The second highest grossing film of 1950 in USA, trailing only behind Cecil B. DeMille’s SAMSON AND DELILAH (1949), KING SOLOMON’S MINES, for what it is worth, is a supernal Technicolor spectacle that brings to the forefront the biosphere of the African continent and unveils the mystique of its indigenous mankind tribes (namely, the Kipsigi Tribe and the Watussi Tribe in Kenya Colony),
Taking oceanic liberty with H. Rider Haggard’s popular source novel - for example, the female protagonist is purely the scenarist’s invention - Compton Bennett and Andrew Marton’s film (allegedly the latter replaced the former due to some internal discontent among the crew) hews subserviently to Hollywood’s romanticizing trope as if the exotic land itself isn’t a fecund enough soil to keep audience rapt, who are mad keen to spectate a faraway Continent opening up to them for the first time, could they care less of the burning passion between British safari guide Allan Quatermain (Granger) and his demure client Elizabeth Curtis (Kerr), a married British lady looking for her missing husband, presumably lost in his quest for the titular treasure.
That said, Granger and Kerr actually contribute more than what they are allotted to - i.e. the tedious battle of sexes under the backdrop of a terra incognita, their chemistry is torridly felt (and infamously consummated offscreen). Even saddled with a risibly inexplicable hairdo makeover, Kerr’s Ms. Curtis is ravishing to behold, showered in the polychromatic glamor, and a swarthy, husky Granger is well togged up as a proto-Indiana Jones type, not batting an eyelid in the face of whatever adversity, who also diligently utters Kipsigi language as if it is his second nature.
Save for the opening elephant-hunting stunt, which looks callously cruel to today’s optics, KING SOLOMON’S MINES downplays the colonialism influence and largely portrays the white people as rubberneckers rather than interlopers of the tribal affairs, although the major upheaval they witness is the overthrow of a current king by an eligible challenger, which betrays an occidental perception towards the primordial civilization and also works as an implicit harbinger of what will happen once the outside world encroaches upon their territory.
For the continent’s fauna and flora, the film really breaks a sweat to capture them on camera, so are the tribal dances and close-up portraiture of tribespeople’s individual distinction. The stampede sequences are noticeably manipulated into wholeness by post-production. The ensuing thrill is inevitably dented notwithstanding, the crew’s Herculean undertaking and technique bravura remains grandly meritorious and awe-inspiring.
In all fairness, KING SOLOMON’S MINES is less a treasure hunting escapade than a broad travelogue about a foreign land, it contains enough footage to pique your curiosity, but, like most commodities from the Hollywood assembly line, however exquisite it looks, it is lensed through an exoticized, mythicized “white gaze”. There is a mental resistance to truly knowing these strangely donned and extraordinarily looking human beings, any attempt of a deeper communication between two different races is snuffed on the drawing board, why is that? This could be today’s food for thought.
referential entries: John Ford’s MOGAMBO (1953, 6.2/10); Steven Spielberg’s INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM (1984, 7.2/10); James Gray’s THE LOST CITY OF Z (2016, 7.7/10).
Title: King Solomon’s Mines
Year: 1950
Genre: Adventure, Action, Romance
Country: USA
Language: English, Zulu
Directors: Compton Bennett, Andrew Marton
Screenwriter: Helen Deutsch
Based on the novel by H. Rider Haggard
Music: Mischa Spoliansky
Cinematography: Robert Surtees
Editors: Conrad A. Nervig, Ralph E. Winters
Deborah Kerr
Stewart Granger
Richard Carlson
Hugo Haas
Lowell Gilmore
Rating: 6.8/10
一点不夸张的说 每出现一种动物 我的鸡皮疙瘩就落一地 全身难受。。真的太多动物了 most of all都会咬人都很可怕!!!很难相信Kerr拍完这部之后居然还想接the African queen。。这女人是得多胆大心细热爱大自然且喜欢表演啊!不过这部里她的造型是真美啊 尤其是那小刘海 简直满分!整个人粉嫩可爱又不失女人味~
如果不是女主glamorous到完全不像户外人士,这片子就是动物世界+野外生存节目了。实地拍摄的非洲景观壮美又刺激,一看就是必须在影院看的视觉大片,配上说得过去的剧情,有悬疑有动作戏,男帅女美谈谈恋爱……What's not to like. 看Kerr演这种无脑美人总有些不适,这部比起爱情喜剧里还更无脑一点。不过人美就好咯。
冲着kerr看的 比较“傻逼”的非洲异域风情冒险猎奇片
可以簡稱:英勇鎮定的非洲通白人,跟他的拖油瓶們--不停花容失色的Deborah Kerr、不停秀下限的小黑呆。Technicolor。以真實不浮誇的非洲描述,堆高男女主角的性別張力與愛情火苗,策略與執行不差,但好像只有這招;全片嚴格說來沒有大高潮,角色曲線也簡單,最後居然收在黑人部落的酋長之爭。
难道就我一个人觉得好看吗 异域风情观光大片