以上是Jeanette Winterson写的Some wounds never heal,我已经尽力了,但原文那种悲伤和绝望的味道还是没翻出来。
Tristan & Isolde的传说起源于中世纪,头一个版本是苏格兰国王Talorc的儿子Drust从海盗手里救的一位公主,父子同时爱上她。
这种爱情模式也套在亚瑟王身上,就是著名的Lancelot和Guinevere的爱情,在早期的版本中这两人挺清白,后不断流传中才添了桃色,甚至红过了Tristan和Iseult,到19世纪,它被德国剧作家Richard Wagner改编成歌剧Tristan and Isolde。
Tristan & Isolde凄美哀婉,它感动过很多同病相怜的艺术家,Wagner肯定是一个,Jeanette Winterson也应该是吧(反正看她的文章,就觉得她经历过的坎坷肯定不止一次),还有好莱坞大导演Ridley Scott,当年,当两个剧本摆在他面前的时候,他选择了《异形》,功成名就。
这部片子让人想起First Knight,又名: 第一武士 / 剑侠风流 / 第一骑士 / 剑侠柔情,Sean Connery和Richard Gere这两个好莱坞不同年代第一小生联手演绎Lancelot和Guinevere的故事,也非常好看,不输这部。
先看评论再看电影完全左右了我的心情,James Franco确实一副很少出太阳的忧郁表情,和很早逝的James Dean一个模子,James Dean我只看过一部,他真的从头到尾一个表情,居然火得不行。巧合的是James Franco还出演过James Dean。
Some wounds never heal
Jeanette Winterson
The second time the sword went in, I aimed it at the place of the first.
I am weak there─the place where I had been found out before. My weakness was skinned over by your love.
I knew when you healed me that the wound would open again. I knew it like destiny, and at the same time, I knew it as choice.
The love-potion? I never drank it. Did you?
Our story is so simple. I went to bring you back for someone else, and won you for myself. Magic, they all said later, and it was, but not the kind that can be brewed.
We were in Ireland. Was there ever a country so damp? I had to write out my mind to think clearly. I was a morning mist of confusion.
You had a lover. I killed him. It was war and your man was on the losing side. As I killed him, he fatally wounded me; that is, he gave me the wound that only love could repair. Love lost, and the wound would be as bloody as ever. As bloody as now,
bed-soaked and jagged.
I didn't care about dying. But you took me in out of pity because you didn't know my name. I told you it was Tantrist, and as Tantrist you loved me.
'What if I was Tristan?' I asked you one day, and I watched you grow pale, and take a dagger. You had every right to kill me.
I turned my throat to you, Adam's apple twitching slightly, but before I closed my eyes, I smiled.
When I opened them again, you had put down the dagger and you were holding my hand. I felt like a little child, not a hero, not a warrior, not a lover, only a boy in a big bed, the day turning round him, dreamy and slow.
The room was high and blue. Cobalt blue. There was an orange fire. Your eyes were green. Lost in the colours of our love I never forgot them, and now, lying here, where the sheets are brown with my blood, it is blue and orange and green I remember.
A little boy in a big bed.
Where are you?
We said nothing. You sat beside me. You were the strong one. I couldn't stand up. Holding my hand, and stroking it gently with your finger and thumb, you touched in me another world. Until then, through wounds and wreck, I had been sure of myself.
I was Tristan. Now, my name gone backwards, I went backwards myself, unraveling into strands of feeling. This stranded man.
When it was time for me to sail back to Cornwall, you came out and stood on a narrow rock, and we watched each other so far that only we two knew what was rock or boat or human.
The sea was empty. The sky was shut.
Then King Marke sent me to fetch you to be his wife.
You said you wanted to kill me.
Again I opened my body to you. Again you dropped the blade.
When your servant brought the drink I knew you intended to poison me. Under the cliffs of Cornwall, the King in his boat ready to meet us, I drank the water, because that's what it was. Your servant had given me water. You drank too, and fell to the floor, and I went to catch you and hold you as the men dropped anchor and the ship lurched. You were in my arms for the first time, and you said my name, 'Tristan.'
I answered you: 'Isolde.'
Isolde. The world became a word.
We lived for the night. The torch in your window was my signal. When it was lit, I stayed away. When you extinguished it, I came to you─secret doors, dark corridors, forbidden stairs, brushing aside fear and propriety like cobwebs. I was inside you. You contained me. Together, in bed, we could sleep, we could dream, and if we heard your servant's mournful cry, we called it a bird or a dog. I never wanted to wake. I had no use for the day. The light was a lie. Only here, the sun killed,
and time's hands bound, were we free. Imprisoned in each other, we were free.
When my friend Melot set the trap, I think I knew it. I turned to death full face, as I had turned to love with my whole body.?I would let death enter me as you had entered me. You had crept along my blood vessels through the wound, and the blood that circulates returns to the heart. You circulated me, you made me blush like a girl in the hoop of your hands. You were in my arteries and my lymph, you were the colour just under my skin, and if I cut myself, it was you I bled. Red Isolde, alive on my fingers, and always the force of blood pushing you back to my heart.
In the fight when Marke found us, I fought at the door until you escaped. Then I face Melot at last, my friend, my trusted friend, and I held my sword at him, red with blood. As he lifted his sword against me, I threw mine down and ran his through my body, at the bottom of my ribs. The skin, still shy of healing, opened at once.
When I woke, I was here, in my own castle, across the sea, carried and guarded by my servant. He told me he had sent for you, yes surely there was a sail? I could see it swift as love. He climbed into the watchtower, but there was no sail.
I put my hand into the bloody gap at the bottom of my ribs. Her name drips through my fingers: Isolde.
Where are you?
Tristan, I didn't drink it either. There was no love-potion, only love. It was you I drank.
Tristan, wake up. Don't die of the wound. Divide the night with me, and die together in the morning.
His eye is pale, his breathing is still. When I first saw him, he was still and pale, and I kissed him into life, though he never knew that was the art I used.
Tristan, the world was made so that we could find each other in it. Already the world is fading, returning to the sea. My pulse ebbs with yours. Death frees us from the torment of parting. I cannot part with you. I am you.
The world is nothing. Love formed it.
The world vanishes without trace.
What is left is love.
片头出现的苍凉的高山和枯黄的草甸一下子抓住了我的呼吸,如同从西藏到青海的那一路的景色,知道在那样环境下生存的人顽强,英勇,天生拥有英雄气质.一个转眼间主人公崔斯坦长成了青年,那个身影在巨幕上走近,渐渐的面目清晰,英俊得令人侧目.扮演他的是James Franco,蜘蛛侠里的第二男主角,难怪瞧着似曾相识.演他义父马克的是Rufus Sewell,也是一个很面熟的演员,喜欢他的眼睛和嘴组合成的意气而果断的表情还有他在影片中剃得很短的发型,在我看来他长得也是很有魅力的.花痴的话少说,."崔斯坦与伊索德"其实是在西方比"罗米欧与朱莉叶"流传更早的经典爱情悲剧,悲剧的酝酿是从伊索德对崔斯坦隐瞒了自己的真名开始.
第一个高潮:崔斯坦以他无敌的英勇赢得了比武招亲,实现了诺言为马克王赢得了一个妻子,也就是爱尔兰的公主,同时挫败了爱尔兰国王企图以招亲离间他们的阴谋.罗嗦一句,根据剧情交代这一招还是崔斯坦想出来的,让爱尔兰国王是赔了夫人又折兵.按照马克的想法就只能眼睁睁看着爱尔兰离间他们再等着被逐个击破了,所以崔斯坦不但英勇而且很有谋略.招亲台上的公主看着心爱的勇士获胜自然激动不已,她颤抖着跑到前面扯下面纱说:I BELONG TO U!她实在是太兴奋了以致于没听到崔斯坦在赢了之后说:我代表马克王为他赢取这个荣耀.她的父亲对她的兴奋感到相当不快,他冷冷地告诉她她将嫁给的是马克王.而崔斯坦,也愣住了,他万万没想到摘掉面纱的公主居然就是自己朝思暮想地自称是侍女的人.台上台下那一刻我只听到一片心碎的声音.悲剧终于穿着他的黑衣正面亮相.
My face in thine eyes,
And thine in my appears,
And true plain hearts do in the faces rest
Whatever does was not mixed equally
If our two lovers be one
Or thou and love so alike
That none can slacken, none can die
因为James Franco在影片中的魅力,咱开始花痴西西的觉得找个老外BF也不错,只要他和James Franco一样帅,热爱中国文化,对爱情很严肃.不过SH满足这条件的老外太少了.咱也就是一时被电影迷惑想想而已.
中央六的版本里 貌似有一句话翻译错了
2008.2.13 CCTV6 home
喜欢中世纪硬冷的风格 这是上古传说啊 喵??
更喜欢这个名字,王者之心有点不伦不类的。。。两个人爱情,两个人 在手心交握的一刻,就是整个世界上帝都嫉妒 众人在赌咒于是 离别 也带不走痴情死亡也不能消融忠诚!
很好的题材 拍的一般 女主角太一般了
在仅靠弓弩、矛盾、刀剑打斗的中世纪,要想取得胜利必须不畏谗言、足智多谋。Where can we find two better hemispheres, Without sharp North, without declining West?