





穿制服的女孩 剧照 NO.1 穿制服的女孩 剧照 NO.2 穿制服的女孩 剧照 NO.3 穿制服的女孩 剧照 NO.4 穿制服的女孩 剧照 NO.5 穿制服的女孩 剧照 NO.6 穿制服的女孩 剧照 NO.13 穿制服的女孩 剧照 NO.14 穿制服的女孩 剧照 NO.15 穿制服的女孩 剧照 NO.16 穿制服的女孩 剧照 NO.17 穿制服的女孩 剧照 NO.18 穿制服的女孩 剧照 NO.19 穿制服的女孩 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-04-11 15:59


故事发生在一所女子寄宿学校中,这所学校的校规是出了名的严苛,所有的老师和学生都生活在校长的铁腕统治之下,有苦难言。只有女教师冯恩博格(多萝西·维克 Dorothea Wieck 饰)和其他人不一样,温柔又善良的她坚信只有耐心和爱才能够教会这些女孩什么才是生命里真正重要的东西,因此冯恩博格在女生之中非常的受欢迎。   其中一个名叫玛努薇拉(赫塔·提勒 Hertha Thiele 饰)的女生对冯恩博格格外的崇拜,渐渐的,两人之间的感情便突破了师生情谊的界限,失控了。在戏剧节的庆祝会上,玛努薇拉借着酒劲向冯恩博格倾诉了对她的感情,恰好被路过的校长给听见了,校长将这离经叛道的行为视作是一种疾病,把玛努薇拉关进了医务室。


1 ) 穿制服的唐·卡洛斯

从Henry & June(改编自阿娜依斯·宁的日记,有公映Mädchen in Uniform的片段)追溯到本片。很惊喜30年代的电影能把女性之间的爱慕表达得如此优美、自然。Manuella在旋梯上与同学初次见面,被善意地提醒不要爱上Miss Bernberg。可以想见,她们所在的教会女校,对女教师的爱情虽不可张扬却再寻常不过。
少女们在威权教育的指缝里焕发着不可抑制的生机,她们激烈的感情唯有在Bernburg小姐那里得到理解和抚慰。她以爱引导学生,希望她们拥有壮健的人格,不沦入恐惧和孱弱。她执行纪律和抗辩命令的方式令人敬服。近乎理想的形象。Miss Bernberg所言说与践行的“爱”是多义的。既可能是上帝之爱,也可能是母性之爱、浪漫之爱,没有清晰的边界。这种暧昧颇可玩味。我很愿意想象,当女教师说“我爱你们每个人”时,同时也在吐露对少女们的柔情。

2 ) 记一些台词


黑短发女孩乱入:"每个人都竭力大喊 我们什么时候开饭呀?"

——"你知道你住哪间宿舍吗?" ——"马加尔说我住冯·伯恩伯格夫人的宿舍" ——"当心别坠入爱河!因为所有的女孩都对伯恩伯格夫人一见钟情"

女校长:"我们普鲁士人不懂得饥饿 她们是士兵的孩子 若能如愿 也将成为士兵的母亲!通过纪律和挨饿 我们才能重返光荣 否则根本不可能"


——"…我想到等我再长大些就得离开这学校 每天晚上您也会亲吻其他女孩…" ——"你都在想些什么啊" ——"我太爱您了!"

——"妈妈说我不能太柔弱 祖国需要钢铁一般的人民" ——"我妈妈也在这里待过四年 她难道忘了这里环境多糟么?"

女教师:"我不会放不下我的岗位 我知道我不能再留在这里 我不能站在一旁看着孩子们成为被恐吓的无助的动物"

3 ) 补充一些我的感想,后面补充一下电影剧情介绍,以及下载。






英文字幕 德语原声「穿*的女孩」是第一部女同性恋电影,故事背景是一所女校,里面的学生都是军官的女儿,恋情发生在学生玛努拉和老师弗劳蕾之间。玛努拉刚刚死了母亲,她象所有的同学一样崇拜老师弗劳蕾??因她是所有教师中唯一不相信棍棒教育的人。但是不久她们便彼此感到异样的吸引,虽然老师不愿承认这一点。一次,在学校的戏剧节上,玛努拉领衔主演了席勒的「唐·卡洛斯」并大获成功。在其后的庆祝会上,当所有的女孩都喝得有点醉晃晃时,玛努拉向弗劳蕾表白了她的爱情。但是不巧校长听到了炽烈的尾声,遂把玛努拉送进了医务室。但是,玛努拉却在校长和弗劳蕾谈话时,从医务室逃出来,爬到了学校楼梯井顶端,打算跳下去,这时,其他的同学和弗劳蕾都赶出来救她。而远处的校长只有一个人慢慢走向走廊的阴影处。
  这部德国电影自上映开始,就好评如潮,票房颇佳,而且,没有在任何一个地方被禁,和第一部男同性恋电影的命运截然不同,虽然里面也有女孩一起沐浴的镜头,只是灯影斑驳,拍得非常抒情。不过影片中有一个细节却是影片的真正*:弗劳蕾到宿舍去和女孩们说晚安,她在每个人的额头上吻一下,轮到玛努拉时,女孩很兴奋地勾住了老师的脖子,弗劳蕾轻轻地把她的手移开,但在接下来的一个漫长特写中,弗劳蕾很不寻常地吻了玛努拉,吻在她的嘴上。所以,玛努拉才会在酒后大声表白:"她给了我一个礼物,一件衬裙。我真幸福因为我确信,确信她在乎我、、、、、、"而扮演玛努拉的赫莎(Hertha Thiele)自影片公映后,也源源不断地收到求爱信,有男人写来的,也有很多女人写来的。

4 ) 1931

Junes filles en uniforme met en scène l'amour de Manuela pour sa professeure Mademoiselle de Bernburg au sein d'une institution à la discipline rigoureuse réservée aux filles de la haute société. C'est l'un des tous premiers films de l'histoire du cinéma à prendre pour sujet une histoire d'amour lesbien. Après un baiser furtivement échangé dans le dortoir, l'enseignante offre une chemise de corps à la jeune femme, qui lui confesse alors son affection et sa tourmente. Censuré par le régime nazi, ce drame emblématique de la République de Weimar distille une critique de la société patriarcale à l'aube des régimes totalitaires.

5 ) [Film Review] Mädchen in Uniform (1931) and These Three (1936)

Double features time! German female filmmaker Leontine Sagan’s MÄDCHEN IN UNIFORM is a vanguard of queer cinema made in 1931, and William Wyler’s THESE THREE, arrived 5 years later, is based on Lilian Hellman’s sapphic play The Children’s Hour, but lesbianism is completely effaced due to the Hays Code, and Wyler would later remake a “veritable” version in 1961 starring Audrey Hepburn, Shirley MacLaine and James Garner.

MÄDCHEN IN UNIFORM is adapted from Christa Winsloe’s play and old hand Carl Froelich is credited as the artistic director to lend a helping hand to Sagan’s first feature. Corralling an all-female cast, the story is exclusively confined in an all-girl boarding school in the dog end of the Weimar Republic.

Governed by a prim and property headmistress (Unda, an exemplary schoolmarm adorned by a pair of pince-nez), the school aims to groom young daughters from military families to be child-bearers of future soldiers, the headmistress exclaims that they should be raised on hunger and discipline. But where there is oppression, there is revolt, not all the girls are toeing the line, especially the vivacious Ilse von Westhagen (Schwanneke), a mischief-maker whose misdeed (smuggling letter to her parents for more money because them girls are always hungry, even in Sundays), doesn’t deteriorate only because the caring intervention of Fraülein von Bernburg (Wieck), the judicious, tender governess who doesn’t see eye to eye with headmistress’ imperious command.

Fraülein von Bernburg is the star teacher that every girl admires and adores, and her goodnight kiss is a ritual of utter bliss. For a 14-year-old Manuela (Thiele), her attachment to Fraülein von Bernburg is more intense, unlike others, their goodnight kiss is on the lips, and she falls in love with her (she can barely speak in front of Fraülein von Bernburg, a fool-proof sign of infatuation), but as an adult, Fraülein von Bernburg knows better not to spoil this fragile bond and overstep the boundary. When Manuela is the worse for drink after a successful school play, she lets slip her secret in a fit of euphoria, and its repercussions are resoundingly pathos-stricken, yet, the film is anything but a misery porn, after flags up its anti-Fascist message, it propitiously brings down the curtains and leaves the denouement in ambiguity rather than anything more concrete. That said, its "love is love" affirmation ought not to be eclipsed by its vehement political opprobrium.

Wieck has a very peculiar presence of mind and impassive mien which suggests charisma, mystery and indissolubility, and Thiele possesses that photogenic and expressive visage of innocuousness, youthfulness and vulnerability, it is very hard to credit they have the same age, both were born in 1908. Kudos to the casting process! Then, speaking of Sagan’s directorial endeavor, it is to her credit that we do not feel constrained in a single location, her camera never feels plodding, her sense of composition is overall felicitous, like the vertiginous shot which foreshadows where a tragedy might occur, or the remarkable close-ups foregrounded in soft focus. Moreover, her female identity also helps to reassure the young female cast and elicit most spontaneous reactions and outburst from them, not to mention the jubilant solidarity. Sagan’s proficiency can contend with those from any member of the other sex, yet she only made three movies in her entire life, which makes MÄDCHEN IN UNIFORM such a puissant hue and cry to redress the inequality in the director’s chair, and individually, it is an endearingly stirring film completed with true grits and pluperfect tact.

THESE THREE, on the other hand, except for being marred for its inborn cop-out, is almost identical with THE CHILDREN’S HOUR (1961), Hellman’s dialogue remains largely intact even if the central Uranian affection is debased to a heteronormative love triangle. Two best-friends-cum-school-teachers, Martha Dobie (Hopkins) and Karen Wright (Oberon), both attract to the wholesomely handsome doctor Joseph Cardin (McCrea), but he takes the shine to Karen, so Martha has to hide her feelings.

But a vicious lie from one of their care, the bratty, self-serving, manipulative Mary Tilford (Granville) will shatter the fabric of their school and relationships, as simple as that. However, poetic justice might arrive belatedly, it is never absent. But by that point, audience might be too despondent and benumbed to toss a care. Most afterthought can be aptly copied from my review of THE CHILDREN’S HOUR (1961), but there are some divergence.

For one thing, Granville’s Oscar-nominated performance of an obnoxious bad seed is so extreme and single-minded (Patty McCormack gives a more superior impression of spill-chilling apathy in Mervyn LeRoy’s THE BAD SEED, 1956), a sense of awe actually transpires when she finally gets a whack in the face, in the hands of none other than the fearsome Margaret Hamilton, how satisfactory it is! And in the realm of prodigious child actors, Marcia Mae Jones’ extraordinary embodiment of the patsy Rosalie Wells is every bit as stupendous if not more. Tellingly, those young girls' copious theatrics may betray the difference whether they are handled by a man or a woman.

While THESE THREE is unexceptionable in its narratology and stock soundstage artificiality, no one should deny Hellman’s script is a fertile land for its actresses, Catherine Doucet’s highfalutin and exceedingly self-serving Auntie Mortar (a role played by Hopkins in the 1961 remake) might be bracketed as one of the most odious characters ever on the screen (with Granville’s Mary hot on her heels), yet her unrepentant carriage and locution is fabulous to gape. As a different kind of irritant, Amelia Tilford, Mary’s doting grandmother, stage thespian Alma Kruger, in her very first screen role, presides over with utter composure and later, registers a dignified pang of guilt and pain that comes to save the day.

Among the three leads, McCrea ekes out just adequate charm to convince us he is a catcher, he has more fun throwing sideswipes at Auntie Mortar than spouting sweet-nothings; and Oberon, right in her prime and is game enough to be chipper but also has that essential demureness as a classic Hollywood diva, almost virtuous to a fault. So, we can only rely on Hopkins to ginger up a semblance of perversion that goes missing in the revamped story, and she is there does what she does best, adding layers and layers of pent-up emotions (both to Joseph and her aunt) even there is nothing happens exteriorly. Why her Martha shouldn’t have a darling of her own? There must be a man for her in Vienna too, perhaps a woman even? In THESE THREE’s gynophobic backwater, Martha is an echt heroine and the film fails her cravenly.

referential entries: Wyler’s THE CHILDREN’S HOUR (1961, 7.3/10); Josef von Sternberg’s THE BLUE ANGEL (1930, 7.4/10).

Title: Mädchen in Uniform
Year: 1931
Country: Germany
Language: German, French, English
Genre: Drama, Romance
Director: Leontine Sagan
Screenwriters: Christa Winsloe, Friedrich Dammann
based on the play by Christa Winsloe
Music: Hanson Milde-Meissner
Cinematography: Reimer Kuntze, Franz Weihmayr
Editing: Oswald Hafenrichter
Hertha Thiele
Dorothea Wieck
Emilia Unda
Hedy Krilla
Ellen Schwanneke
Gertrud de Lalsky
Erika Mann
Annemarie von Rochhausen
Else Ehser
Rating: 8.1/10

Title: These Three
Year: 1936
Country: USA
Language: English
Genre: Drama, Romance
Director: William Wyler
Screenwriter: Lillian Hellman
Music: Alfred Newman
Cinematography: Gregg Toland
Editing: Daniel Mandell
Miriam Hopkins
Merle Oberon
Joel McCrea
Catherine Doucet
Bonita Granville
Alma Kruger
Marcia Mae Jones
Carmencita Johnson
Walter Brennan
Margaret Hamilton
Rating: 6.7/10

6 ) 非常好看的一部电影!

主演的女老师 Dorothea Wieck 是三十年代非常有名的德国女演员,她的海报在上海的天蟾剧院还曾经出现过!她当时主演的爱情片什么的在上海也曾经放映过。






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有一个苹果挂在枝头,是采果子的人将它遗漏? 不是,是没有人能得手——萨福

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8/8.5 作为直男已经为这部作品中的女性之美深深折服 虽然影片深处表达出对普鲁士式斯巴达棍棒教育的鞭笞 但作品本身最耀眼的光辉还是那群活泼可爱青春年少的姑娘以及冷艳而沉静的Frau.Bornberg 这部充满着自由气息的作品也只有在魏玛时代才会出现吧 它糅合着传统普鲁士的不近人情的冷酷坚毅的作风与1918后自由的朝气 充分反映出了不同的三代人的观念--刻板的校长 严格而温柔的教师 朝气蓬勃渴望自由的年轻人 最后校长一个人落寞消失在长廊尽头的镜头让人感到伤感 它仿佛让人看到了1945年后彻底消失的那个最传统的普鲁士要素的德国;十分赞同作品中的一个观点 即身为人师最重要的原则是公正/die Gleichheit;作为30年代的老片 我十分中意当时的作品不含杂质的纯粹艺术性的观感

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