看了Roger Ebert在上映当年写的影评,发现是这一部电影启发了一种新的类型,披着恐怖片外衣的血浆喜剧片。Sam Raimi把血腥的镜头大杂烩之后营造的黑色幽默非常天才。Roger Ebert说这是一部“about bad taste”的电影,很精妙的评论。
顺手搬一下原文。Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn movie review (1987) | Roger Ebert
"Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn" is a comedy disguised as a blood-soaked shock-a-rama. It looks superficially like a routine horror movie, a vomitorium designed to separate callow teenagers from their lunch. But look a little closer and you'll realize that the movie is a fairly sophisticated satire. Level One viewers will say it's in bad taste. Level Two folks like myself will perceive that it is about bad taste.
The plot: Visitors to a cottage in the Michigan woods discover a rare copy of the Book of the Dead and accidentally invoke evil spirits. The spirits run amok, disemboweling and vivisecting their victims. The hero battles manfully with the dread supernatural forces, but he is no match for the unspeakably vile creatures in the basement, in the woods and behind every door.
This story is told with wall-to-wall special effects. Skeletons dance in the moonlight. Heads spin on top of bodies. Hands go berserk and start attacking their owners. After they are chopped off, they have a life of their own. Heads are clamped into vises and squashed. Blood sprays all over everything. Guts spill. Slime spews. If nauseating images of horrific gore are not, as they say, your cup of tea, the odds are good you will not have a great time during this movie.
On the other hand, if you know it's all special effects, and if you've seen a lot of other movies and have a sense of humor, you might have a great time at "Evil Dead 2." I did - up to a point. The movie devours ideas at such a prodigious rate that it begins to repeat itself toward the end, but the first 45 minutes have a kind of manic, inspired genius to them.
Consider, for example, the scene where the hero severs his hand from his body and the hand takes on a life of its own, attacking him. Leave out the blood and the gore and a few of the details, and this entire sequence builds like a tribute to the Three Stooges. Consider the scene where the hero attaches a chain saw to what's left of his amputated arm. Disgusting, right? But the director,Sam Raimi, approaches it as a sly jab at the wayRobert De Niroarmed himself in "Taxi Driver."
I'm not suggesting that "Evil Dead 2" is fun merely because you can spot the references to other movies. It is because (a) the violence and gore are carried to such an extreme that they stop being disgusting and become surrealistic; (b) the movie's timing aims for comedy, not shocks, and (c) the grubby, low-budget intensity of the film gives it a lovable quality that high-tech movies wouldn't have.
There is one shot in the film that is some kind of masterpiece. There is a force out there in the woods. We never see it, but we see things from its point of view. In one long and very complex unbroken point-of-view shot, this force roars through the woods, flattens everything, crashes through the cabin door, and roars through room after room with invincible savagery, chasing the hero until.... But I wouldn't dream of giving away the joke.
“I`ll swallow your soul”"swallow this"帅爆了加一星~第二部标准cult电影啊~不过帮第一集什么关系?怎么又用树枝rape妹纸……
补标,11.15 凌晨02:52感觉是第一部火了以后,才拍决定第二部,所以开头草草复刻了第一部的剧情,也就是说,后面的剧情会接第二部?那第一部的结局,男主应该是挂了?PS:这系列的风格不适合我,一点都看不进去,不像《月光光心慌慌》那样看得投入
情节异常紧凑 很多场景丝毫没有因为时代而褪色而变得幼稚。骷髅舞和墙上鹿头的突然张嘴都是很经典的恐怖桥段。PS 会找到鬼玩人看完全是因为 faceoff做了这样的一集,看的2而不是1 是看到有人说2是1的精装升级版。
hilarious! 卡通片音效 特效化妆很假 king of b-movies演戏走Jim Carrey路线 导致我全片笑场 stop motion跳舞那段比Tim Burton还奇幻 棒极了
cult 恶搞 主观镜头Then Let's head down into that cellar and carve ourselves a witch.
2008.5.29 直奔闹鬼主题。人挺搁折腾。
Bruce Campbell和自己的手演戲。斜角構圖(The Haunting)。剪接。惡魔的主觀鏡頭。
几个鬼追人式的长镜头让人叹为观止。恶梦般的天马行空。那我们去地牢,扮一次女巫。酷。最高恐怖片之一。上集的成本就连本集的一个零头都不到,几个定格做的着实不错。本集也奠定了系列无限重启和整体anthology感的基调。副标题Dead by Dawn,连起来颇像是“大排档大排档”(开饭了开饭了)2333