This daring, exciting story from northern Sri Lanka convincingly captures the madness in a land where the psychology of war is omnipresent. Three parallel stories deal with the attempts of ordinary village people to lead a normal life in abnormal circumstances. First feature film of Sanjeewa Pushpakumara.
praiseworthy as a debut; both of KIM Ki-Duk and KITANO Takeshi shed some light on this film, maybe PARK Chan-wook as well
节奏拖得跟什么是的,不自觉得就睡得跟什么是的,没什么剧情,仅有的一点点剧情也被切割得支离破碎,少得可怜的台词根本表达不清楚想要表达的意思。三级片的定义给了匪夷所思的结局,你杀我我杀你,死的死,没死的也在走向死亡。结束了... ...
Sanjeewa Pushpakamara出席
this movie is hard to put into words, it's visually stunning and emotionally depressing....