我觉得这个系列不需要解读了,谢谢你洛奇,送给你的诗 一 拳击手在办公室想起 自己快被打死的那个晚上 想想那时候真的挺牛逼 整个洛杉矶的夕阳 都等着自己驼它回家 拳击手的心脏还是藏在手套里 他买了一箱子绷带 扔在角落 拿起一瓶啤酒 给儿子讲讲做人的道理 穿上不合身的西装 对女人说 喜欢现在的这份工作 也许一个老头 就应该待业在家 感叹感叹关节炎 然后顺便种种花 二 过期的拳击执照早已结灰 待价而沽的 只剩下二十多岁时 留下的伤疤 拳击手虽是个不擅长爱情的人 但不喜欢看任何一个女人哭泣 没有老婆 只剩一只叫沙袋的狗 如今那只狗也蔫了 只是偶尔还嘟囔两句 三 拳击手觉得自己活的太久 生命真他妈的冗长啊 于是某天挺直脊背 跑去跟年轻人打一场 挨打时的感觉 依旧是如此的美妙 除此之外,还有一个漂亮女人 她一直盯着我看 她开心的真不像话 也许我脑门上滴下的鲜血 比玫瑰花还他妈温柔
I still remembered the first time seeing Rocky. His statue was in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art (PMA), at the right corner of the stairs. By then, I was just a freshman at Bryn Mawr, a kid who did not know much about Rocky and Philly.
It was until 2018, a year after I graduated from the college, I watched the first movie of Rocky. It was stunning to see him standing at the same place in front of the PMA, raising his arms toward the sky. It was absolutely THE film that could represent the soul of Philly in my utter dream. I wrote - "Philly has carried the purest four years of my life. I wanna punch, as hard as Rocky did, on the ring, towards the end of my life, but I also knew that I could not and did not want to return to Philly."
Out of the fear that the ideal of Rocky would collapse, it took me another three years to watch the rest of the movies recently in 2021. Watching Adrian, Mickey, and many other important fighters lived, stayed, and passed away was definitely heartbreaking. However, Rocky was there. After the fight with Apollo Creed, Clubber Lang, Captain Ivan Drago, Tommy Morrison, and Mason Dixon, Rocky was still running along every street that I could easily recognize in Philly. I guess Rocky was wiseful to say, if you stay in one place long enough, you become that place.
I liked the clip when Rocky and Paulie were talking about the final fight, they said -
Paulie: What, you haven't peaked yet?
Rocky: Peak?
Paulie: Yeah. Peak.
Rocky: …I don’t know. There’s still some stuff in the basement.
Paulie: What basement?
Rocky: [Points to his chest] In here.
What was the stuff in the basement Rocky was referring to? Was it pride? Was it self-respect? Was it the damn beast inside?
I soon figured out that it was Rocky's deterministic way of living that had drawn me into him, just like all the heroic figures in the epic poem. Rocky is a fighter. He fights not because he can’t sing or dance, but for the reason that fighters fight.
Marie was right when she said to Rocky -
You know, who you are, you konw the part of you that is so full of life. I mean, we all have that feeling, that fire. We usually never get a chance to use it and then it just goes away. But you can. You've got this opportunity. So, do it. Why not? I mean this is who you are. This is who you will always be and you don't move aside for nobody untill you're ready to move and it does not matter how this looks to other people. All that matters is how it looks to you. Rocky. Rocky, look at me. How it looks to you and if this is something that you want to do and if there is something that you've got to do, then you do it. Fighters fight.
Rocky was right when he said to his son Robert -
The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now, if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody!
Yes, Rocky has gone through hell, worse than any nightmare one could ever dream. But when it is over, he was no longer another bum from the neighborhood, but the one who stood in the ring, with the eye of the tiger.
The Soul must have selected his own Society. Rocky has a life, with Adrian and many beloved ones. He succeeded because he kept going, and going, and going.
I hope one day, someone could also say to me, "I live with a fighter." Till then, my name would be Chris Balboa for the end of my life.
系列电影到最后真的会有感情的,最后一部的画面和比赛镜头处理都进步了很多,熟悉激荡的配乐再次响起,情绪也跟着波动。洛奇老了,可还是那么迷人。这系列最吸引我的其实并不是作为胜者 或者拳王的洛奇,而是作为男人 身为人夫人父 或者身为亲属好友的洛奇,真诚地对待自己对待他人,以及对待生活。
拳击教父的精彩谢幕,和1、2一起构成完整的三部曲。 岁月如刀,我们哗啦啦老去,甚至来不及变得更智慧。但我们的激情仍未消亡、心中的梦一如当初。 Fighters fight,以后的人生绝不退却。
永远的不败拳王,永远的励志鸡汤,时隔三十年,史泰龙端出一碗热气腾腾的陈年老鸡汤,为《洛奇》系列画上了一个完美的句号。同样的配方,却有着不同的味道,曾经的热血拳王,如今已是孑然一身,那滋味你我都清楚,闪耀之后的暗淡最让人心碎。他像一个徘徊在往事里的老大哥,开着面包车在回忆中游荡,向旁人讲述着当年那些爱与斗志的传奇,也许就这样了此残生未尝不是一种选择,但史泰龙给了洛奇战斗的最好理由:伟大的拳手绝不会在餐馆里为昔日的荣光沾沾自喜,只要还能挥拳,你就没有理由退役,战斗是拳手的宿命。最后的决斗显得可有可无,因为全系列最棒的高光名场面在中段就已经出现了: “胜利不在于你可以打出多重的拳,而在于不管你被怎样的重拳击中,依旧可以勇往直前。”香港电影《打擂台》结尾原封不动的照搬了这句话。全系列最好的就是5和6。
16.2.7 背景与心境变了,结局与精神没变。这个系列其实看1和6就够。