with a special heat,

"Why are we to be separated?"

Your smile stopped. Is it meant for someone else?

Sorry, my mind was elsewhere.

We need calico and buttons and shoe thread.

Am I troubling you, sitting here with you like this?

Not at all.

I may be late coming to it,

but I've learned consideration of others.

I've learned the need for human sympathy

and the unfulfilled want of it.

I feel I've provided you with sympathy.

I suppose that's so.

The smile returns.

Good day.


I believe that intimacy increases goodwill.

And if that's the case,

then every minute we spend together

will make us more cheerful workers.

Won't our farms benefit from that?

Won't our husbands?

All our burdens will be lightened.

When she left, I was like a skiff at sea

with neither hand nor helm to guide it.

They're cleaning out the drain under the street along the fork.

And several people are down with fever.

Holt came by to hang the bacon.

He still hasn't recovered from being beaten by two strangers.

He had to be hauled to his home in his cart.

He said the men who did it were gonna kill him,

and then realized they were mistaken as to who he was.

Lately, it seems like all you talk about

are highwaymen and house breakers.

On the contrary,

I often defer to your sensitivities.

And I haven't even told you about

all the reports in the county of men

who've poisoned and killed their wives

because I haven't found it a fitting subject for supper.

"Killed their wives," he used those words?

Mm-hm. those words.

Have you had any disagreements?

Yes, about my wifely duties.

I told him that I was opposed to it, that I was not willing.

And he accepted that?

Well, he hasn't touched me since, so...

But I made myself feel better...

by composing a poem.

Can I read you the opening stanza?

You can read me the entire poem.

No, I'll start with the opening stanza.

"I love flowering gardens.

I love creeping plants.

I love walking in the air,

but I fear swarming ants."

I don't think I can support the rhyme.

You see why I didn't read the whole thing?

I'm sorry.

I've always been contrary and maladroit.

Earlier, I... I felt that...

whenever I would draw close to you, you would retreat,

and that, if I kept still, you would return

but you'd stay at a distance, like those sparrows

that stay in the farmyard and won't come into the house.

- That's not how I feel. - How do you feel, then?

When I was in school,

the teacher had me read "Cordelia"

to an older boy's "King Lear."

Near the end of the play,

the king and his daughter are imprisoned,

but he views it in a positive way.

"Come, let's away to prison," he says.

"We two alone shall sing like birds in a cage."


In a positive way?

Well, maybe that one has to read the entire play.

It may be only in plays where people

are imprisoned in a positive way.

You don't think there's a cage that could work to our benefit?

I just...

I only know that...

I've never liked cages.

I hope you had a good afternoon in Shangri-La or Timbuktu,

wherever it is you've been.

I had a busy afternoon, yes.

I would think.

Five hours you've been gone.

I went to the drapers.

I couldn't find anything I liked.

Then I stopped by the tinker for a sack of coffee,

but he's now asking 60 cents, and I only had 50.

Then I thought I would buy you a treat of some kind,

but Mr. Arnolds reminded me

that I still owed for my last transactions so...

I was forced to close up my purse.

Tell me everything about your day.

Don't hold anything back.

You're not interested in how your wife spends her time.

I don't feel I have a wife.

I feel I have a selfish whore who...

who'd rather wander off to another man's house

than contribute any labor.

Well, Dyer was off in the fields,

and her house is on the way back home, so...

So it's just Abigail and you

tittering and gossiping away the hours?

Enjoying each other's company.

I have certain expectations, and you have certain duties.

We've talked all night and day about your expectations.

I will not stay with a woman

if it continually requires contention.

Well, then you shouldn't stay with me, should you?

Don't ask for more than you can handle.

Sunday, June 8th.

All afternoon, a hawk has been using a single cloud above us

as its own parasol.

To ward off others of its kind.

Our whole house now seems both angry and repentant.

God help us.

When three days went by without a word from her,

I stole over to her house to look on her

from what I imagined to be

a vantage point of perfect safety.

By turning the lens piece, I could draw her face nearer,

and hold it there until she turned away.

Her image provoked a sensation in me

like the violence that sends a floating branch

far out over a waterfall's precipice

before it plummets.

"For the wife does not have the authority over her own body,

but the husband does.

Do not deprive one another,

so that Satan may not tempt you

because of your lack of self-control."

Ephesians 5:33. "Submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord..."

Monday, June 9th.

Merciful father...

Turn the channel of events.

Wednesday, June 11th.

Dyer has been silent all day,

and I was happy to be left in my solitude.



We haven't seen you for days.

Have you been ill?

- Nothing serious, I hope. - Ho!

She's been under the weather.

- Good afternoon. - Good afternoon.

We want to invite you to dinner again this Saturday next.

But it's our turn. We should be feasting you.

In the meantime, please be our guests.

We'd love to.


- Six it is. - Hup!

My mother once told me in a fury

when I was a little girl

that my father asked nothing of her

except that she work in the garden,

harvest the produce, preserve the fruit,

tend the poultry, milk the cows,

manage the household duties,

and help out in the fields when needed.

She said she appeared in his ledger

only when she purchased a dress.

Am I anywhere in there?

I'm recording spring expenses.

And how have things changed?

Daughters are married off so young

that everywhere you look a slender and unwilling girl

is being forced to stem a sea of tribulations

before she is even full-grown in height.

That's its purpose!

Come on. Come on.


Morning, Jim.

Morning, ma'am.

I've got a new book for you.

Do you know, I'd actually like to see

that blue dress you have there.

All right, lady.

Over here!

It's two and a half.

I'll take it.

My change?

Thank you.

The Mannings' oldest daughter tipped over an oil lamp

and it set the house ablaze.

- Fire! - Ho! Ho!

- Fire! - Before she was driven

from the house by the flames,

she heard calls from her sister,

who was trapped in the upper loft.

Get her out of there.


Get her out!

Get her out!

Your wife is to be commended on her hospitality and cooking.

I can recall the day...

No, thank you.

...when every family was fed, clothed, shot, sheltered,

and warmed from the products a good wife

gathered within her own fence line.

I heard down by the loggers that Mrs. Mannings' oldest

got fiercely burned in the house fire.

- Cassie. - And died.

Yes, she did.

Well, as my father used to say,

"The supreme disposer of all events

does sometimes disappoint our earthly hopes."

What a marvelous hanging lamp.

Finney purchased it so that everyone could read

with equal ease around the room.

I wasn't brought up to read over much,

but I do believe a father should give his children

every chance to improve.

Children being a sore point in this household.

And yours, I'd expect.

You'll have to forgive my husband.

Even so,

whatever misfortunes arrive at my doorstep,

I seek to improve my lot with my own industry.


I study my options closely,

and just attend to everything with more vehemence.

Well, then you should be commended for that.

I'll give you an example.

When I first began farming,

I was so vexed at my own inability

to stop my dogs barking

that one January, during a storm,

I held the dog around the corner of the barn in a gale

until it froze to death.

I nearly froze to death myself, at least froze my hands,

even with my heavy work gloves.

That is reprehensible.

Did I see outside that you use an old shovel plow?

Well, since you're interested in my machinery,

I have a hinged harrow that's been giving me trouble.

The spikes catch the rocks and roots, and they break off.

Well, our harrow has upright discs.

Work better?

Yeah, it seems to.

Bring the desserts.

I think we're stuffed.

My husband insists on his pastries

and preserved fruits and creams.

Well, good.

What is happening?

Are you in danger?

What happened to your neck?

No, I just took a fall over a fence.

I hadn't heard.

There are many things about which you haven't heard.

Back at the table,

Tallie kept strict custody of her eyes.

Her husband's mood seemed to have darkened.

He served the pastries and creams himself,

leaving only her plate empty.

Saturday, June 21st.

My heart a maelstrom.

My head a bedlam.

A whole week and no visit from Tallie.

No word.

My anxieties often force me to stop my work

and pace the house like an inmate.

I have to see her.

Ho, ho!

Tallie! Tallie!

What has happened?

They're gone.

And no goodbye?

We need to call the sheriff.

And report what exactly? That our neighbors moved?

It's the Zebrun farm. They were renting.

I'll go then.

For what reason?

There's blood!

And you never had an accident?

So we'll just do nothing?

I'll make the rounds of the neighbors.

And if we are not satisfied,

we can take your fears to the sheriff.

Thank you.

Monday, June 23rd.

Dyer said Mrs. Nottoway recalled spotting their caravan

on the country road in the late evening, heading northwest.

Mrs. Nottoway?

She believed she spied Tallie's figure

alongside her husband's but was unsure.

A hired hand, she thought, was driving the second wagon.

Sunday, June 29th

I spotted the sheriff on his way to church.

I conveyed my accusations, to no response.

Dyer said that no one would investigate a crime

without evidence that a crime had been committed.

Calm myself?

I refused to calm myself,

so he tied me to a chair and administered laudanum.

Monday, June 30th.

Bleary and short of breath from the laudanum...

I wake weeping,

retire weeping,

stand before my duties weeping.

Sunday, July 6th.

I am a library without books,

a sea of fear, agitation and want.

Dyer speaks of how much we have for which to be grateful.

I sit violently conscious of the ticking clock

while he weeps at what he imagines

to be his own poor, forgotten self.

Wednesday, July 9th.

Despite some hours without the laudanum,

I was so befogged and wild with grief

that Dyer left me for the afternoon,

unsettled and wary of my state.

Tuesday, July 22nd.

- Weldon? - Good day.

The renters at Zebrun's farm are gone.

Did they leave a forwarding address?

No. You've got a letter.


Is it from her?

It is.

- Oh. - Origin?

Onondaga County. Do you know it?

It's north of Syracuse.

Are you gonna read it?

To myself.

Abigail, Abigail, Abigail.

I'm sorry that all I have to send you is this letter,

and I'm sorry for all that a letter cannot be.

Even the best letter is just a little bit of someone.

I'm sorry I never got to say goodbye,

and I'm sorry that we seem to have traded

one sort of misery for another.

It turns out that houses deep in the backwoods

always seem to be awful and unnatural in their loneliness.

If there were only a ruined abbey

around here with bats in it, the view would be perfect.

Our roof is ramshackle and sheds water nicely in dry weather

but we have to spread milk pans around the floor when it rains.

Still, outside the kitchen,

there are already anemones and heart's-ease,

and even prettier flowers which my stupidity

keeps me from naming for you.

I believe I've enjoyed myself less these last few weeks

than any other female who ever lived.

During what little time I have to myself,

Finney reads aloud instructions for wives

from the Old Testament.

But when it comes to the Bible,

I have to say that there are a lot of passages

he may know word for word,

but which haven't touched his heart.

I can't account for his state of mind except to say

that my company must be intensely disagreeable to him.

And if that's the case,

I'm sorry for it.


Good afternoon!




I've got something for you.

There you go.

Thank you.

Good day.

Hyah. Come on.

- Is it for me? - From Schoharie County.

- Your Abigail. - Give that to me.

Give it. Finney, give...


"What's to become of the thousands of our sex

scattered out in the wilderness

and obliged to tax our strengths?

I feel as if, at that selfsame hour

when our prospects were brightest,

that in the dim distance a black shadow approached.

And yet still,

imagine the happiest of unions for us of the sort

in which two families previously at daggers drawn

are miraculously brought together on love's account.

It is your face I bear through the night.

It is to you I devote a dreaming space

before I turn myself to sleep, but there is no sleep.

It's as if within me everything clamors for air,

and I think if it's like this now,

what will it be like later?

I send you what love and support I can.

I send you all my heart's hopes. Abigail."

Please know that force alone

couldn't have gotten me here to a place like this.

I was told I had to act in support of interest,

happiness and the reputation of someone I once loved.

As far as I can figure,

we're now still only about 85 miles apart.

But of course,

people like us don't go on long visits.

Dyer refused first to permit my departure,

and then to accompany me,

and only caught up to the cart

at the end of our property and climbed aboard.

We were the very picture of anguish,

rattling along side by side.

The night was fair and warm with the appearance of a coming rain.

A shower.

It's so hard to write about

how much I want to thank you,

but I have to start somewhere.


I want to tell you that being with you, even alone,

has been like being a part of the biggest

and most spacious community I could ever imagine.

I feel closer to you than I would a sister since

everything amazing that I feel,

I chose to feel.

And do you know what memory it is that I most cherish?

It's of you turning to me with that smile you gave me

once you realized that you were loved.

I have no way of knowing what is to come,

but I do know that all of the trust

and care and courage we shared,

that will all shine on us

and protect us.

You are my city of joy.

You are my city of joy.


Might I ask your business?

We've come to see Tallie. Where is she?

I heard you on the road.

You made such a racket. I took you for the tin knocker.

We've ridden for three days.

We are not leaving without seeing her.

I'm not concerned with what you will or will not leave without.

Keep a civil tongue, friend.

Where is she?

I treated her with tea of soot

and pine-tree root to good effect,

but sickness always tests our willingness

to bow before the greatest authority.

My guess is that it was diphtheria.


There is some alienation from marital...

What time is it?

I don't care.

- I have to go. - You're gonna make a mark.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Sunday, August 31st.

Weather very hot and sunny.

I cleaned out the shed

which was full of rusty and dusty rubbish,

washed the windows,

and preserved apples for the winter.

Fourteen dollars from the sale of our milk and butter.

I have cut my hand with a paring knife.

I console myself with the conviction

that someday in the future when Dyer

is forced to travel to Syracuse for feed or supplies,

I will join him,

and take his rifle and go to Skaneateles

and kill Finney where he sits.

Dyer has been at work on the barn.

Each day, we enact our separation.

Sometimes after it gets dark,

we walk over the hills across our upper fields

for the wide, wide view.

And Dyer tries to imagine us as we were,

while I try to imagine Tallie

and that cordial and accepting home

that existed solely in our dreams.

I imagine Tallie and Nellie somewhere together,

and Nellie running her brush through Tallie's hair.

I imagine banishing forever those sentiments of my own

that she chastened and refined.

I imagine resolving to do what I can for Dyer.

And I imagine continuing to write in this ledger,


as though this was my life.

As though my life was not elsewhere.

I've always feared that I would bring misfortune

to those I loved.

Are you really saying nothing to that?

I don't know where to start.

I can't imagine what more we could do for one another...

with our constraints.

You can't?

I can't.

You can't?

Well, then...

It's a good thing we remember that our imaginations

can always be cultivated.

6 ) 一点点emo

文学性特别强的一部电影 台词 叙述方式 情感的表达都很适合细品



“Why didn’t you do what you attempted to do?”

“I worry you’ll catch my cold.”

“You smell like a biscuit.”


“Astonishment and joy. Astonishment and joy. Astonishment and joy.”

Taille给Abigail写信 开头的 “Abigail. Abigail. Abigail.” 以及似乎未能寄出的那封信的 “You are my city of joy”

还有两个人在树林里聊天读诗 在房顶上的对视 当Abigail躺在爱人的尸体旁边脑子里翻腾起的是几日里两人的欢愉






  • 洛丹伦刀客
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选角绝配。Vanessa Kirby红发暴击,低沉嗓音细语double kill,呼吸竟比眼神还勾魂。“It's been my experience that it's not always those who show the least who actually feel the least." 这该死的性张力直接把我送走。

  • Otta
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<燃烧女子的肖像>之后女同恋电影被局限在这样的框架里面,男权之下女性的精神自由,两个孤独灵魂的相拥,时代困境下的女性遭遇,对男权社会的控诉。希望今年能有一部只关乎于爱情的,继my angel flung out of space之后,ntxl表白话术多了一句 my City of joy。

  • 王扁扁
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当Tallie到来的时候,Abigail的心像一片被急速流动的水流冲到岩石上的叶子;当Kirby出现的时候,整部电影便明亮了起来。Astonishment and joy. Astonishment and joy. Astonishment and joy.

  • Lanita
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想到狄金森的一首诗:Had I not seen the sun,Could have borne the shade;But light a newer wilderness,My wilderness has made.我本可以容忍黑暗,如果我不曾见过太阳,然而阳光已使我的荒凉,成为更新的荒凉。Abigail,Abigail,Abigail.You are my city of joy. 原著台词赋予其散文诗般的美,而演员则让这首诗有了灵魂与张力

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  • Imogen
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“Astonishment and joy”

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  • 同志亦凡人中文站
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#StockholmFF2020 前半段一直在铺文学调调挺好,就是比较催眠,直到凡妮莎出来,睡意全无,她全程都在勾引我就是了。低沉有磁性的嗓音,听她念台词,舒服得就像浑身湿透的人坐在壁炉边,影院又没办法鸡叫,好憋。好几个绝美画面和女主一样希望时间静止。还有就是太考验英语,几乎没听懂,所以也没办法说剧情,但在听不懂的情况下让我打起精神看完了也是很厉害了,摄影,剪辑,配乐都有功劳。

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女主之一太可爱了 遇到爱情之后 就无心干活 啥也不干了 就在那儿发呆 发花痴

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  • 量子纠缠
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不知是不是从《烧女图》开始,女性爱情题材的电影热衷于这种文学性强的文本,并营造一种封闭、与世隔绝、寒冷的环境。《菊石》《烧女图》如此,此片亦是如此。只是和前者比起来,似乎后者并没有刻意隐去男性的存在,而是自主构建了一个只属于女性的囚笼,男性无法理解,也未曾涉足。细腻的日记旁白弥补了戏剧冲突的缺乏,也弥补了阿比盖尔产生情愫的动机性。其实,我更愿意理解为塔利是阿比盖尔想象中的角色 ,填补她在寒夜中将熄的爱情火种,最终大雪和寒夜过去,她也随之飘落远方。

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太伤了,真的太伤了,万能的蕾丝边之神,信女愿一生吃素,只求这世上再也没有苦情女同性恋电影,Vanessa Kirby好美,美到难以用言语形容,她知道自己这么美吗?我要代表全人类感谢她,salute

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