Title: The Tarnished Angels
Year: 1957
Country: USA
Language: English
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
Director: Douglas Sirk
Screenwriter: George Zuckerman
based on the novel “Pylon” by William Faulkner
Music: Frank Skinner
Cinematography: Irving Glassberg
Editing: Russell F. Schoengarth
Rock Hudson
Dorothy Malone
Robert Stack
Jack Carson
Robert Middleton
Christopher Olsen
Troy Donahue
Alan Reed
William Schallert
Rating: 6.8/10
THE TARNISHED ANGELS, Douglas Sirk’s cinematic adaptation of Faulkner’s Depression-era novel PYLON, repeats the winning formula of WRITTEN ON THE WIND (1956), with Hudson. Malone and Stack, all returning to the fold. Yet, for those who are ensorcelled by Sirk’s variegated palette, the big comedown is that it is a black-and-white fare.
Hudson plays Burke Devlin, a journeyman-cum-lush, gets interested in the barnstorming airshow, and meets Roger Shumann (Stack), a daredevil WWI ace and his wife LaVerne (Malone), a parachute stuntwoman, and their 9-year-old son Jack (Olsen), plus Jiggs (Carson), the grease monkey. Will he get a substantial story out of his involvement? The denouement is more than what he bargains for.
LaVerne is the neglected wife, sadly even her marriage is the outcome of a dice game, yet, between the good ol’ Jiggs and a stony-faced Roger, a woman is destined to pick the high-flying, handsome hero who is ill-equipped for love and family. Burke’s advent gives her an opportunity to make a clean breast of it, he is a charming, tender receptacle of her pent-up discontent, they might have a passionate affair, but that doesn’t change the status quo. Burke is far too righteous a man to interfere a holy union, and LaVerne can never get over her stolid Prince Charming, is indiscriminately at his beck and call, even for an immoral proposition, she will hardly demur. That is the draw of a man like Roger, his hard-nosed, hellbent masculine toxin that gins up eligible girls’ romanticized fancy of “a man worth marrying”, LaVerne would be far more happier with Jiggs, but both in Faulkner’s head space and in Hollywood’s propaganda mill, a soft touch like him has no chance of winning the girl, even second-handedly.
The love triangle is namby-pamby, Roger’s promised fresh start is tinged with a blasé fatality that even a toddler can outguess what is in the horizon, the emotional tangle in THE TARNISHED ANGELS is a few notches below the torrid quotient in Sirk’s other films, notably the three also starring Hudson. Even so, a Sirk’s picture is never unprepossessing, the striking chiaroscuro overshadows the dark corners of one’s unsaid vice, and the aerobatics are brilliantly maneuvered (LaVerne’s base jump is deceptively astounding) save for the final crash, obviously there is a shallow, artificial pond right in front of our eyes, how can they not find the body?
Acting wise, Stack is too self-serious and uptight to hint Roger’s inability of adjusting a fly boy’s life in peace time; Carson is a remarkable sidekick as Jiggs, who unfairly takes the short end of the stick when all is said and done (why no one wants to recruit such a proficient mechanic?), you feels sorry for him, but in the same breath thinks he deserves the misery because of his weakness; Malone asserts herself glamorously under the monochromatic allure, she could be a tamed man-eater, or a saintly mother, but never asks for our compassion; finally, Hudson appears as a solid lead, and delivers perchance his most eloquent monologue in the aftermath of the tragedy, a conventional Hollywood leading man in a full-bore mold, all square and virtuous, not unlike its soft-pedaled ending, extricating a woman from her seedy acquiescence and humorously setting up a future reunion, oh, what a dreamboat!
referential entries: Sirk’s LURED (1947, 6.5/10); WRITTEN ON THE WIND (1956, 8.0/10).
what a jerk abusing his admirers and prioritizing his own ego over his responsibility as a father and a husband. also cast a big sarcasm on the heartless and blind mass; a bunch of hypocrites taking the fools and the poor's advantages when they can. gross. this is a very difficult film to watch, to say the least. an impressive line from the reporter: "I've got the story in my aching heart. I got it by crawling through dirt and filth and muck and smut! By finding truth and beauty where you'd never expect to find it."
As an audience, I'm really tired of hearing Mr. Shuman's big dream and can't come near to appreciate his passion and his willingness to accept death as his fate. Maybe that says something about 21st century. My education in behavior/ brain science won't let me believe in 'the calling'. He chooses to be an unearthly man and it's not a decision easily understood by others. a dangerous threat to daily routines and social norms.
The hook really lies in the roughness and imperfection in every character, the kind of subtlety rarely seen in Hollywood. however, the ending is narcissistic. sick of listing to pedantic talk on 'follow your dreams.' what a waste of time. feel sad for Jiggs and the boss.
瑟克的电影是为了满足女人爱做梦的天性而造的梦,看他的电影只看到女性关怀而看不到深层反讽会少了很多乐趣。这部电影同样如此,所有男性角色都必须爱上女主角,他们是女主角可以自我欣赏美丽忠贞的一面面镜子,是女主角可以一次次冲动任性选择后丢掉的棋子,而最后女主角必须要放弃所有男人,独自承担起责任(孩子)上路,以表演她的独立坚强和自由,为了不太决绝,结尾还必须给女主角留下一线希望(男主之一送的书)...结尾Rock Hundson问女主角“你的梦想是什么...你今天的梦想是什么” ,其实一语点醒了观众,电影结束于女主独自带着孩子乘上飞机升上高空飞向远方,留下勇敢追梦的形象在观众心中.....忍不住赞一句,瑟克高级黑。
搞不懂为啥Sirk喜欢用Rock Hudson,傻大个儿好难看有没有
也不是看不明白瑟克的好啦,但是这种好和通俗情节剧的做作组合往往令人愕然。哈德森的角色可鄙至好笑,酷似让娜莫罗的多罗西马龙纤弱而无主张。每一个人的不幸都是由他们自己的愚蠢所招致的,使得最后那句“你的梦想是什么?” 的问句成了一个极端辛辣讽刺的笑话。
7.7 细看瑟克的这部电影,其叙事以及表演并不是总是有效的,甚至还有些粗糙,但它在一种相当风格化的形式中却也成为了瑟克最具有诗意的电影之一,有着一战情节,有着对三十年代人们的精神面貌以及对游乐场与飞行表演时代的怀念,更有着风格化布置的场景中角色富有韵味的诗意对话或独白。
3.5 那天晚上,LaVerne离开机房的时候,Roger、Jiggs、Burke 三个男人的眼神都是爱。
20.5.24 第二遍。劇本牛。可以和灰燼與鑽石對比著看。2015/12/3 第一次领略瑟克之美,本以为出自卡赞之手,性感又透着含蓄。法斯宾德不像瑟克 觉得瑟克张狂多了。Rock Hudson是不是脸庞子大了点啊 这种闷骚的小记者角色蒙哥马利克里夫会好点咩?
incertitude de l'amour...