The Story
The opening sequence involves a flaming factory, a missing foreman, and an accused worker. Leopold Dilg (Cary Grant), a factory worker and a self-professed radical and political anarchist is falsely accused (framed on trumped-up charges of arson and murder) in a small New England town by the factory owner Andrew Holmes (Charles Dingle), for setting fire to the Holmes Woolen Mill factory and killing its guard/foreman Clyde Bracken (Tom Tyler). After being arrested, tried, and sentenced to hang, Dilg escapes from prison, goes on the run from the police, and hides out in the secluded country home of high-schoolteacher Nora Shelley (Jean Arthur). She is in the midst of preparing the old farmhouse (Sweetbrook cottage) in which she used to live for summer rental, as the fugitive with a badly injured ankle arrives. They had known each other as schoolmates:
Nora: Leopold, as far as I know, you're capable of anything, even burning a factory. You were the wildest kid that ever went to a Locester school. Dilg: You wore pigtails then. I was in love with you.
Amusing circumstances arise as she attempts to keep his presence a secret in the attic from the unsuspecting renter who arrives unexpectedly 24 hours early, due to the fault of his secretary. The tenant is a conservative, strict law-and-order, Dean of Commonwealth Law School and legal scholar, Professor Michael Lightcap (Ronald Colman), who is being considered for a Supreme Court appointment. The erudite professor hears Dilg snoring at night, and thinking it's Nora, remarks: "She must have adenoids." Nora is forced to identify Dilg as "Joseph," the gardener to the professor. In a classic scene, she drops the professor's egg breakfast on the newspaper's front page, where Dilg's picture is portrayed with the headline: "DILG ESCAPES TRAP!"
Dilg and Lightcap become engaged in long arguments about the law. Dilg maintains that the law is "a gun pointed at someone's head" rather than being created with common sense for what people actually do. Although they disagree at first, Dilg is persuasive. The professor learns Dilg's real identity, but must be careful not to hurt his chances for appointment when he defends and reopens Dilg's case.
In the end, Lightcap helps clear Dilg of his crime, defends his rights, and uncovers a frame-up, with a stirring speech in front of the courtroom to an unruly mob:
His (Dilg's) only crime was that he had courage and spoke his mind...This is your law and your finest possession. It makes you free men in a free country. Why have you come here to destroy it? If you know what's good for you, take those weapons home and burn them - and then think. Think of this country and of the law that makes it what it is. Think of a world crying for this very law. Then maybe you'll understand why you ought to guard it, and why the law has got to be the personal concern of every citizen, to uphold it for your neighbor as well as for yourself. Violence against it is one mistake. Another mistake is for any man to look upon the law as just a set of principles. Just so much language printed on fine, heavy paper. Something he recites and then leans back and takes it for granted that justice is automatically being done. Both kinds of men are equally wrong. The law must be engraved in our hearts and practiced every minute, to the letter and spirit. It can't even exist unless we're willing to go down into the dust and blood and fight a battle every day of our lives to preserve it, for our neighbor as well as ourselves.
The studio originally shot two different conclusions to the film -- one where Cary Grant gets the girl, and one where Ronald Colman wins Jean Arthur's affections. The film ends with both Dilg and Nora in Washington, to see Lightcap take his rightful place on the judicial bench. Although Nora winks at the judge, she races after Dilg for a film-ending embrace in the hallway of the US Supreme Court building.
故事不止于法律探讨,看似内核涉及大陆法系和英美法系的哲理思辨,实则仍基于一个艺术-电影的史学分合路线,即好莱坞出自建构主义的艺术创作基调——相信人性和情感的古典原动力,情动必然大于辩理。 则主角必定掌握着绝对的道德倾向而决定了他的弧线走向紧紧绑定着通理的价值判断,这是好莱坞的基础,也是所谓保守的来源。全片的氛围亦在不断地强调着这一心理预期,并试图以法官的存在假装扰乱这一过程,实则是进一步反衬主角的正当性。 而观众等同暴动的人民,他们朴素着义愤填膺,但永远不忘施加暴行,那么电影是谁?前半是法官,建立规则-世界观,后半是主角,用行动造梦-生情,两者握手,抚平暴行,规则和现实吻合,观众得到安慰,人性的温良无条件地位于中心,满载淳朴的信任,矛盾也只是它的垫脚石。
★★★☆☆ 没关系,我兰是花瓶。
3.5+ 剧本很有趣,前半段里摄影和调度挺有想法的,跟剧情的设置也有关吧,可惜没能keep up. Jean太可爱啦!煎蛋遮脸笑得我sadkhfdshgfslakhg; Grant太不讨喜了表现也被另外两人艳压...
黄金时代罕见的类型复合片,而且有趣的是三位主角的人设就对此有所指涉:潇洒嫌疑犯Cary Grant(犯罪/喜剧)、喜感多情的Jean Arthur(喜剧/爱情)、拘谨法学教授Ronald Colman(剧情/律政)。 ///// 看是George Stevens导演、开场又是罪犯逃脱,以为会是犯罪剧情片,结果画风慢慢转变,二三十分钟处就变成了Screwball喜剧,而到了大情节点出现时犯罪(破案、法庭)和正剧(感情线的动人时刻)类型再次进入;全片不断在氛围上转变却又不显突兀,这种类型并存比类型融合难度系数要大得多,编剧聪明、导演Stevens掌控力也是一流。 ///// Jean Arthur这种不靠美貌靠喜感立足的女演员在那时是个珍宝,算是Renée Zellweger傻妞类型的模版吧。
2012.02.23 My poor justice……CG已经拥有那么多,为什么还要夺去教授的爱╮(╯▽╰)╭结局太纠结了。。。BTW,大叔剃了胡子瞬间魅力四射了啊喂!【花痴ING~】
老电影里总有丰富的戏剧冲突,这种古典味道现在已经难以寻觅。Cary Grant果然总是在最后得到女主角,但个人为Roland Colman抱不平,绝对的绅士,整部电影他最闪耀。PS,Jean Arthur发挥水平正常,就是造型太失败,看上去好显老。
“i’ve perjured my soul for thousands of years to come” hahaha LOVE
笑点太少了。不过Jean Arthur真的好棒,台词被她说出来都那么有意思
Ronald Colman在法庭上开枪那一瞬间真是擦着了老娘的心火
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7.5 前半段夹着罪案与法制辩论滚雪球妙趣横生,虽然需要完成情节并宣扬法制无可厚非,但是后半段对爱情线的刻画亮点不多,导致喜剧氛围的营造也平平无奇。
那个年代的电影都这么抓人的吗, 丰富又利索。在乐观的人眼中,暧昧是漫长冷静的旋律,只是情感中若有似无的部分。没有刻意的接近与亲吻。而且永远不担心没人来爱我,对有一点好感的亲一下,对另一个亲了很多下。那是一种自然而然的疼爱与保护欲。“一个积极的人必须活动他的腿脚。”“用一些你听过的谎言,我给她一种她没有的性质和魅力,我研究每个女人最显著的弱点……长期伪装我的灵魂。”一个人对另一个人的称呼真的特别重要啊。