




新闻编辑室第三季 剧照 NO.1 新闻编辑室第三季 剧照 NO.2 新闻编辑室第三季 剧照 NO.3 新闻编辑室第三季 剧照 NO.4 新闻编辑室第三季 剧照 NO.5 新闻编辑室第三季 剧照 NO.6 新闻编辑室第三季 剧照 NO.13 新闻编辑室第三季 剧照 NO.14 新闻编辑室第三季 剧照 NO.15 新闻编辑室第三季 剧照 NO.16 新闻编辑室第三季 剧照 NO.17 新闻编辑室第三季 剧照 NO.18 新闻编辑室第三季 剧照 NO.19 新闻编辑室第三季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-06-25 04:38


《新闻编辑室》主演 Jeff Daniels 今天发布推特,透露该季第三季已经确认。虽然目前 HBO 还没有官方发布这则消息,但对于很多剧迷来说,这个消息并不意外。HBO 高层曾表示对《新闻编辑室》的现状很满意,该剧也在今年获得了三项艾美奖提名。


1 ) 开始于“堂吉诃德”死后

终于看完S03E06,季终集也是完结季,心情久久不能平复。不想跟ACN说再见,但对于本剧来说,对于尚未想好该如何处理自己提出的问题的索金来说,在这里停止确是一个不错的节点(甚至还有点“戛然而止”的感觉)。记得在一个采访里索金说,到了第三季才觉得找对了感觉,如果有机会,他想从第一季开始重写一遍,从头开始重新来过。倘若这话有回响,真的很期待《晚间新闻3.0》的华丽转身。 从S01到S03一路看过来的感觉,正如索金所言,有种“渐入佳境”的感觉。第一季铺陈了场景、环境、人物关系,把这群对职业有着近乎偏执的坚持的人们的工作场景乃至信念大致交代了清楚。一集一个事件,短小精悍,看起来也比较轻松。第二季一共9集,用Genoa事件贯穿始终,平行剪辑的节奏控制得挺好,并不拖沓。人物的感情、情绪也都刻画得很细腻。如果说第二季是“山雨欲来”,第三季变革则真正到来。ACN遭遇拆分、收购,Neal因为涉嫌间谍罪为保护线人逃亡委内瑞拉,Will入狱,老Charlie倒在Newsroom这个他的“战场”。老查理的倒下为这场传统媒体与新媒体的较量、两种不同的新闻观的抗衡染上了悲壮的色调,给了他致命一击的不是Pruit,不是Sloan,而是他心里过不去的那道坎儿,他的矛盾与挣扎。其实老查理也意识到现如今的方式能走不动了,可是在新媒体环境下,又一时找不到能够承载他们理想的的新的新闻运营方式。面对Pruit这种近乎“亵渎”了新闻本质的做法,他无法妥协。他本能地坚持着他的新闻信仰,力求坚持正义、良知、专业、准确、真实,但是为了保护一众有着同样理想的后辈他又不得不做出妥协的姿态,走不出这个困境的查理,即使没有倒在Sloan的事情上,也会倒在Don的Princeton事情上,或者在看到Neal重建的网站后猝然离去。 老查理这个“堂吉诃德”的死(他绝不仅是桑丘啊,Will是打趣说的~),象征着一个新闻时代告一段落。ACN要何去何从,也是当下许多传统媒体头疼的事情。年初的时候一篇关于BBC转型策略的深度报道和一篇《纽约时报》的创新报告(其实是数字时代的反思报告)疯转一时,可见ACN的切肤之痛,索金刻画得并不夸张,真实的媒体转型比这来得更加的猛烈。有些媒体已经逐渐开始寻摸到了一些不清晰但尚且可行的转型道路,有些则依旧面临着生存的威胁。所谓新媒体,指的不仅仅是新的技术与渠道,还是一种新的社会关系下的媒介形态,与日常生活联系更加紧密因而要想求新求变,革新技术、拓展渠道,开微信微博APP只是个开始,从内容到思维都面临着彻底的变化。 本季提出的问题,从本剧的结尾——Mc坐上了Reese的位置,Will主播台,Neal回归重建网站,晚间新闻迎来了前所未有的新闻自主空间——来看,索金本人还是倾向于新闻专业主义的解决方案。虽然看似有些理想主义化,但个人还是比较认同。索金虽非新闻人,也是资深媒体人,已经对第一季的定调感到不甚满意的他不会在结尾又回到原点。尚且做个善良的揣测,我认为“专业化”、新闻精英主义的不完全妥协或许是索金对未来媒体发展的一个预测和预期。众包新闻也是新闻发展的一个阶段,可以说是一个向下的“分”的过程,将新闻的制作权、发布权下放给了普通民众。有道是“合久必分分久必合”,在“分”进行到一个阶段以后,新媒体的优势发挥到了一个瓶颈,而缺陷则开始逐渐暴露。即使已经被微信控制但仍然没有彻底弃掉微博的我们对众包新闻的种种再熟悉不过了。它的缺点现在已暴露得很明显:琐碎,缺乏深度,虚假信息、失实谣言等等…对于一个普通用户来说,倘若要获得准确可靠全面的信息,可能便需要选择二次(甚至更多次的)核实,这样便会增加了获取可靠信息的成本;亦或是选择不付出这个成本一笑了之;当然也有用户并不具备足够的分辨能力,在不自觉的情况下充当了谣言传播的工具。 当然随着新媒体的发展我们用户的媒介素养也在随之提升,同时随着环境越来越嘈杂,为了降低获取准确信息的成本,我们会倾向于选择可靠的信息源→专业媒体,毕竟看新闻的目的还是获取真实(有用)的信息,用户对内容的要求也在变得越来越高。新闻在向细分化、定制化发展的时候,也对专业化的需求其实是不减反增的,这种专业化的新闻生产、筛选、聚合工作,也即分久必合的“合”还是需要由专业人员来完成。这或可作为索金“新闻专业主义”不倒的结尾的一个善意的、积极的解释吧。 扯远了,再回到本剧。继续ACN新闻台原来的样子也并不明智…抱紧电视这个渠道的做法太传统,再有钱也不可能就这么一路烧下去→显然会越赔越多。Mac们需要新的手段和渠道,如果继续写,Neal的戏份或许要加,Mac和Will或许会比老查理更头疼。但无论如何,有着这样的坚持的一群人,他们有坚持但不固执,坚持己见却不固步自封,在Will决定帮助Neal的那一刻我已经隐约看到,Newsroom不会就此止步待毙,即使会付出很大的代价,那个开始于“堂吉诃德”死后的“3.0时代”正在到来。 Coming soon… ———————————————————————— 30号修改 看到哥伦比亚新闻评论的一篇文章,写最近索尼被黑《采访》被迫撤档的事件的事情,媒体应该在实践中扮演怎样的角色。有段话写的很好,摘录在此: “The new reality is that journalists simply do not own the news cycle: Even if Gawker, BuzzFeed News, and Fusion decided to stop covering it, others would take up the mantle,” Anne Helen Petersen writes at BuzzFeed. “The new role of journalists, for better or for worse, isn’t as gatekeepers, but interpreters: If they don’t parse it, others without the experience, credentials, or mindfulness toward protecting personal information certainly will.”

2 ) 眼前的美好都没能好好珍惜,就别为荆棘背后的美好愤慨

第五集,charlie 反应那么大很正常,在这些人中只有他和will 妥协过也反抗过。是Charlie 选了mac,是charlie带领大家走上“正轨”,他们能这么做新闻,是charlie在保驾护航。而且在第一季第一集Charlie 就说过,没有一家媒体愿意留下Mac。新东家的新闻思想同他们非常冲突,Charlie 不得不为先留下这一群人而按照新东家的意思来。做新闻的无奈的时候多了,何必在这个当口顶着枪口上。他们做新闻受金钱制约,而在我们这,在如今政治下,它就是那谁的耳目喉舌,在人家的天下做新闻就要按照人家的规矩来。愤慨什么呢?作为一个人都不能有什么说什么更何况做新闻呢?所以sloan和mac在这一集里大出一口气,但有失有得。一开始看到Charlie 倒下时,我哭惨了,还返回去看了两遍。可看多了就慢慢好了,从那个情感圈里走了出来。电视剧一般都将理想与现实对立开,这样才有冲突。那些说片中新闻理想化的我想问问,是不是从头到尾没一个想播的新闻能播成的就算接地气了?那你看它干嘛呢?电视剧跟现实不一样的地方就在于它有表现手法,可以把生活中的矛盾体一分为二展现出来,现实中的纠结体在这里面被细分到每个人,正义到不顾一切的sloan和mac,为利益服务的新东家,夹在中间的Charlie …新闻工作者跟医生警察一样,都是一种职业,在谋生的基础上也相应的有了一种精神价值,但应该只有新闻会经常拿来跟自由摆在一起。似乎显得有些与众不同…这个太大了,说不了。所以在最后,新编不能鼓舞我什么,也没有震撼我什么。就竭尽所能的,多多珍惜已有的,但是不忘渴求的,好好生活,平和中庸。

3 ) What Kind of Day Has It Been

2014年末“The Newsroom”出了第三季,只有6集。奇怪的是我一直没能找到免费资源, 从昨天开始,我迫不及待却有依依不舍的看完这终结季。

看前几集我都有点小失落, 或许是我的期望值太高,但到第四集我开始要流泪,第五集到第六集我就不停的想流泪, 其实我真的在流泪。
不仅仅是因为Charlie的突然去世,有时候你会不会就 想流泪,却分辨不出自己是什么感觉或是出于什么原因。 但你会认同如若另一个看同一个片子,会有完全不同的心境。
我想说What Kind of Day Has It Been , 第六集算是回顾了第一季第一集一个Team的开始,但怀旧不是为了煽情。

不是所有人会喜欢这个剧, 我有时搞不清Will的政治立场;
我渐渐忘记了这两年多在剧里的感动, 却记住了这些琐碎,

Charlie 葬礼后大家一起唱的That's How I Get to Memphis,之前看过片段,应该很多人就是不喜欢但一定不会讨厌乡村音乐, 就好比你一定不会讨厌“Take Me Home, Country Road”


4 ) 纽约客:本剧校园强奸那一集疯了 New Yorker Critique: “The Newsroom” ’s Crazy-Making Campus-Rape Episode

Newsroom这部剧在美媒下还是有很大争议的,这种争议甚至不是对这部剧的for being liberal,更多来源于liberals for not doing enough。编剧Aaron Sorkin(如同你能从他的写作中看到的那样)常被描述成一个prick,一个smug,或一个chauvinist(比如一个记者曾写一篇文章来叙述Sorkin对她本人采访时候的condescension和不尊重,她说“In Sorkinville, the gods are men." 详见“How to get under Aaron Sorkin’s skin (and also, how to high-five properly)”//,并且因为他的写作局限而被批评(说教性太强、自我陶醉...)

我感觉这些critic比豆瓣上目前看到的影评要成熟更多,并且也更加有效率、progressive。这篇影评来源于New Yorker的Emily Nussbaum (她本人在本剧第一季开始就发表过影评"Broken News"。见//,或我的转载//。Nussbaum在2016年因为她在纽约客写的影评获得普利策奖。她个人肯定了第三季的一些进步(比如她比较喜欢的Maggie & morality debate on the train),同时也特别分析批评了Sorkin对于Princeton女大学生 & rape的处理。

ByEmily Nussbaum

Asthis reviewindicates, I wasn’t a fan of the first four episodes of Aaron Sorkin’s “The Newsroom.” In the two years since that blazing pan, however, I’ve calmed down enough to enjoy the show’s small pleasures, such as Olivia Munn and Chris Messina. When characters talk in that screwball Sorkin rhythm, it’s fun to listen to them. As manipulative as “The Newsroom” ’s politics can be, I mostly share them. There are days when an echo chamber suits me fine.

For the first two seasons, the show stayed loyal to its self-righteous formula, which many viewers found inspirational. Sorkin’s imaginary cable network, Atlantis Cable News, would report news stories from two years before, doing them better than CNN and Fox News and MSNBC did at the time. Characters who were right about things (Will McAvoy, Sloan Sabbith, the unbearable Jim Harper, the ridiculously named MacKenzie McHale) strove for truth and greatness, even when tempted to compromise. They bantered and flirted. And each week, they debated idiots who were wrong. These fools included Tea Partiers, gossip columnists, Occupy Wall Street protesters, and assorted nobodies enabled by digital culture—narcissists, bigots, and dumbasses. Sometimes, the debates included sharp exchanges, but mostly, because the deck was stacked, they left you with nothing much to think about.

Often, the designated idiot wouldn’t even get to explain her side of an argument: she’d get to make only fifteen per cent of a potential case, although occasionally, as with an Occupy Wall Street activist, the proportion climbed closer to fifty per cent. There were other maddening aspects of the show—a plot in which a woman who worked in fashion believed that she wasn’t good enough to date a cable news producer, the McAvoy/McHale romance, the Season 2 Africa-flashback episode. So, you know, I had complaints. But I tried to stay Zen and enjoy Munn and Messina. And, in all sincerity, I was happy when the third and final season débuted, because it was such an obvious step up. The early episodes were brisk and self-mocking. There was a nifty, endearingly ridiculous grandeur to the story arc about McAvoy going to jail to protect a source. Even more satisfying, the show's debates with idiots had undergone a sea change. In Season 3, the people who were wrong were allowed to be actively smart (like Kat Dennings’s role as a cynical heiress) and funny (as with B. J. Novak’s portrayal of a demonic tech tycoon who ended up taking over ACN). In certain scenes, they got to make seventy-five per cent of an argument, leading to fleet and comparatively complex debates.

In the single best scene of the whole series, the number jumped to a hundred per cent. Maggie (Allison Pill)—now rehabilitated from last season’s horrible post-Africa, bad-haircut plot—took an Amtrak train from Boston. In a plotcut-and-pasted from the headlines, she overheard an E.P.A. official's candid cell-phone conversation, sneakily took notes, and then confronted him with follow-up questions. Both sides made a solid case: she pointed out that he was in public and her obligation was to be a reporter, not a P.R. conduit. Also, had Maggie gone through “official” routes, he would have lied to her. He argued that by quoting an unguarded, personal discussion, she was making the world a less humane, more paranoid place. So when Maggie threw her notes away, it wasn’t as simple as, “He was right and she was wrong”—she’d made a real moral choice. Given the kind of show that “The Newsroom” is, there was plenty of wish-fulfillment—Maggie got the interview anyway, plus a date with an admiring ethicist—but those elements felt fairy-tale satisfying.

After the Amtrak scene, I turned downright mellow, even fond of the series, the way you might cherish an elderly uncle who is weird about women and technology, but still, you know, a fun guy. My guard went down. So when I watched Sunday’s infuriating episode, on screeners, I wasn’t prepared. What an emotional roller coaster! I will leave it to others to discuss the mystical jail-cell plot, the creepy reunion of Jim and Maggie, the fantasy that even the worst cable network would re-launch Gawker Stalker, and, more admirably, the way that B. J. Novak’s evil technologist character seems to have broken the fourth wall and stepped into reality todisruptThe New Republic. Someone should certainly write about Sorkin’s most clever pivot: he’s taken the accusations of sexism that are regularly levelled at his show and pointed the finger at Silicon Valley, in a brilliant “Think I’m bad? Well, look atthisguy” technique.

Yet when it comes to disconcerting timeliness, no scene from this episode stands out like the one in which the executive producer Don Keefer pre-interviews a rape victim. When Sorkin wrote it, he could not have known that CBC radio host Jian Ghomeshi and, later, Bill Cosby would be accused of sexual assault by so many women, some anonymous, some named. He couldn’t have known that an article would be published inRolling Stoneabout a gang rape at the University of Virginia or that this story would turn out, enragingly, to have been insufficiently vetted and fact-checked.The fallout from the magazine’s errors is ongoing: it’s not clear yet whether Jackie, the woman who toldRolling Stonethat she was gang-raped, made the story up, told the truth but exaggerated, was so traumatized that her story shifted due to P.T.S.D., or what. The one thing that’s clear is that the reporting was horribly flawed, and that this mistake will cause lasting harm, both for people who care about the rights of victims and people who care about the rights of the accused. Key point: these aren’t two separate groups.

Anyway, there we are, with Don Keefer—one of the few truly appealing characters on the show and half of the show’s only romance worth rooting for, with Munn’s Sloan Sabbith—in a Princeton dorm room, interviewing a girl, Mary, who said she’d been raped. In a classic “Newsroom” setup, she wasn’t simply a victim denied justice. Instead, the woman was another of Sorkin’s endless stream ofslippery digital femme fatales; she created a Web site where men could be accused, anonymously, of rape. The scene began with an odd, fraught moment: when Don turned up at her dorm room, notebook in hand, he hesitates to close the door, clearly worried that she might make a false accusation. But since this is Season 3, not 1 or 2, the Web site creator isn’t portrayed as a venal idiot, like the Queens-dwelling YouTube blackmailer on a previous episode, who wrote “Sex And The City” fan fiction and used Foursquare at the laundry. The Princeton woman got to make seventy-five per cent of her case, which, in a sense, only made the scene worse.

Before describing the scene between Keefer and the Princeton student, it’s important to note that the scene’s theme of sexual gossip about powerful men has been an obsession since this show began. For a while, Will McAvoy was tormented by a Page Six reporter who first got snubbedby him, then placed gossip items in revenge, thenslept with him, then blackmailed him. There was a similar plot about Anthony Weiner; just last week, Jim’s girlfriend Hallie sold him out in a post for the fictional Web site Carnivore. You’d have to consult Philip Roth’s “The Human Stain” to find a fictional narrative more consistently worried about scurrilous sexual gossip directed at prominent men. It’s a subject that replicates Sorkin’s own experiences, from “The Newsroom”on back to “The West Wing.”

The scene between Don and the student takes place in four segments, as Don reveals to her why he was there: not to talk her into going public, but to talk heroutof it. His boss, under pressure to appeal to Millennials and go viral, insisted that the segment be done in the most explosive way possible—as a live debate between the student and Jeff, the guy she claims raped her. As Don and she talk, the woman tells him her story. She’d gone to a party, took drugs, threw up, passed out—and then two men had sex with her while she was unconscious. The next morning, she called “city police, campus police, and the D.A.’soffice.” She can name the guys; she knows where they live. She had a rape kit done. “That should be the easiest arrest they ever made,” she says. At every juncture, Don is sorrowful, rational, gentlemanly, concerned about not hurting her feelings, and reflexively condescending, in a tiptoeing, please-don’t-hurt-me way. Eventually, he tells her that Jeff, the accused rapist, has also been pre-interviewed: Jeff told Don that she wasn’t raped—in fact, she’d begged to have sex with two men.

Back and forth they go, discussing a wide range of issues—legal, moral, journalistic, etc. The dialogue conflates and freely combines these issues. First, there is the question of anonymous accusations, online or off. There is also the question of direct accusations, like the one this student made against a specific guy, in person, using her own name—in a police station and the D.A.’soffice, and then online. There is the question of how acquaintance rape is or isn’t prosecuted in the courts; there is the question of how it's dealt with, or covered up, within the university system; and there is a separate question about how journalists, online and on television, should cover these debates. But a larger question hovers in the background, the one hinted at when Don came in the door: Does he believe her?

When I first watched the scene, I was most unnerved by the way their talk mashed everything together, suggesting that there were only two sides to the question—a bizarrely distorted premise. It’s possible, for instance, to believe (as I do) that a Web site posting anonymous accusations is a dangerous idea and to also think it’s fine for a woman to describe her own rape in public, to protest an administration that buries her accusation, and to go on cable television to discuss these issues. It’s possible to oppose a “live debate” between a rape victim and her alleged rapist and to believe that rape survivors can be public advocates. There was also something perverse about the way the student was portrayed, simultaneously, as a sneaky anonymous online force and also an attention-seeker eager to go on live TV. (And, given the way thatRolling StonesJackie is now being “doxxed” online, it’s grotesque that the episode has the Princeton woman praise Don for tracking her down, “old-school.”) The actress was solid, but the character behaved, as do pretty much all digital women on the show, with the logic of a dream figure, concocted of Sorkin’s fears and anxieties, not like an actual person.

“The kind of rape you’re talking about is difficult or impossible to prove,” Don tells her. It’s not a “kind of rape,” the woman responds sharply. She argues that her site isn’t about getting revenge, that it’s “a public service”: “Do not go on a date with these guys, do not go to a party with these guys.” Don cuts her off: "Do not give these guys a job, ever." He argues that she’s making it easier for men to be falsely accused, but the woman says that she's weighed that cost and decided that it’s more important that women be warned. “What am I wrong about?” she asks. “What am I wrong about?”

I’d love to see a show wrestle with these issues in a meaningful way, informed by fact and emotion. But eventually, the “Newsroom” episode gets to the core of what’s really going on, that shadow question, and this is when it implodes. The law is failing rape victims, says the student. “That may be true, but in fairness, the law wasn’t built to serve victims,” argues Don. “Infairness?” she says. “I know,” he says, sorrowful again, eyes all puppy-dog. “Do you believe me?” she asks him suddenly. “Of course I do," Don tells her. “Seriously,” she presses. He dodges the question: “I’m not here on a fact-finding mission.” She pushes him for a third time: “I’m just curious. Be really honest.”

Finally, he reveals his real agenda. He’s heard two stories: one from "a very credible woman” and the other from a sketchy guy with every reason to lie. And he’s obligated, Don tells her, to believe the sketchy guy’s story. She's stunned. “This isn’t a courtroom,” she points out, echoing the thoughts of any sane person. “You’re not legally obligated to presume innocence.” “I believe I’m morally obligated," Don says, in his sad-Don voice. WTF LOL OMFG, as they say on the Internet. Yes, that's correct: Don, the show’s voice of reason (and Sorkin, one presumes), argues that a person has a moral obligation to believe a man accused of rape over the woman who said he’d raped her, as long as he hasn't been found guilty of rape. This isn’t about testimony, or even an abstract stance meant to strengthen journalism. (“Personally, I believe you, but as a reporter, I need to regard your story with suspicion, just as I do Jeff’s.”) As an individual, talking to a rape survivor, Don says that on principle, he doesn’t believe her.

At this point, Don gets to make his win-the-argument speech about the dangers of trial by media, lack of due process, etc. “The law can acquit; the Internet never will. The Internet is used for vigilantism every day, but this is a whole new level, and if we go there, we’re truly fucked,” he says. He warns her that appearing on TV will hurt her: she’ll get “slut-shamed.” She begins to cry and tells him that, while he may fear false accusations, she’s scared of rape. “So you know what my site does? It scaresyou.” Her case will be covered like sports, he remarks with disgust. “I’m gonna win this time,” she replies with bravado. And so Don goes back to ACN and he lies, telling his producer Charlie that he couldn’t find the woman at all—and then Charlie throws a tantrum and dies of a heart attack, but that’s a matter for a different post.

Look, “The Newsroom” was never going to be my favorite series, but I didn’t expect it to make my head blow off, all over again, after all these years of peaceful hate-watching. Don’s right, of course: a public debate about an alleged rape would be a nightmare. Anonymous accusations are risky andsometimes women lie about rape(Hell, people lie about everything). But on a show dedicated to fantasy journalism, Sorkin’s stand-in doesn’t lobby for more incisive coverage of sexual violence or for a responsible way to tell graphic stories without getting off on the horrible details or for innovative investigations that could pressure a corrupt, ass-covering system to do better. Instead, he argues that the idealistic thing to do is not to believe her story. Don’s fighting fornocoverage: he's so identified with falsely accused men and so focussed on his sorrowful, courtly discomfort that, mainly, he just wants the issue to go away. And Don is our hero! Sloan Sabbith, you in trouble, girl.

Clearly, I’ve succumbed to the Sorkin Curse once again: critique his TV shows and you’ll find you’ve turned into a Sorkin characteryourself—fist-pounding, convinced that you know best, talking way too fast, and craving a stiff drink. But after such an awful week, this online recap might be reduced to: Trigger warning. The season finale runs next week and thank God for that. Like poor old Charlie Skinner, my heart can’t take it anymore.

Emily Nussbaum本人在本剧第一季开始就已经发了一篇比较critical的影评"Broken News"。见//我的转载//。

在当时,对此,她同编辑室的New Yorker colleague David Denby也写了一篇简短的回应as counterargument.

In Defense of Aaron Sorkin’s “The Newsroom”//

I loved Emily Nussbaum’snegative reviewof Aaron Sorkin’s new HBO series, “The Newsroom,” which had its première last Sunday night, but I also enjoyed the show—certainly more than she did—and, afterwards, I felt a kind of moviegoer’s chagrin. Movie audiences get very little dialogue this snappy; they get very little dialogue at all. In movies we are starved for wit, for articulate anger, for extravagant hyperbole—all of which pours in lava flows during the turbulent course of “The Newsroom.” The ruling gods of movie screenwriting, at least in American movies, are terseness, elision, functional macho, and heartfelt, fumbled semi-articulateness. Some of the very young micro-budget filmmakers, trying for that old Cassavetes magic (which was never magical for me, but never mind) achieve a sludgy moodiness with minimal dialogue, or with improvisation—scenes that can be evocative and touching. But the young filmmakers wouldn’t dream of wit or rhetoric. It would seem fake to them. Thank heavens the swelling, angry, sarcastic, one-upping talk in “The Newsroom” is unafraid of embarrassing anyone.

5 ) Save the world from an epidemic of incivility


There's a hole in the side of the boat. That hole is never going to be fixed, and it's never going away and you can't get a new boat. This is your boat. What you are going to do is bail water out faster than it's coming in.



即使这是五六年前的剧了,但这些话至今还是赤裸裸地适用在所有你可以想到的我们,以及美国人在思考美国的态度上。The first step in solving the problem is recognizing there is one.

这部剧对于do the news的刻画,并不是我们平时经常在电影院里看到的 “ we need to fight for the press freedom" 或者 "the press is to serve the public" 那么的单一和片面。通过三季的剖析,从第一季的每一集不同的主题和挣扎、理想主义时不时出现大喊着口号;到第二季因为“Geneva“事件的失败带出媒体说出真相的代价;而第三季更多的是探讨传统媒体和自媒体之间产生的碰撞。点到即止,但却塑造了非常立体的传媒形象。


我羡慕剧里每一个人的清醒,他们知道他们想要做的新闻是什么,这种清醒是不需要上司的提醒,不需要手把手的教学,而是打心眼里他们的认知就是,我们要做的是新闻啊,不是节目。我们想的是怎么影响观众去认识这个社会,这个政府,和这个国家,而不是怎么促使观众丧失独立判断的能力从而有利于我们从中赚取他们的关注度和我们的收视率。所以他们的每一个人会全身心投入泄密者提供给他们关于政府的“残暴行为”即使这会牺牲Nick(第三季);他们会最终放下戒备相信彼此支持播报“Geneva”的决定(第二季)。曝光政府使用化学武器伤及无辜百姓,这个挑战真的太大了,这简直就是把媒体公信力赤裸裸地放在悬崖边上,结果的确就是,被人狠狠踢下了大海深渊。但他们还是相信着,仍然义无反顾地保持着清醒,依旧在必要的时候stick together and support each other。第三季就是一个很好的证明

第三季有几个我很爱的对于新闻的诠释的点,不是那么多地被讨论到的。第一个就是Don在处理Princeton校园强奸案的事情(没有证据指控施暴者 并且施暴者说是两厢情愿)。再一次是网络的力量,网络的力量把强奸受害者的victim属性无限放大,令全网给予最大的同情,表达最强烈的憎恶于施暴者,以及各种保护女性的组织相继成立从而确保女性的伤害能够慢慢minimized。真的很耳熟,这种事情感觉每天都在发生,不光是美国了,我们国内对于这种悲剧的网络关注度也是慢慢在提升。然而万恶不赦追求新闻爆点的Pruit居然要求Don把受害者女主和施暴者男主同时请到节目上,Don是拒绝的,用尽所有方式拒绝,甚至到那个受害者女生的家里叫她拒绝这个邀请。我一开始还以为整个重点是放在对于受害者的二次伤害,结果令我更惊喜的是编剧把重点放在了fairness上,这样的coverage方式,对于(疑似)施暴者而言,真的公平吗?在没有concrete evidence,没有目击者的情况下,凭着一个女生的一面之词,这样公开的报道,真的符合公义吗?是的,即使是有90%的可能性这个男孩rape了这个女孩,但媒体也绝不能熟视无睹那10%的可能性这个女孩利用public interest实行报复毁掉这个男孩的一生。女孩说:

The internet is used for vigilantism every day.
而Don说:It is, but in fairness, the law wasn't built to serve victims



每一个角色都非常出彩,Will的civilize mission 复杂纠结人格和心底最最最柔软的部分在三季慢慢被Mac挖掘出来;Mac天天嚷嚷新闻理想主义但干起活来却比谁都靠谱深思熟虑并且成功把ACN带回正轨;Sloan慢慢认识到什么是爱,怎么去爱,怎么调整调动自己和他人的情绪(不过希望pljj你的语速慢点哦)。还有Jim,Nick,慢慢成长起来的Maggie......我说过,他们心中都有牢牢牵引着他们的原则,不会轻易妥协的原则。当然,其实他们还是有着一个精神领袖,Charlie,在引导他们。他总是自诩自己是堂吉诃德,我觉得这个比喻太精确了,因为他抓住了很重要的一点,就是 一个看似疯癫但却志在开化世间愚昧的骑士。Sloan说,没有想到Charlie有一天居然会为了违背他理想的东西而死。但其实并没有的,他对于pruit的迎合,是希望你们更强烈的反击,这样才能把你们留下。

Charlie的葬礼 Will的悼词

之前自己一直舍不得看完这部剧,也迟迟舍不得执笔写下自己的感受,因为它带给我的东西实在太宏大了。其实还有很多很多关于这部剧的话想说,每一集都足以令我写下一篇ethics of journalism的essay。s3e1的波士顿马拉松爆炸事件,推特和其他social media的力量正正就是反映着所有媒体形式以及大众对于媒体认知的现下的问题,无辜的人遭到最最最恶劣的攻击,民间舆论的肆意无责任的引导和煽动。我们无法抵御这个看似无可救药的浪潮,但或许我们可以做的,就是拼命地把水舀出来,这污浊的水,这无法映射出我们的倒影的浑浊的水,让更多人一起把它舀出来吧。

最后的最后,我不敢说我对于我的专业的解读有多深,但我只是希望大家都能思考多一些。我也没有mac的底气说,journalism is a calling,时代的不允许,环境的不允许,很多时候我们只能认知那些违心的认知,但是,at least,我们要学会辨别,学会去指出和抵抗现在这个时代浪潮里的种种不合理。而作为新闻者,这种使命感更重了,无关职业,无关金钱,it‘s your duty, do the news, no one stops you.

6 ) 专业主义的困局,it is more than it is。

败后或反成功,故拂心处切莫放手。 ———《菜根谭》(通篇也许只有这句话积极向上一点)

当《Newsroom》第三季的海报上写着的"EVERY STORY NEEDS A FINAL WORD."的时候,我无比好奇这样一部理想主义色彩的剧集将会用一个怎样的方式收场作结——在这样一个时代,一群励志要把新闻做好的人会得到一个什么样的结局。

我喜欢林宥嘉版本的《查无此人》,他在唱歌之前讲了一句相信“one great show can change the world”,听那首歌的时候我大一,刚刚接触到这部剧的第一季,看着Will像个老公知一样把问蠢问题的大学生骂得不配拥有妈妈,下定决心要追完这部和自己专业相关的剧集。三年过去了,看完最后一集的自己又把进度条拖回导播喊“60 seconds”处,然后反问自己这三年来观影的感受与成长。
在我看来显然,这是一部great show,不过也很显然的是,它并没有改变世界什么,但对于新闻从业者,准媒体人,新闻系学生,这部剧有足够的干货和三观可以参考和自省,也提出了足够多的好问题供所有人反思。这部剧中的人们对于second sources的几近变态的追求,在新闻播报的选择中坚持新闻价值而不是收视率亦或其它因素的干扰,基于职业素养宁可坐牢也不透露线人的身份,对于互联网的态度、新媒体的态度、真实性和时效性的权衡和坚守……虽然的确有说教的成分,但这些内容就像一面破碎的镜子,反衬出一块又一块残缺的现实媒体行业。我常常在思考,究竟是这个时代的人们没有把新闻做好,还是好的新闻本来就不可能在这个时代被播报出来?


那么问题来了,在这样一个什么事都要站队,社会矛盾空前尖锐,分化明显的现代社会之中,所谓的专业主义真的能够高举维护公众利益的大旗吗?编剧Aaron Sorkin在S3E5安排了一场Will与父亲的狱中对决,把这个问题抛给了观众———精英主义与民粹主义针锋相对的今天,公众利益所以已经分化成了一个个单独集团的利益,你很难去平衡各群体利益间的冲突,也很难去找到一个能覆盖全社会的群体利益而为之奋斗一生。正因如此Will坐牢了,ACN被拆分了,Charlie因为它并不相信的东西而去世了……我推崇这部剧是因为它虽然理想主义但并不是一味的熬鸡汤回避问题,相反的它直面了许多问题并告诉了人们现实的残酷无情。毕竟人们总有一天会认识到现实生活的残酷,但,认识现实绝不等于变得现实,现实的残酷也可以让人变得更懂得珍惜理想与信仰。刚当选台北市长的柯文哲医生在TED演讲中讲:“最困难的不是面对各种挫折打击,而是面对各种挫折打击,却不失去对人世的热情。”


这是他们的时代,也是我的时代,这就是现实状态下我们的时代,不经意间我也会是“他们”中的一员。因此,为了进步,为了变得更好,这个时代比任何时候更加需要具有专业主义精神的人站出来,代表一些什么,改变一些什么……Will在结尾处说自己有信心,我也有,我想这就是这部剧传达的more than it is的含义吧。

"There's a hole in the side of the boat.That hole is never going to be fixed and it's never going away and you can't get a new boat. This is your boat. What you have to do is bail water out faster than it's coming in."

做好你自己。Good evening.

7 ) 乌合之众会拥有真相么?

据闻Newsroom(新闻编辑室)第三季将是最终季,HBO不打算继续跟金牌编剧Aaron Sorkin在Newsroom上合作下去。在剧中一直若隐若现的SNS(社交媒体)幽灵,正在慢慢地向传统的媒体网络(剧中的ACN是一个全媒体网络)伸出它的毒手。就像第三季第四集中的大款老板Pruit叫嚣的那样:数字时代已经来临,众包将替代传统新闻生产。 众包其实是一个从社交网络时代兴起的热词,意思是让更多的人来一起共同完成某件事情(比如:众筹、翻译)。用在媒体领域,就像是Pruit所说的那样:把资源交给大众(更多的大众、普通人),让他们来生产喜闻乐见的新闻:娱乐、体育或者更多形式的内容(视频等多媒体)。 如果众包时代来临,那么传统的新闻生产商:媒体——将有更多人失业,尽管在社交网络时代,媒体已经有很多人失业:信息渠道的增加(信息爆炸),人们不再常常去看报纸、电视。而即使看电视,人们会有更多的选择,也就是说,某个电视节目的替代性产品越来越多。如:你如果觉得中国好声音不好看,就会有另一个节目给你选择:中国好歌曲;还有诸如爸爸去哪儿、奔跑XX之类的节目。如果都不好看?OK,关闭窗口,打开新的浏览器窗口,就好像整个世界都在等着你。 而新闻呢?由于(经过审查的)信息渠道(不是信息来源)越来越多,作为信息渠道某一款产品也拥有着非常多的替代性方案。如果你不喜欢新浪,你可以看网易,你可以看搜狐,如果都不喜欢,你还可以看今日头条。如果你累了,还可以看各门各类的垂直新闻网站,还有一大批的本地新闻网站等着你打开而你或者根本不知道它们存在着(过)。 众包时代就意味着,你会拥有更多的信息传播渠道,更甚至你也会参与其中的信息编辑或传播。这么听着是不是很耳熟?没错,这里说的(可能)就是Micro Blog,即更广义上的微博客:新浪微博、Twitter、Facebook(一部分功能),还有更多可能是SNS网站,甚至是微信。在这里,众包时代把媒体门槛踏破,为普罗大众提供更便捷的的工具和传播途径。也就是说:明天,只要你也会一些简单的编辑操作,你也可以成为主播、编辑、记者,每个人都可以成为新闻的在场者。 每个人都可以成为记者,生产内容——这其实就是一个用户生产内容(UGC)的升级版。但是,我就想Newsroom里的新闻总监Charlie那样对此报以怀疑态度:当每个人都是内容生产者的时候,谁来作double check?当每个人都是第一信息源,那谁来作为Second Source(当然,每个人都可以作second source)?更重要的是:普罗大众真的能产生更宽泛范畴上的新闻观点么?诸如某个政党的选举(当然这里说的是美国、台湾什么的)背后的利益集团问题,诸如某个政客背后的世界观、偏见以及关于公平、公正的讨论等等。 聪明的你或者注意到这样一个悖论存在:如果有着这样一个人,他可以知晓天文地理,可以谈论以上我所列举的一切,他可以做出很多很好的新闻节目,可以剖析得非常到位,那么,他/她还是普罗大众么?这样的举例如果太抽象,可以搜索一下前段时间很火的某个女穷游学家(猫力)的事迹:当一个女生可以奢侈地住各种豪华酒店“穷游”的时候,她就不再是在穷游。 那么,我的意思就是:不是人人都可以成为记者和编辑的?所以我们就应该鼓励诸如澎湃新闻这样的存在?这又不得不变成另一个范畴的讨论:如果是在一个自由出版的环境里(如美国),可以强调“并不是所有人都可以做媒体新闻”的;而在一个不能自由出版的环境里(你懂的)如果你再强调“不是所有人都可以媒体/新闻”的,那就显得装外宾了。 或者到了下结论的时候:当每个人都可以生产内容的时候(如在微信),你可以看到非常多的信息,这些信息包括各类鸡汤和生活指南。当然,这并不是微信的错。 最后,在SNS时代,(自由世界的)普罗大众是可以拥有真相的么?或者说,更形而上地,普罗大众是可以接近真相的么?就像Newsroom里的Pruit说的那样,新闻(剧中Pruit所说的应该是面向18-24岁的青年人的新闻内容)是可以众包的么?当SNS幽灵把剧中的ACN淹没的时候,Aaron Sorkin可能已经想到了另一个出路,以个人博客起家的huffingtonpost已经成为大众媒体。这个媒体里既有类似纽约时报的“阳春白雪”般的内容,也有Buzzfeed“下里巴人”般的搞笑幽默。而且,重要的是这家媒体使用的就类似于“众包”模式:让更多人参与到新闻的编辑和传播中去。 可是悖论又会随之而来,当huffingtonpost成为网络新贵(被AOL以3.15亿美元收购)之后,它就失去了其普罗大众的基础:它开始像其他权威媒体一样,收拢大量的精英人士,搜罗大量的专业编辑记者——很明显,他们都不是乌合之众。



  • 芝麻糊糊大尾巴
  • 力荐

这剧从开播就不招人待见,等到了第三季就只剩下索金一个人在战斗。No matter how much I dis/agreed with him, I don't want to fight against him, or beside him. I just want to stand there watching and admiring. Because no one else can fight like Aaron Sorkin.

  • Iberian
  • 力荐


  • 发条饺子
  • 力荐


  • 艾小柯
  • 力荐


  • A-sun*
  • 力荐


  • Riobluemoon
  • 力荐

我們都在笑話Don Quixote,實際上我們都羨慕Don Quixote。

  • 三三.
  • 力荐


  • 同志亦凡人中文站
  • 力荐


  • \t^h/
  • 还行


  • 安纳
  • 力荐

"He identified with Don Quixote, an old man with dementia, who thought he can save the world from an epidemic of incivility simply by acting like a knight. His religion was decency. And he spent lifetime fighting his enemies." This is not just for Charlie, this is for all of you.

  • Sophie Z
  • 力荐


  • 亵渎电影
  • 推荐


  • 汪金卫
  • 力荐

只有两种办法可以实现艾伦·索金的世界:1. 人人都是理想主义战士 2.人人都吸毒过量,语速惊人脑袋不清白。

  • Fantasy
  • 力荐


  • 匡轶歌
  • 力荐

理想主義到最後還是貫徹到了底 Aaron Sorkin還是沒有讓它走悲劇結局 Charlie用了三年時間將這群理想鬥士聚集起來變成了瘋子 他卻先行離去了 謝謝這群飛蛾撲火的浪漫理想主義者 Thank you Don Quixote. Good Evening.是時候重頭再看

  • Xaviera
  • 力荐


  • 戚阿九
  • 力荐


  • The 星星
  • 力荐


  • 唐真
  • 推荐


  • 柏林苍穹下
  • 力荐


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