1 ) 虎头虎尾中间乏味
2 ) 不得不看
只要你喜欢the west wing 只要你喜欢Aaron Sorkin 只要你看了第一集 你就不得不看!!!
3 ) 最应该被NBC复活的剧。
10年前,在大学宿舍里,看了一两集,就转战到了30 Rock,后来再没拾起,甚至看过的部分也忘光。简直可以说是这两部剧的命运缩影。
现在从头开始看,是因为患有“Aaron Sorkin”症,在看过无数遍WW后,想起还有其他解决上瘾问题的药。
总体比WW还是有差距的,但跟The Newsroom,这部Aaron自己很不满意的作品水平相当。Aaron擅长的是除男女感情戏外的所有戏,除恋爱故事外的所有故事,这部也不例外。由于将两条主要感情线和一条次要感情线放到了非常重要的位置,所以剧情就显得不够紧凑,而且经常从高智商快节奏的其他剧情突然转换到低智商拖沓的恋爱剧情,让人非常难受。我相信,即便是删除感情线,Aaron也能将故事讲得无比精彩,这不得不说是本剧(唯一的)败笔。
表演,Bradley Whitford, Matthew Perry, Steven Weber等老司机当然是奉献了完美表演,Simon Helberg也展现出了过人的喜剧才能,并在第二年伴随TBBT而爆红。这里着重说一下三位女主。
Sarah Paulson,彼时只有32岁,还尚可扮嫩,而且扮得毫无破绽。本来是个了无生趣、纠结反复的惹人生厌女一号,却被她演绎得非常可爱。本剧中的出色发挥给她日后的辉煌奠定了很好的基础,每个人都能看出她的才能,最终在美恐和美罪中横扫各大奖项封后,修成正果。
Amanda Peet,和Sarah的角色正好相反,完美的独立女性设定(演员本人也是哥大毕业的纽约人,本色出演),干练潇洒的工作方式,一出场就让人惊艳。但半途加入感情线后人设崩塌,工作上的对手也不知为何(可能因为剧被砍)而消失,只剩下一个拖泥带水且不怎么干活儿的良家妇女形象,实在让人绝望。其本人的表演也乏善可陈,没能像Sarah Paulson一样力挽狂澜。演员的丈夫是冰与火之歌的制作人David Benioff。
虽然从剧的中段开始Amanda的角色就崩坏了,但还好出现了一个顶替甚至超越这个角色设定的新角色,即加拿大女演员Kari Matchett饰演的律师Mary Tate。可以说,这个人在一定程度上拯救了本剧的后半部分,不仅和其他演员之间都产生了化学反应,而且其塑造的女律师形象可能是美剧中数一数二的。这个角色不仅作为女性能令最苛刻的女权主义者满意,而且作为一个不需要增加性别标签的现代“人”,也是完美的标杆和榜样。
Aaron Sorkin在他的编剧课上说过,编剧虽然对角色进行了描写,但角色的大部分都还是需要演员来完成的。拥有一批优秀的演员作为长期合作伙伴,也是AS能够一直获得成功的法宝吧。毕竟不是每个人都能把台词说这么快的。
4 ) It's show business.
In 2006, after 3 years of absence, Aaron Sorkin came back to NBC with his new show, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, a show about behind-secene stories of a fictional late-night sketch comedy show that airs on a fictional televion network, NBS(National Broadcasting System). Simply put, basically it is a duplicate of the SNL in another parallel universe. Designed to be "cutting-edge", the show rests itself upon long and quick conversations on ideological conflicts, religious beliefs, gay rights, and other big issues alike. Clearly enough, Aaron Sorkin was hoping to make a Hollywood version of The West Wing.
In one of the early episode, a journalist of Vanity Fair gets a full access to the show so as to write a special column about it. When Matt Albie, the head writer and executive producer, played by Matthew Perry, asks her during one of the many conversations why a journalist as prominent and political as she is, who had covered presidential campaigns, would want to write stories of a televison show, she responds, "I'm writing about it because what's happening here is important. I'm writing about it because I think popular culture in general and this show in particular are important." To be sure, this is not her talking. This is Aaron Sokin himself talking.
One season later, in sharp contrast with the huge anticipation before and the intense bid between networks for the pilot, the show was cut because of poor performance in ratings. The viewer numbers dropped their way down until the end, and the critics, largely comdians, were nothing but disdainful, accusing it of being unrealisitic and exaggerating television shows and its people's intellegence and infuence on American viewers.
Meanwhile, another show, also based on stories behind a fictional sketch comedy show, won more than one man can hold with both arms at the Emmy, except it is a comedy instead of drama. It is, of course, 30 Rock. It is not smug, nor condescending, nor trying to convey big, remote, complicated ideas to ordinary American people who sit in their couch after a long day merely looking for something funny to watch. It is simply made to be funny. It is the opposite of Studio 60. And It worked.
It must have been a big slap for Aaron Sorkin.
Then, two years later, came the 2008 presidential campaign. We all know the result as we can draw thousands of conclusions. But, notably, one of the most significant one of which is inarguably the former Alaska's governor, Sarah Palin. To be fair, however, the female role model governor's debut did not appear as devastating for Mccain's presidency as it later turned out to be, if anything, it surely has much to do with Tina Fey's merciless impersonation of her on the SNL, a late-night sketch comedy show that is real.
- Could somebody add some extra drama and irony, please?
- Tina Fey being the creator and leading actress of 30 Rock.
Yeah, that'll do it.
5 ) Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.
亚伦·索金写《新闻编辑室》之前的warm up,能看出来他其实是想让这个剧走长久的,但是这个剧整个的结构、每一集的结构都不太常规,很多情节点到为止不给观众太多满足感。 索金借着自己的作品又表达了一堆观点,包括媒体行业与爱国主义、宗教等等之间的关系。后来索金的《新闻编辑室》其实和《日落大道60号》很相似了,结构剧情和某些人物都是,甚至有的梗都是重复的。主要差别在于《新闻编辑室》中很少展现特别深的友情,而《日落大道60号》中Danny和Matt的友情的确是深刻的。索金好像的确不太会写谈恋爱的戏,这里的几对显然都是靠灵魂和意识在交流,不知道怎么就好上了。 能看到Matthew Perry在《老友记》以后有这样一部优质作品还是很欣慰的,他用演技证明了自己并不只是Chandler Bing。Sarah Paulson长相一般但是气质还是带点娇俏,可惜在这部剧里表现力不够强。Amanda Peet演的Jordan McDeere刚开始让人以为她的角色对位是《新闻编辑室》的Charlie,结果发现其实是Sloan,后半季全程都在卖萌。
6 ) 超级欢喜的Studio 60
Studio 60是我新剧中最喜欢的
华丽丽的片头 看着就让人热血沸腾
虽然Studio 60的收视率总是那么危险(Aaron Sorkin+Matthew Perry+Bradley Whitford的组合实在不该只有这么点收视率 胸闷死)
但是好歹也安全拿到了full season order了
我发现Danny实在太charming了 那是一种不同于Matt的魅力
他总是那么忠实地在Matt的身边 给他灵感 帮他解决麻烦 这种关心深藏不露
至于Matt 我还是那句话 抛开Chandler的光环 他还是魅力十足 crazy about him always!
还有Studio 60中的其他人 都有着自己的电视梦
We'll be the very model of a modern network TV show
最后 瓦卡卡 Shipper的本性
Matt和Harriet 分手后依然暧昧 2次几乎都要kiss了 可惜...不过这样感觉反而更好
You know, sometimes I think the only reason I got a sketch on the air was 'cause I was trying to write well enough so that she would notice me.
至于Danny 我真的好想知道他的感情经历= =这个可怜的男人 可以yy他和Jordan
7 ) 值得期待
有Aaron Sorkin的编剧,就足以吊足胃口。再加上the west wing中的Josh和Friends里的Chandler那就更值得期待了。虽然只出了pilot,但是2个人的对手戏已经让我觉得这是一部今后Amy奖常客的剧集。特别赞一把Matthew,表演完全没有Chandler的影子,非常出色!!
8 ) a great show
美国电视人的紧张生活——无疑是好电视剧。但说实话,好多台词来不及思考就move on了——非常强悍的精致对白,经常语带三关引经据典的,缺乏行业背景知识就看的有点儿费劲。2010.3.16
Matthew Perry其實很適合這樣的角色
此剧为了MP成为制作人铺路,也多少成就了现在的30 Rock
Mattew is a writer and Josh becomes a former producer? ha
NBC 2006
非常爱 却被.....MD