Vis-à-vis the holy grail for every Hollywood plodding actor, the Oscar glory, quondam megastar Harrison Ford appears to be an anomaly in terms of ambition, compared with his next-generation male box office draws like Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt (all currently thrice-nominated for their acting chops without a win, although their odds seem to recede in recent years due to multiple reasons), he contentedly and consistently prefers receipts-proof studio productions than potential Oscar baits, so it is an interesting case that his as yet sole Oscar nomination is derived from Antipodean director Peter Weir’s first Hollywood foray, WITNESS, which grafts a boilerplate thriller template onto the rarely presented Amish minority dwelling in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and becomes a dark horse hit and unlikely Oscar contender with 8 nominations and two wins, does Ford ride on the coattail of its runaway success or is he really Oscar-worthy?
Before we even lay our eyes on Ford’s Philadelphia detective John Book, Weir masterfully opens the film with a pastoral, solemn Amish funeral to introduce widow Rachel Lapp (McGillis, in her breakthrough role) and her 8-year-old son Samuel (Lukas Haas, for this reviewer’s money, the cutest, most telegenic kid ever to melt your heart), then, right during his maiden trip to a big city, in the Philadelphia train station, Samuel inadvertently witness a murder in the men’s room, profuse blood is splattered in front of his innocent eyes, and he only avoids being caught by a hair’s breadth, what an extraordinary kid he is! Possessing such presence of mind, he should be plugging for Amish upbringing afterwards.
Ergo, here enters John Book, our diligent detective, whose life soon is imperiled by Samuel’s chance discovery of the assassin, which links the rotten core to his direct superior Chief Paul Schaeffer (Sommer, looks out of sorts in his anemic complexion), after surviving an ambush and driving Rachel and Samuel back to their home turf, a wounded John stays to recuperate, and begins to participate in Amish activities, inevitably mutual attraction sizzles between him and Rachel (ignited by a sensual, perspiring humming and dancing to the tunes of WONDERFUL WORLD), there are plenty time before Schaeffer and his lackeys can pinpoint his whereabout (a plot device seems only probable at that time), during which John impressively shows his carpentry skill (an in-joke because Ford was a carpenter before plunging into showbiz) in the annual barn-raising day, whacks a whippersnapper who taunts the pacifist Amish people, and finally unleashes his hitherto suppressed desire with a reciprocal Rachel, Weir is truly au fait with the stoked passion between a man and a woman, who are hampered by their different persuasions and uncertain futurity, and not only projected from a habitual male gaze angle.
A final showdown is respectfully left no Amish being hurt, after Book using ingenuity to dispatch two villains (a maniac Danny Glover included), the danger is defused by a testament to the truism “there is safety in numbers”, which lends the story a surprisingly realistic spin out of its well-worn genre tropes. Ford is as good as one can expect, conjuring up bonhomie, bona-fides and sex appeal with sufficient exigency and commitment, and so is Kelly McGillis, stalwartly sticks with her guns in fidelity to Rachel’s true feelings. A minor gripe is that Lukas Haas’ Samuel has been mostly left on the sideline when romance and cultural adaptation is put to the fore, a lost opportunity to mine into the psyche of a young kid relative to the concept of “innocence lost”, when Haas manifests a rare affecting brilliance onscreen. That said, WITNESS thrives as a consequential conglomerate of enclave infotainment and genre exercise, a shot in Weir’s arm and a boon to Harrison Ford’s awards-eluding acting facility.
referential entries: Weir’s THE YEAR OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY (1982, 6.4/10), THE TRUMAN SHOW (1998, 8.3/10), PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK (1975, 8.9/10).
女主是演过《暴劫梨花》和《凌云壮志》的凯莉·麦吉利斯 非常有味道 别样的性感 成熟有风韵 贤淑而又有点男性气质 露点 维果·莫特森年轻客串处女作 小男孩长大《小红帽》《乔布斯》 彼得威尔《死亡诗社》《楚门的世界》《怒海争锋》执导类型多样 此片节奏太慢 类型混杂 开场文艺片 厕所变犯罪片 到乡下隐姓埋名变武侠片 和女主互生情愫变爱情片 谷雨暴击变动作片 摄影还是不错的
4.0 老梗的故事,卻也能從中展現一片淨土。剪輯與攝影真好,頻頻出現令我心動的鏡頭。只不過中間一段都傾力放在情感戲上了,而結尾顯弱。Harrison Ford的木匠身分根本就是本色演出啊....哈哈哈
不是一个世界的人 是没办法在一起的
我想知道,现在的阿米什人是不是如同中国大多数少数名族一样,有没有被这个时代同化? 还是他们依旧坚定地保持着自己的信仰。
在艰难的条件下依然保持一颗公正的心不容易;通过交流沟通把偏见化成理解也并不难。女主角很优雅,小男孩很可爱,Ford 一贯地有型。
莫染:““Witness” 简洁、宁静的电影。仿佛薄暮时从心里飘出的歌,或者只是长久的凝视……”唯一的缺憾,那个大眼睛的小男孩现在长得太残了。