Communications lab终于开始看电影了,写完reflection决定来豆瓣改造一下自己最近语言单一的豆瓣主页。
Before I write about the obstruction I am assigned to, I’d like to write some of my feelings of the original version of the Perfect Human at the first time. This short experimental documentary shot in 1967 really gave me a new experience of different types of images. Two people doing meaningless things in a boundless room, presenting this process makes itself meaningful. It is a little bit abstract and hard to understand, but also really cool and interesting.
The biggest difference between obstruction 1 shot in Cuba and the original version is that obstruction 1 is colored. It is really interesting that how significant different impact these two skills bring to us. The black-and-white version conveys less subjective emotions and establishes a space with sense of outer space. The colored version is more like a documentary. And by giving answers to the questions, audience has less open space to think about the movie itself, instead, they are presented by the director’s view.
However, Leth still used trick in this obstruction. He left enough time between the answers and questions, which helped the audience to think more.
And because it was shot in Cuba, the characters were changed and style of the set was more exotic. Images wit high saturation combined with the 12 frames skill created a strange asthetics. It was more like a supplement of the original version. People in different races can all be perfect human. There are different types of perfect human.
The most difference between obstruction 1 and other obstructions is that this obstruction is relatively representational. The narrative (although a little bit hard to understand) still plays bigger role than the technical skills or formats. I think it’s to some extent an advantage. But it is also necessary to try new techniques for experimenting and keeps the industry of movies developing and alive, which reminds me of the newest movie of Ang Lee. I really love the idea of using a half transparent screen to divide the real life and the obstruction 2. And the asthetic style of obstruction 4 also attracts me. Using cartoons to create transitions through so many scenes quickly, it enables us to show what we cannot show via cameras.
And the obstruction I like most is obstruction 5. Leth is reading the transcript Trier wrote for him in his tone. The transition of their roles finally expresses the aim of Trier. He wanted his idol fail, but Leth never failed and gave surprising outcomes. He was the perfect human himself, and this is how perfect human falls.
看到有轉發的電影簡介中列出"五道障礙"并不准确,真正的五道障碍片中已经写明 其原文分別為: 1.obstruction #1 : 12 frames, answers, cuba, no set 2.obstruction #2 : a miserabel place, don't show it, Jorgen Leth is the man, the meal 3.obstruction #3 : complete freedom or back to bombay 4.obstruction #4 : cartoon 5.obstruction #5 : Lars Von Trier will make the last obstruction, Jorgen Leth will be credited as director, Jorgen Leth will read a text written by Lars von Trier 中文来讲就是: 1.将影片由原帧速率变为12帧速率(大大破坏原素材的连贯性和播放速度);回答原片《完美的人》中所有問題的答案;在古巴(完全陌生的国家)拍攝;不可設置佈景 2.去一個悲慘的地方;但不能展現它(挑战莱斯的道德);反而要(在那个悲惨的地方)完成原片中的盛宴;原片中的角色缺席,導演只能自己演出 3.由于第二个挑战莱斯没有遵守“不能展现它”的规则,因此冯提尔给出的条件是,要不然就再去孟买拍一遍,要不然就不再设限,讓導演重拍自己的電影(进行过艺术创作的人都知道,完全的自由意味着多大的难度) 4.做一部卡通片──片中兩位導演都討厭也不熟悉卡通片的製作 5.影片導演署名"乔根.莱斯(本片的起因:作品 《完美的人》 的原作者)",並由他閱讀旁白,但掌控內容的是馮.提爾 这个片子可以说是冯提尔给他的老师乔根·莱斯提出的“挑战”。乔根·莱斯其实是冯提尔非常尊敬的大师,片中他不止一次说《完美的人》是完美的作品,非常喜爱。然而两人间的恩怨看来也是颇有些纠缠,貌似是相爱相杀的情感。拉斯提出的挑战,声称目的就是要让莱斯亲手毁掉这部作品,方法就是设置障碍的再创作,好玩的是莱斯也十分配合。 其实所谓毁掉,也并非破坏,而更多是以一种实验的态度去重构,这其中最有趣的问题就是:作为一个电影大师,要如何努力去制作一部“烂片”,否定自我?因此观众会看到,莱斯每一次“努力”创造烂片上交,冯提尔都表现的非常不满 “你怎么总是做的这么好?” “完美的电影早已存在了(指原片完美的人),你还要做得这么好有何意义?” 冯提尔从来都是一个魔鬼一样的导演,他的电影生涯及其作品在内容上、形式上都不断在制造颠覆,如果单纯把它看成故事片导演,那真是狭窄了,他是一个真正的实验者,这一次的五道障碍,怕也是其玩兴所致,拉上老师乔根·莱斯入坑,即颠覆了他,也再次颠覆了电影。
A self-finding projet
"This is how the perfect man falls." 莫名其妙的精彩!!!从未看过这般设置的纪录片,甚至说是电影也不为过。You really see Leth in his eyes and never know how he ends the section. Obstruct, Deconstruct, and construct. Chris
Freedom should be the most horrible obstruction.
喜欢第三个!我觉得这样的游戏恰恰要求了提问者的机敏与品味。私以为第四个确实不怎么样……尤其是这种画风的动画 真的很容易拍成屎哈哈哈哈哈
将五部片子连起来看 相当有趣味性
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