The main story is set in the year before World War II, drew out by the narration of an old man who is a relative of the heroin Anne and who at that time was a little boy.
Anne was an adopted child of an aristocrat family. She was a popular actress before the War started. Her father Alexander and brother Ralph were all working for the government. The family seems to live a tranquil and idyllic life. However, after the death of an old friend of the family, the peace life was gone forever. Anne accidentally found a record which contained the evidence that Alexander and Ralph were arranging an action to assassinate their political opponents in order to keep Britain out of the war. And she later found out that whoever knew about the existence of this record was killed or commit suicide. Trying to dig out the truth, she met with strong resistance. And eventually, as she was getting closer to the truth, the family grounded her in a country villa. Being secretly released by her mother, Anne chose to leave the family forever.
The movie presents three common attitudes the British people held towards war.
One is represented by the father who had gone through the World War I. They had seen the cruelty of war and chose to do their best to keep the peace, even at the cost of that the Britain might be Nazified although they did not approve Nazism. From today’s perspective, their approach was least inadvisable, but this judgment is based on one premise that we already knew the course of history. Although the policy of appeasement is doomed to fail, this attitude still enjoyed great popularity before the war broke out. Because it not only corresponded to the country’s inherently conservative bias but also met people’s requirements of avoiding mass casualties. No wonder why the father in the movie, together with the whole family, would resort to extreme measures to stop Anne. Objectively speaking, Prime Minister Chamberlain’s appeasement policy was not useless at all for it bought Mr. Chamberlain some time for updating the Air Force and the defense radar system, which set the foundation for the Churchill government.
The second attitude is represented by Anne and Hector in the movie, and Winston Churchill in reality. On the one hand, Anne was driven by her sense of justice that people should never commit atrocity even it is for the interests of the country. On the other hand, she did realize that blindly making compromise to Germany was in vain.
The last one is represented by the mother, an inconspicuous member of the family. Compared to her husband and children, she showed little enthusiasm in politics and stayed out of the whole action towards Anne. Every time she appeared on the scene, she was doing gardening. Let things drift if they do not affect one personally. This is also a feasible way to save oneself during the war time, but it is the most passive method among the three.
I think the director shows clearly in the story which attitude he favors. In the end, all the other family members died. Except Walter and his brother who was just a baby when things happened, Anne was the only one survived, which symbolizes the victory of bravery and justice.
冲着卡司来看的,看之前不知道是什么题材,只知道有托比少爷和DT。一开场发现李爷爷,小雀斑,朱诺坦普尔,bill nighy这么多人把我激动坏了。
结尾看得我wtf,不错的一部电影在最后给毁了,女主穿越时空的笑容,我get,so what?导演想通过它说明什么?度过难关的坚强?对家人的宽容?你们这俩兔崽子不把我当家人看但是我现在过得好好的原谅你们把你们当家人,恩。败笔。
赎罪. 70年过去,重逢时只是一句“你好”。
色彩与服装无比美丽,细腻舒畅的镜头与画面,永恒不变的对英国country house的热爱,DTT惊鸿一瞥,虽然无论是bill nighy还是其他人都有没有发挥畅快的感觉,但是还是有绵长的诗意在其中。
我不知关于此人,我的所爱总是那服装,画面,还是那总是带一点诡异气味的叙事…… 但我的确曾很爱很爱
Toby只在开头和结尾出现了一下而已,当然美丽如故。居然这片子也有Juno Temple……都跟Toby合作2部电影了,不会擦出什么奇怪的火花吧?!那个神出鬼没的小男孩Walter每次出现我都觉得我看的是鬼片……最后他们把女主放了是什么原因啊到底。。。英国人奇怪死了
「It's not always a good place to go, the past.」「This little war makes everything uncertain.」
BBC出品必属精品!绝对属于《傲慢与偏见》同等级的精品。英国贵族风范十足,各种细节体现着家族历史沉淀的底蕴。到最后,那母亲的一句:go!以及女主的一句:we are all family,让人心中一颤。