fucking freak 异装癖姐妹团 舞台感十足的电影,华丽绚烂的服饰。从头秀到尾。
性感歌姬 灵魂舞者 颠覆认知男做女 华服道具 世界舞台 天地苍茫怅寥廓 对自身性别的反复确认 对自我认知的不断求证 对世俗伦理的强烈冲击 对传统观念的道德宣战
Revisiting this 90s flamboyant drag cult made from Down Under, a trio of drag performers, two drag queens, Mitzi (Weaving) and Felicia (Pearce) and a trans-woman Bernadette (Stamp), embarks on a road trip on their titularly coined bus,from Sydney to the outback to perform their routines, en route, they meet multifarious people (whose reaction ranging from beneficent, gobsmacked, impassive, miffed to violent, and the juxtaposition between the aborigine and the white hicks is piercingly sharp) and each has his/her own generational revelation to cope with by the time their four-week-stint ends.
Felicia, a sassy whippersnapper played by a sinewy Guy Pearce in his breaking-out cinema role, who constantly squabbles with Bernadette and has to learn his lesson in a hard way after he has a narrow escape of hate-crime induced mutilation, and Pearce is barnstorming to a fault, as if he is too self-aware of his orthodox masculine appearance, which he compensates with a patina of effeminate affectation and posturing that runs to distracting, as we know that queer and masculine don’t necessarily exclude each other, perceivably, he is the weakest link in the fold.
Hugo Weaving’s Mitzi, acting more natural in his persona’s stage/private distinction, carries a more weighty responsibility when we realize he is married to a woman and they have an eight-year-old son Benji (Holmes), the burden of guilt and shame is what weighs down on every nonconformist being’s soul, his tentative attempt to reconnect with Benj engages with a tender vulnerability that precariously avoids becoming saccharine, which says a lot about the performer’s emotive strength.
Nevertheless, the best performance is unequivocally from Stamp, whose Bernadette is long in the tooth, but she proves that wisdom, dignity and snide quips are amassed through years of hardened self-preservation against side-eyes and brandishing fists, Stamp embodies her with superlative poise larded with subtle cynicism and utter phlegm, which makes Bernadette’s romantic kindling with a rough diamond Bob (Hunter) more like an unexpected boon than a hackneyed plot maneuver.
The show must go on, and for a drag troupe of three, lip-syncing of queer-friendly iconic hits (Charlene’s I’VE NEVER BEEN ME is an infectious show opener, which would be dusted off in Lynne Ramsay’s YOU WERE NEVER REALLY HERE 2017, and rendered an idiosyncratically poignant effect) is just a one trick pony doesn’t offer much variations, so their pageantry lives and dies with its gaudy, zany, eye-popping, varicolored, Oscar-winning apparel, particularly when being put into use against the vast topography in the middle of nowhere, and the crowning moment on the top of King’s canyon, that majesty feeling of being unique in a cosmic world is so refreshing and life-affirming.
Lastly, one cannot stress this enough, it is an unqualified relief that director/writer Stephan Elliott sticks to his guns with a less dramatic leitmotif to anchor his tragedy-prone subject matter in the most gracious way one can probably conceive,PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT is truly,ahoot and a half.
companion pieces: Beeban Kidron’s TO WONG FOO THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, JULIE NEWMAN (1995, 6.0/10); John Cameron Mitchell's HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH (2001, 7.1/10).
真的不需要粉红火烈鸟那样的臭文艺片了 这是才是正儿八经的文化片
4.5.多健康啊,一点都不变态。Hugo Weaving和Guy Pearce实在让我出乎意料,服装表演什么的绝对加分!原声都是经典曲目啊(I've Never Been To Me真好听,并且歌词巨契合他们的心理啊)
先看的Broadway show再看的电影除了Bernadette能和Broadway平分秋色剩下的都不行虽然costume获了那年的Oscar但比起Broadway差了一大截音乐也有差距
里面的笑话太逗了,“你为什么不去把你的卫生巾点着了,然后把逼炸了?因为这是你唯一能获得高潮的机会。”结尾居然还有彩蛋......荒芜的沙漠和主演艳丽的装扮形成了鲜明的反差,乐观的在 这残酷的世界上生存下去....
Hugo Weaving一刚,哈哈哈哈哈,他真是一点跳舞天赋都木有。化了妆都大老爷们一个,一点基佬味都木有