

主演:罗泰尔·布鲁特  Aden Young  何家蓓  奥古斯特·斯彻伦伯格  




黑袍1991 剧照 NO.1黑袍1991 剧照 NO.2黑袍1991 剧照 NO.3黑袍1991 剧照 NO.4黑袍1991 剧照 NO.5黑袍1991 剧照 NO.6黑袍1991 剧照 NO.13黑袍1991 剧照 NO.14黑袍1991 剧照 NO.15黑袍1991 剧照 NO.16黑袍1991 剧照 NO.17黑袍1991 剧照 NO.18黑袍1991 剧照 NO.19黑袍1991 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-16 09:34


  本片改编自布莱恩摩尔的畅销小说,布莱恩根据耶稣会所记载有关传教士在法兰西区的早期活动,撰写成拉佛格神父的传奇故事,并谨慎地将一段著名的历史戏剧化,从中能一窥早期北美的历史。  故事发生在1634年,一个年轻神父穿过北美荒野,来到加拿大向当地的印第安人传教。其间他的随从爱上了印第安酋长的女儿。恶劣的自然环境以及印第安人古老的生活方式使得他开始怀疑自己的使命是否正确。死亡的恐惧也在威胁着他们。


 1 ) 一部电影佳作:我的感动和遗憾!


影片根据社会文学家布莱恩·摩尔的畅销小说《黑袍》改编,曾以《为黛茜小姐开车》而获得1989年度奥斯卡最佳影片的澳大利亚裔导演布鲁斯·贝尔斯福德执导, 加拿大电影金像奖影帝罗泰尔·布鲁特出演主人公拉弗格神父,他曾经在《蒙特利尔的耶稣》中奉献精湛演技和令人信服的宗教气质,此番饰演一位意志坚定的年轻神父。在连串如诗如画的凄美镜头中,拉弗格身披黑色教袍与蒙昧未化的印第安部族人结伴同行,从格格不入到渐渐为友,他们足迹穿越加拿大魁北克地区人迹罕至的冰天雪地、大湖荒原,与严寒、狂风、饥饿、部族冲突纠缠不已,历尽苦难考验艰辛磨炼,甚至遭遇殴打拘禁迫害,身处生命危险死亡威胁,他的内心信仰虔诚不移,即使面临酋长赴死、随从离去即将孤身上路的窘迫危机,他转身出发前依然从容自语:“上帝给予我们的,就如同生存和死亡,这对于谁,都一样公平!”










 2 ) 脆弱的宗教信仰,文明的必须发展史。



 3 ) [Film Review] Black Robe (1991) 7.3/10

Riding on the coattail of DANCES WITH WOLVES’ triumph, added by Beresford’s own DRIVING MISS DAISY (1989) Oscar coup, BLACK ROBE, based on Brian Moore’s novel about a Jesuit’s resolution of proselytizing Christianity among local Indians in the 17th century Canada, is green-lit as a Canada-Australia co-production and studiously shot entirely on inhospitable locations.

Father LaForgue (Bluteau), aka, the titular Black Robe, and his young non-Jesuit assistant Daniel (Young), are escorted by a cohort of Algonquin Indians (who have been ostensibly converted to Christianity), to traverse 1500 miles to look for a Catholic mission in a Huron village. En route, the group will fall in with several other Indian tribes, some are suspiciously non-violent, others are blatantly hostile. While LaForgue is flustered by Daniel’s copulation with Annuka (Holt, what a youthful exotica!), the sultry daughter of Chomina (Schellenberg), the Algonquin leading guide who is well versed in English, the Algonquins begin to question their mission, fanned by a Mantagnais shaman proclaiming that Black Robe is the embodiment of the Devil.

In mid-stream, the Algonquin backpedals on their promise and leaves LaForgue in the lurch, only a guilt-driven Chomina later returns with his family and a tailing Daniel, but they are ambushed and tortured by the ferocious Iroquois (the barbarian act among rivaling tribes is a searing condemnation of savage among uncivilized beings), only LaForgue, Daniel, Annuka and Chomina manages to escape during a snowy night (honey trap is a straightforward, foolproof ploy regardless of any societal context).

The last stretch of their journey is punctuated by Chomina’s succumbing to his severe wound, and it is his clairvoyant vision of the place where he dies, of which he constantly dreams, that bears witness to Beresford and Moore’s contestation of religious freedom, a foisted Christianity can not displace Chomina’s inveterate belief that has been deeply dispersed through generations of his people and indoctrinated for all their lives, such is attested by a numinous manifestation during Chomina’s last gasp.

Chomina’s last prophesy is that the Black Robe must finish his quest alone, so when Father LaForgue finally reaches his destination, he must brave himself for the rigors and disease prevailing over the Huron village, and devotes his remaining life to his evangelical mission, ironically, the ending caption sheds a light on the upshot of the proselytized Huron tribe, which doesn’t bode well, one might be intrigued to ask, what does that to do with their altered religion?

A scrawny Lothaire Bluteau cuts his teeth into this demanding leading role and ekes out a touching devoutness precariously nigh on obsession. August Schellenberg, a Mohawk descent, also strikes a chord in his personification of fortitude, sensibility and a magic fruit borne out of wishful-thinking civilization. All in all, Bruce Beresford’s BLACK ROBE is a grand epic toning down the unsavory side of westernized colonization, and lets a humane spirit take the wheel in the choppy flux of a religious journey.

referential entries: Beresford’s TENDER MERCIES (1983, 8.2/10); Roland Joffé’s THE MISSION (1986, 5.0/10), Kevin Costner’s DANCES WITH WOLVES (1990, 8.1/10).

 4 ) great movie~great story

    The "Black Robe" is a great Canada/Australia movie. The movie is made from a novel, which is written by Brian Moore. The director, Bruce Beresford, also won the Genie Awards as the Best director. The story is about a group of French people try to encourage the local Indians to embrace Christianity. They made a plan of sending young Jesuit Priests to the interior of North America. A young Jesuit named LaForgue and his non-Jesuit assistance were sent to a Huron village. The mission is called "Catholic mission". After a lot struggling and sufferings, LaForgue finally reached his destination.
    The whole movie is full of cultural conflicts. French people were rich, civilized, while the local Indians were very original. Those two group of people held two extremely different type of cultures, which makes it very difficult for them to live and work together. We can see the French and Indians were regarding "the other" in many aspect. For instance, the French called the Indians "wild woods people", while the Indians thought all the things those white people said is meaningless, and they do not admit their religion, too, by calling the young Jesuit " Black Robe" instead of "Father". We can also see the cultural gap from the attitude of the Chomina (the leader of the travel group) towards the fact that his young daughter were falling in love with Daniel, the young assistance of LaForgue. Chomina said to his daughter that Daniel is ugly and can't be provided to her, which shows local Indians do not see those colonist the same as themselves.
     The biggest reason, why this movie were regarded as one of the most successful movie of that year, is that this movie shows every characters as real human beings but a non-emotional hero. When two cultures hit each other, many unexplained facts were happening, such as "culture change", "culture loss", "acculturation". In the film, when LaForgue traveled on the river, he "shitted" in the river with his whole buttocks exposed outside, and all the other people were staring and laughing about him. This can be seen as a "culture change", kind of changing the culture style to adjust the environment. The young assistance Daniel is one of the most important role in the whole story. After he was falling in love with Chomina's beautiful daughter, Sandrine Holt, he started doubting his own faith by living for god. Eventually, he dumped LaForgue on a dangerous island and then ran after the travel group. This can be seen as a "culture loss". At the end of the movie, LaForgue got the final destination, a Huron village, he successfully convince those local villagers to believe god and give up wars and killings. This can be seen as an aspect of "acculturation". All of these phenomenon are presented very naturally through the movie.
     "Colonization" and "Globalization" are two similar words in many aspect, like the movie shows us. they all contains lots of cultural conflicts and "culture change", "culture loss", "acculturation", but the difference is that Colonization is more like trying to remove a culture with another one. The process is violent, and the purpose is always greedy, while "Globalization" is more like trying to find a balance between two different culture. In that balance, people from both two culture backgrounds will show their respect to each other. Although, they might have different life style and religions, they can still work, study and living together, properly and comfortably.



  • julius
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  • 左胸上的吸盘
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  • 玉米它娘
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  • 将心堂
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  • MoonSilver
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Canadian Study上看得......

  • A Sura
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hmmm, 我觉得对某些人很有教育意义。。当然他们应该看不出来其中的教育意义。。。

  • 菜心
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  • 宇宙佛系渣渣蓝
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Winner of Canada Film Festival, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor - 1992

  • 1901
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不打算重看了,虽然睡过去一半,至少老师要讲的了解了,可是老师到底讲了什么…… 一部没达到目的带着原著作者强烈印记的电影?

  • 莫奈
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那女人好动心~~~男主没胡子的时候很帅 还8错 风景优美 节奏不紧不慢 演员表演也不错

  • 颜颜
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为了印第安人历史而看的电影 误解和歧视实在是太多 何家蓓真的很惊艳

  • Haaaa
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  • 傲慢与偏见
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  • 影视圈前沿观察
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So touching, so sad, there could be so much debate and so much humanities.

  • westye
  • 力荐

原作者Brian Moore受到了耶稣会士Noel Chabanel (1613-1649)殉道的启发,写下了这个故事。影片中主要表现神父Laforgue前往休伦人领地传教,有一队阿尔冈昆人同意护送,还有一位法国年轻人Daniel也作为神父的陪同随行。一路凶险。这些印第安人必然不认可神父的教导,阿尔冈昆人甚至曾丢下了“黑袍”。但后来,他们一群人被易洛魁人围攻,死的死死的伤,“他们是动物啊,他们不是人”。最后的逃脱,神父Laforgue终于走到了目的地,休伦人的村庄。最后一幕,那些休伦人问神父:Do you love us?神父沉思良久回答:Yes.

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