

主演:Tracy GrandstaffWendy HoopesJulián Rebolledo

导演:Karen DisherGuy MooreTony Kluck


拽妹黛薇儿第一季 剧照 NO.1 拽妹黛薇儿第一季 剧照 NO.2 拽妹黛薇儿第一季 剧照 NO.3 拽妹黛薇儿第一季 剧照 NO.4 拽妹黛薇儿第一季 剧照 NO.5 拽妹黛薇儿第一季 剧照 NO.6 拽妹黛薇儿第一季 剧照 NO.13 拽妹黛薇儿第一季 剧照 NO.14 拽妹黛薇儿第一季 剧照 NO.15 拽妹黛薇儿第一季 剧照 NO.16 拽妹黛薇儿第一季 剧照 NO.17 拽妹黛薇儿第一季 剧照 NO.18 拽妹黛薇儿第一季 剧照 NO.19 拽妹黛薇儿第一季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-04-11 15:47


  『Daria,跩妹黛薇兒』是繼1993年『Beavis & Butt-head癟四與大頭蛋』之後MTV力捧的另一部以年輕女孩為主角的卡通動畫影集,1997年3月於美國MTV全球首播,不到一年時間Daria聲名大噪,成為全紐約最跩的女高中生。


1 ) Fantastic!

This is my stop

Got to get off

I might go pop

Excuse me

I’ve got to be direct

If I’m off, please correct

You’re standing on my neck

Question one: “Self-esteem is important because…”

It’s a quality that will stand us in good stead for the rest of our lives.

Very good. Now, “The next time I start to feel bad about myself…”

Stand before the mirror, look myself in the eye and say,

“You are special. No one else is like you.”

You two really have been pay attention! Okay, “There is no such thing…”

As the right weight.

Or the right height.

There’s only what’s right for me.

Because me is who I am.

When you’re popular, all unpopular people look like anyway.

I was ready to go before we got here.

Can’t talk now. I’m chairing a meeting of the Resting Quietly Club.

You’re good. When you put your mind to it, you’re very, very good.

The world was once again safe for democracy.

She said it was wrong to encourage cheaters and to profit from them.

So, she is giving up being a lawyer?

I asked her that,

And I’m sure someday we’ll once again be on speaking terms.

May I be excused?

I’d like to go to the girl’s room and vomit up breakfast.

Could you remove your glasses?

Could you remove your halter top?

I can’t take my glasses off.

I need them to see scam artists.

I supposed you realize that now I have to reconsider my position.

Does no one have any ethics anymore?

How do we know that what you tell us is the truth?

You don’t. And that’s the greatest lession of all.

Boy, she was really trying to make you insecure.

I know. If I didn’t have such low self-esteem, she might have gotten to me.

I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this, and I’ll deny I ever said it.

Do you think I’d be out here letting you try and teach me how to be cool?

I’d like to pay my check to society and get on with my life.

Bureaucracy is the price we pay for impartiality.

Nobody said the justice system would be fair.

The only thing actually worse than reading is watching somebody else read.

Dad, these tired bones maybe locked behind prison walls,

But when I play this rusty old harp, my soul flies free as a bird.

I don’t care. It’s been too long already.

I’ve paid my debt.

That’s right. I’m busting out.

Mom and Dad are taking the night off from being jailers,

So I’m taking the night off, too.

The confinement has made me desperate.

If I don’t get out, I’m afraid I might do something crazy.

So, basically, you’ve convinced them that you were to dull to be worth grounding.

Exactly, and the sad thing is, it’s kinda true.

Reality is bizarre enough for me.

Pass me a guitar string so that I might silence my friend.

You don’t need any more holes in your head.

Now my day’s complete.

Do you ever feel like maybe you’re all wasting your life?

Only when I’m awake.

A healthy happy family comes before work. Always.

Dammit! It’s my turn to say dammit!

I hope the raging envy you’re feeling won’t affect our friendship.

No way to contact the outside world! What a luxury.

If you don’t mind, I’m gonna crawl back into myself for a while.

That’s good, honey. You’re letting out some of that tension.

Why couldn’t he just love me for who I was?

My eyes are too blurry to read it.

Quinn, everywhere you look you see doors opening.

Everywhere your father looks, he sees doors closing.

A long corridor of door slamming shut, and at the very end,

There is one open door,

He must someday enter…and never may he return.

Rely on Mother’s hypocrisy to see us through this crisis.

I don’t like to smile unless I have a reason.

Daria, people judge you by your expressions.

Yes, and I believe there is something intrinsically wrong with that system,

And have dedicated myself to change it.

You must have worked very hard to become such a colossal jerk so quickly.

Maybe his death hit a little too close to home?

Gee, I hope this doesn’t lower your opinion of me.

Now he’s dead and I feel bad but I don’t feel that bad so I feel terrible!

You’re worried that you’re not as nice a person as you thought.

Boy, Daria, nothing gets through to you, does it.

To make something positive come out of this devastating event.

I’m not anybody, and I’d like to talk to someone.

But you’ve been talking to everyone.

No, everyone’s been talking to me. There’s a difference.

When they say, “You are always unhappy, Daria,”

What they mean is, “You think Daria”.

I can tell because you don’t smile.

Now this guy died and it makes me think

And that hurts my little head and makes me stop smiling.

So, tell me how you cope with thinking all the time, Daria,

Until I can get back to my normal vegetable state.”

Well, I don’t like it when I say people should die and then they do.

I don’t want that kind of responsibility.

It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

Find some other way to feel. Then you won’t feel sad.

You just made ten bucks off of that poor girl’s suffering.

Yeah. That was wrong.

Really. Next time…


2 ) Gee MTV, I hope U continue this series

U made whole lot craps
Only this Daria series was one of the best of your products
why not continue it after such successful whole five seasons?
so not fair ...

3 ) daria:像“死人”的态度cool girl






我自认为,应当学习这种态度。学习daria面对他人说自己是个苦逼妹时毅然决然清晰的明白what i am doing,当然面对生活荒诞的吐槽也可以学习,不过要适度。毕竟我相信如今这世上真正刚里刚气懒得和气点的人很少,我们都需要维持人际关系,即便是表面上的。


4 ) 算是观后感吧

是一部佳作 可圈可点 首先在人物塑造上相当出色 主角黛薇儿冷峻博学的形象令人印象深刻 在有剧情丰富 虽说是单元剧但是每集都令人心满意足 主题以展现高中日常“琐事”和揭露与讽刺社会问题为主 表现得十分有力 所处环境不是特别宽广 使其人物活动集中在一定程度上方便了主题的表达。至于缺点 就是五季加上两部剧场版有些令人意犹未尽 听说2021年重启 十分期待。

5 ) Jane oh Jane

最喜欢的部分是Daria有Jane这样的朋友。一个怪胎拥有来自另一个怪胎的真挚友情。不管是怎样冷漠的孤僻的愤世嫉俗的小孩,也能在无聊的小镇平庸的学校里第一天就碰到一个槽点共频的同类。这样她的形象就不(只)是一个厌世又毒舌但只能在角落里吐槽傻逼橄榄球队长和他的智障女友的年轻怨妇了。虽然Daria就算没有任何朋友也不会孤独,但有一个能并肩走过学校走廊,共同期待地球爆炸人类毁灭的损友真好啊。她的思考和真情流露在与Jane的交换中被承接和反馈了。带着一点点青春期矫情的戏谑和纠结也被恰到好处的理解。无比钟爱每一个Daria在Jane的床上躺着看书,Jane在画板上涂涂抹抹的场景。什么都可以聊,沉默的看the sick sad world也好。世界和人类都不会变得更好了,她们都这么想。

6 ) Quinn

记性不大好,回忆中可能添加了脑补。 某一集,Quinn一个人 去朋友家也呆不久 最后去了Jane家 觉得Quinn有点可爱 记录Quinn的一天的那集 Q有点悲伤的表情说那我能怎样呢 被catch Q有一群追求者有小团体有捏着嗓子的朋友 我喜欢这个角色 细节: Helen Jake记得Jane名字,还给Jane打电话问Daria是不是在 (似乎这对父母的形象设定是很不合格的?越看越觉得Helen是很积极参与孩子的成长的 Helen Quinn Jane是同一个cv? Trent给Jane选礼物找D的时候,粉色泡泡好足 Quinn好可爱! 在看完第二季的时候看了第五季的影评 又去看了最后一集 Quinn可爱!D其实是很受父母关心的。 Q写的小诗可爱啊!

7 ) 民主教育大赏










每个姑娘都有一个trent这样的High school girl's first crush——比自己年长几岁,玩乐队,alternative的酷:)后半段丧得高甜~

  • Pirouette
  • 力荐


  • 小徐师傅
  • 还行

Don't worry. I don't have low self-esteem. It's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else.

  • nbsp
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  • 踢迩达
  • 推荐

如果有10星我会给10星,or最好100星。世界上所有的星星都给daria。。- -

  • やま
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  • 小小虫
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  • tangerine
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  • Kreuzberg
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  • 椰子壳撞击之夏
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一言难尽,现在只想穿越到里面做一个九十年代美国小镇高中生。情景喜剧一样的中产家庭生活啦,酷酷的朋友和她玩乐队的哥哥啦,周末晚上偷溜进去的派对和学校里那些花枝招展的女孩子啦,一切镌刻在摇滚唱片和电视机里的old fashion。周遭的一切愚蠢而甜蜜,你的内心冷漠而温情,就这样长大吧

  • 莉莉玛莲
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cool,荣登动画剧集no.1.rick and morty no.2

  • 来都来了
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Daria把每件事看得够开 每一集都是一种“我就静静地看着你们这群普通人自娱自乐”的状态 但喜欢上另一个人 遭到误解和无奈 结交知心的朋友 这些该有的她都有 就像她自己说的“我只是与别人不一样而已” 可以 很酷 我喜欢

  • lullaby
  • 力荐

豆瓣满眼都是Darias and Janes。动画版的怪胎与书呆,只是更酷更讽刺

  • 半个桃李林檎
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  • 喵尔摩丝
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  • 哈利波不凸
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精神不够强的人类 这样会活得比较心累

  • elimu
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  • Redux
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最后一集我擦这个信息量惊人的 真的好看

  • Sigma von Zeta
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  • 慢性鼻炎患者
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  • Amun
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