19个赛季,137名选手,这个收视长红的老牌真人节目已经伴随我们九年半。此番节目方召集20名玩得最精彩最富话题性的明星选手,在萨摩亚展开一场英雄对阵恶棍的终极较量。这些第二次甚至第三次参赛的选手究竟会选择报复还是救赎,而在这场正邪较量中笑到最后的究竟会是勇气荣誉还是智谋诈欺。敬请一起关注 Survivor:Heroes vs Villains !
幸存者:全明星 正邪之争 第二十季 Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Season 20 (2010)。
Russell 加 Parvati
5 ) Still the Best Season So Far
Just finished watching this season again. I have so many strong emotions during the time. And when it's over, I just don't feel so strongly against many players.
Boston Rob, one of my favorite players, left earlier than I expected. Knowing him won the last season is really comforting, because it's just sad that he did not go to the end this time. He had the perfect plans and they just did not work out because of other people's stupidity, if I may. He sees through people, knows what they value most, he can talk through to people but he's just not as manipulative as Russell. Rob is a positive force that brings the tribe together to win, while Russell on the other hand, as the evil force drags the tribe down the black hole. The only thing I remember about Rob in the former seasons is that he betrayed the player that he gave his word to in exchange for the protection of Amber. That's probably why he is on the villains' tribe. But in this season he did seem to be more of a hero to me. As he said, he tried to do good so bad that he physically made himself sick. He can sense the dynamic changes but sometimes it just went out of control.
Sandra, another favorite of mine, won for the second time. The last season that she won, was the first time the jury agreed with me. She is always the underdog, "that's part of the strategy" she herself. She's not a physical person, but she's strong. What I love most about her is her attitude. She was not afraid of pissing anyone off, she just said directly to Russell that she was against him while so many people there were so afraid of Russell. She saw people's weakness and made use of it. She knew what to say, what to do and what not to, such as not to get to Russell's nerves when she can't afford to. She did not seem to make any stupid move. She tried hard to not only survive after all her alliances were gone but also planned to get rid of Russell. Well, due to the heroes' stupidity and weakness, her planned did not come true but it did not get back to her and hurt her. She made the perfect adjustment after she knew the plan would not work. I am really wondering what will happen if she and Rob went all the way through, it would be tough for me to choose. Another thing is that Sandra is good at speeches, look at when they plead their cases in front of the jury, she was the only one that was comfortable and confident.
Parvati, who I did not like at first, surprised me later in the game, not only in terms of challenges but also in social game. At the beginning I just didn't understand why everyone saw her as a big threat, she was just good at flirting with men. And I just did see what charm she had that just attracted people. I respected her more in the end and she is a great player. But what she has is powerful, I wonder what she would be like in real life I guess she got what she wanted easily most of the time.
Russell was playing to get to the end but not to win this game. I felt there was some luck in Russell’s moves, because people just so afraid of him and did what he asked them to do after he pulled out one or two bold moves. And his ego just grew bigger and bigger, and could not stand anyone that did not agree with him or he thought did not agree with him. When he felt he was not in complete control of the game he went crazy, like Parvati said, he’s like a two-year old boy whose toy was taken away.
Tom seems like a decent guy, though I did not see he played before. He was still physically strong although he already got white hair. Unfortunately I don't know that much about him, but I like him anyway.
Candice is such a bitch, who you could never trust. Physically she was strong, but she was pathetic in the game. She just saw other people's strong alliance and rushed to kiss their asses regardless what good opportunity was representing to her. Just like she broke her word to vote with Tom and Colby to get rid of James, and also when she got a chance to vote off Russell when Sandra proposed that plan. She just couldn't help to follow other alliance's ass rather than make a big move and had her own alliances. I did not understand why she was always on the outs at the beginning then I got that. She's just pathetic and untrust-worthy, and even worse a bad liar. I mean what's the sense of denying that she told Russell their plan after Russell confronted Sandra directly.
J.T. is slime. He thought he was smart, but he won't survivor one day in the villains' tribe. He was always forth and back. The only bright move he made was to get rid of Cirie when they could. Well, that was also based on some luck.
Cirie was a good player, but unfortunately she did not get enough chance to show that in this season. She was on the wrong tribe. She's no hero, we saw her in former seasons that she was a black widow, who was good at persuading people without drawing any attention. She would definitely last longer in the villains' tribe, the heroes were paranoid and unpredictable in some senses. Cirie's mistake was she did not realize that.
Colby is probably the only real hero in the heroes' tribe. I feel bad for him knowing that he was like a superman in the show before but could not perform like that anymore. (Thank god Ozzy is still like unstoppable.)
James is a total poser. Big muscles and little brain.
Amanda is still good physical player and on other aspects I just don't like her. Always with those puppy eyes and everything. She's not confident even when she was in the final three. When she told Parvati that they were voting her out and she should use her idol and blablabla with her puppy eyes and that pathetic look, it still did not work.
Coach and Tyson's stupidity failed Rob's perfect plan. Reminding me of the funny saying that the scariest thing is not to have a competitor as strong as God, but to have teammates as stupid as pigs. They just came up their stupid plan of their own which gained themselves nothing but screw anyone else up. Coach was worse at that tribe because he always said he was a man of his words but he betrayed his word and Rob to waste his vote on Courtney resulting Rob to leave.
Jerri, I don't know why she trusted Russell so much and did whatever he told her to do. It's just I'm out of words for this.
Daniel did not make me much impression besides her big boobs when I review this season again. But when I watch it this time, she was physically strong and stood up to Russell and speaking out her opinion. And with that final breakdown, it just made her human. She's not very strategic player, we could see that by how she interacted with Russell. But she made a right alliance and stuck to it, which was why she lasted that long.
What a season, hople one day another season could top this!
在第一阶段中,参与者一方面要确保本部落能在竞争中保持优势,以避免进入投票淘汰阶段,使所有人处于不利境地;另一方面,要在部落内部形成联盟,打击异己,使自己成为“大多数”,保证安全位置,并适当为后续赛程做准备。这两种矛盾的交织成为这一阶段的看点,也被称为old school(努力体现自己的价值) 和 new school(努力结成联盟,成为大多数)。
这季绝对是神作啊!Russel 和 Rob之争啊。最后Sandra打败了恶魔、女王、英雄、伪君子,真是腹黑啊!
英雄毁在了JT和kandice手上 受不了蠢货 不知道他之前怎么夺冠的。。真的是被雷到了。。。。
4.5; what All Stars was supposed to be | 1407重看
腹黑,暗杀。Russell is born for that game, ROb is much more adorable than ever.
惊人,已经第二十季度了,我从cook island时,喜欢上幸存者。在此中看到力量,智谋,荒唐,感人,奸诈,背叛,可爱…---这么多和选手们一起目睹过。现在20季了,曾经自己喜欢过的选手,讨厌过的选手,齐聚一堂,一场正邪争霸大战已展开……wow,will be burning!